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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Take the chance to change for the better~

Here comes my once-in-a-blue-moon hair update! I splurge on my hair once again, since that became the only place where I can spend my money on without feeling guilty. Since this was my resolution, and I just have to get better to look pretty isn't it? lol.

First I have bought this hair oil months ago but I've just started using it this month. I wonder is it me who's having this new product fallacy. Every time I bought an use a new (hair) product I always feel it's better than the previous one that I've used. Okay, so what's nice about this one? It just made my hair more smoother than the previous one. OH really? (¬_¬)

How else can I describe hair oil then? Aren't they supposed to make my hair smooth and manageable? Okay, the previous one works just as well. But somehow I just feel it's just better at doing this job. It's actually meant for damage hair though, so maybe that's why it's just better than CC hair oil. I guess so. I'm satisfied with it for now. hahaha.

Because my hair looks messy with all the frizz, to be honest, no matter how much hair oil I apply to smoothen it, it look like it wants to fly. I have to comb it once every few hours (ideally) so it's actually hard to tame them down. I have a hard time with them but it's not like I hate my hair. It's much much better after I head to the salon for treatments. And my natural wavy hair just made my hair lively, just that it looks like it doesn't wanna stay like how it should.

SO! It was my hairstylist who can't tolerate my messy hair, and went to soften my hair by persuading me to let her do straightening this time. I haven't had straight hair in years and this brings back so memories though. I'm lucky that there's lotta discount for me so this was worth the price including the products I have to get. (^_-)-☆ And I have to emphasize that my hair now is indeed more manageable when it's super straight now, I don't have to comb so many times, it'll all just fall into place. Although I'm not used to it since it's been holy many years. And my fringe style totally changed. lol. Thanks stylist thanks. I have a sudden change in my image that I'm not even feeling I'm myself. Is this good? I feel like life is hinting at me that I should have some form of change.

2 more products added into my life and telling me to be more diligent to take good care of my hair. Oh the trouble of doing more things now lol. For beauty's sake, how can I slack! I better get myself to use up the scalp spray soon too. Oops. (≧▽≦)

Well then, let's see if a month later, will my hair still stay in place. And I think I've got the urge to change my hair again... =D

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Cosmos #13 (Cont') | Unspoken thoughts

Let me continue about the past week. I received gifts from a friend days earlier before my day so it was a good one. And I even had a nice surprise on a Friday. I'm glad I have friends who cared, after all. But still, I haven't been able to meet one properly for a whole afternoon meal out and have lengthy chats. It feels like I'm missing out on life. On one hand, I wanna spend more time thinking about what I wanna do, and not waste too much time about socialising since, it didn't help me that much. When you're at this stage of your life, you're probably trying to figure things out badly, and your realised having a few friends is just good enough. The rest that you know of are just acquaintances waiting to see when you can be a laughing stock. The world is a harsh reality. Everyone around just wanna make comparison and see who's the winner. It's an endless game that is so unhealthy which makes you get so sick of life. What's so good about mixing around with people? Fake people? (¬_¬) I'm so tired enough of facing people. Really tire out.

I really hope to have a break or else at best live my simple life in a deserted island without having to worry much. Who cares about the money! Money is the devil! It made us so stressed up about living. I hate to make it a consideration in my life. It's so hard to get everything balanced. Everything needs money it's disgusting. I hate how we have to be bound by it. We are all struggling just to survive. I dislike living in this era. I almost dislike everything now. I hate how helpless I can get. Why are my strengths so limited? Why do I have to lead a life like that? Why do we always have to be bullied? Why do people go for what benefits them and scorn and look down on others so easily? I'm not there to see your face and keep accommodating to your nasty ways. It's so hard to do things when you don't have the position and authority. This world is sick! Humans are the source of problems. I wanna stop having angry thoughts of them which tensed me up so much. How I wished, if I can throw some eggs at some of them to vent. No but it can only appear in my thoughts. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

I'm so angry now that I might need to calm down. ⋋_⋌ Okay, let's just see what I've got.

As for these skincare and cosmetics stuffs, I bought them for myself though. Hehe. I was waiting to get something new for myself in a long time! But the drugstore I frequent isn't near me anymore so I have to go to another one in which I'm not a member of at all (wasted). I'm just sad that the essence cosmetics are getting lesser and harder to find. They are good and cheap brand in which I'll recommend. I love using their products and still sticking to it until now. I hope they can be here for a long time and continue doing more. I have been buying their limited editions and I still enjoy it. Made me feel so excited each time. If anyone knows me, you would have known that I'm really a fan of their cosmetics now. haha.

Yes, and time to really sit and think and do more brain exercises whatever about life.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Cosmos #13 | There are things that I wanna abandon

Good grief! Am I back alive to get this blog going?

At some point of time, I would like to stop and have a break. Or just give up altogether.

There are so many things that I wanna achieve, and yet my strengths are so limited.

I am so tired of hanging on and staying the same that I really need to push myself forward for more.

I wonder for the current direction that I am facing was right at all. But if I don't give it a shot, I will never know.

Can't believe, it's just been a while and my typing style has became quite differently. =/

On Thursday, I was kinda in the mood of getting some cosmetics for myself at a drugstore but I was stumbled by surprised where the shop I used to go got shut down and was replaced by something else instead. I was UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED. I knew for sure I shouldn't be heading down to a place intentionally just to get something. You won't know for sure if something 'bad' can happen, like the things you wanna get happened to be out-of-stock, or worse like this - the entire shop isn't around anymore. I thought it must be a mistake. I searched the web for the unit number and obviously it wasn't updated! *I'm so angry* because I walked around the entire floor to search for it. I should have trusted myself instead of wasting time because I went into the drugstore before it's not like I don't know where it is.

I ended up reaching home much later, feeling lost as to what I'm doing. I didn't expect it and I had enough of anything bad because I'm starting to hate my job and the people I face. Everyday it's slowly killing me inside.

Never have I thought this day is coming to me so soon. I'm really exhausted. T_T

When will I be allowed to truly have a break? WHEN?

To lessen my disappointment that day, I went to the Japanese snack store to grab some candies and instant latte. For whatever use. -_-

Have I got any happier?

As you could have guessed, I didn't even touch those 2 yet. I wasn't that enthusiastic anymore.

I need someone to listen to me and let me lead a life of my own.

But what can happen this soon? =(