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Kagrra, quotes♥

Lyrics translations @ 鬼愛~Demon Passion~

List of Kagrra, pvs 
List of Kagrra, lives 


Isshi solo

01. 雲燦霧消 Unsanmusyo -- 新たな命燃えて純白の溫もりに 出会えればもう一度 全てが終わりを告げ A new life will burn with pure white warmth If we can meet once more it will all come to an end

02. 沙羅~懐かしの楽園~ Sara~Natsukashi no Rakuen~ -- 音のない川の畔幼のは震えて 言葉知るこの想いは海へと流れ逝く A child sways on the bank of a soundless river My thoughts for which I know the words are flowing to the sea

03. 京~古の扉が今、、、~ Miyako~Inishie no Tobira ga Ima...~ -- 光向けて時をはらりはらり揺れて 影の歪めに声越えて包み込む Time that faces the light falls and sways A voice passes distorted shadows and wraps me up


01. 屍楽園 Shirakuen -- 離さないでいてね 耳許で囁いた "Don't leave me here, okay?" you whispered into my ear

02. 羅紗桜 Rashasakura -- 二度と愛せない貴方よ 永久の誓いよ咲いて My eternal vow will bloom for you whom I can't love again

03. 死ノ国 Shi no kuni -- 何故に心なるものは 時を量ねて膨れる毎に Why do my beloved things build up one by one over time?

04. 哀し 怨めし あな愛し、、、 Kanashi Urameshi Ana Itoshi... -- 仮令 焦がれ焦がれて 哀しみさえ燃えても Although I yearn for you, I long for you so much that even my sorrows are burnt away

05. 離別~雅な空の下で~ Ribetsu~Miyabi Na Sora no Shita De~ -- 一人だなんて言わないで 自分の事を信じて Don't say things like "I'm alone," believe in yourself


With pvs

01. 「叫び」Sakebi-- あの青く晴れた大空に叫んでた 在りし日の俺が口を開け笑った I cried out to that blue, clear sky The me from days before would have opened my mouth and laughed

02. 四季 Shiki-- 人は掌を合わせて 明日を願い祈る けれど私の両の指は 貴女を求めて彷徨う People join their hands together and wish and pray for tomorrow But all my fingers are wandering in search of you

03. 桜月夜 Sakura Zukiyo-- 貴方を待ち侘びた時を 想えば切なくて It's painful if I remember The times I was waiting for you

04. 契 Chigiri-- 解れずに絡みあえ永遠に離れぬように We're tangled and won't come loose, won't separate for all eternity

05. ~夢イズル地~ Yume Izuru Chi-- 夢が永遠に煌めく 場所で刹さも包み込むから For in a place where dreams sparkle eternally I can even wrap up my pain

06. 渦 Uzu-- 独り立ち止まり 昊を見上げ問い掛ける この世界に於ける 存在の理由とその意味を Alone, I stand still, looking up at the sky and asking The meaning and reason for existence in this world

07. 沙羅双樹の子護唄 Sarasouju no komoriuta-- 懐かしい唄にゆらり揺られたら 静香に吐息浮かべ瞳を閉じるの I welcome the morning of my final moments The Sal tree gently strokes my cheek

08. 幻影の貌 Genei no katachi-- 唯 時は廻る 懐かしさも滲んで  この心までも細やかに煌めく Time just passes, blurring even nostalgia Tenderly glittering into my heart

09. 憶 Omou-- 月へと還る今日の記憶さえ 風も届かぬ程薄れ逝け Even memories of today are returning to the moon Fading out so that even the wind can't reach

10. し、み、め、ゆ、き、さ、あ Asaki yume mishi-- 儚さに魅せられ 泡沫に流され 憂いの時は今 私を包んで Enchanted by transience, ephemerally washed away The time of grief is now wrapping me up

11. 愁 Urei-- 指を 絡め 離さないまま 永遠に生きて 風に 抱かれ 愛は 消えて行く Linking our fingers so we don't part, we'd live eternally Embraced by the wind, our love is vanishing

12. 桜花爛漫 Ouka ranman-- 果てない夢を教えてくれた貴女に 今なら言えるありがとう To you who taught me about the dreams that never end If I could say anything now, thank you

13. 恋綴魂 Kotodama-- 魂は消え去る事無く 来世は其方に愛されてみたい Our souls vanish peacefully I want to be loved by you in the next life

14. 月下想葬 Gekkasousou-- 下弦の月が今宵 語りし伽は 悲しき物語 哀れな物語 Tonight, the tale told by the waning moon Is a sad story, a pity story

All songs

Year 2000
恋綴魂 Kotodama single
01. 恋綴魂 Kotodama ~original~ -- pv

02. 恋綴魂 Kotodama ~ushimitsu刻 version~ -- 叶わない恋は溜息に曇る Unrequited love clouds over with a sigh

03. 恋綴魂 Kotodama ~unplugged/acoustic version~

鵺 Nue album
01. 鬼遊の唄 Kiyuu no Uta -- この心体 果てる頃 懐かしい手を 差し伸べて 限りない 罪を写した まぶたを優しく 伏せて When my mind and body perish, hold out your dear hands And gently cover my eyelids where I envision my endless sins

02. 魔笛 Mateki -- その美しい罪に抱かれて今 憎しみを消し去り そう禁断の恋に舞う Embraced by your beautiful sins now, I erase hatred We dance in our forbidden love

03. 鵺の哭く頃 Nue No Naku Koro -- 雪の様な この躯 滲む程 激しく 狂おしく 抱き締めて Violently, maddeningly, embrace me
Until my body blurs like snow

04. 混沌 Konton -- この世に生を受けた命の 意味をそっと教えて下さい Please secretly tell me the meaning Of having been born into this world

05. し、み、め、ゆ、き、さ、あ Asaki yume mishi [Shi mi me yu ki sa a] - pv

06. 白い魔手 Shiroi Mashu -- 消えて行く黒と共に風が足跡を拭って 今迄で最高の孤独を抱き締めてしまう The wind erases my footprints along with the vanishing black I'll closely embrace the most loneliness I've felt up to now

Year 2001
桜 Sakura album
01. 桜 ~再会の華~ Sakura ~Saikai No Hana~ -- 愛しさは貴女への想いを奏で終わる事を知らず Without knowing the ending, love plays in my thoughts of you

02. 碧の葬列 Ao no souretsu -- 現世は薨ず神々は謌う揺らぐ真緑の碧 霧に今宵もまた繋ぎよなう葬列 In this life, the deathless gods sing of the swaying true green And tonight again, the funeral procession is filled by mist

03. 妖祭 Yousai -- 光り溢れる楽園求め  諍いは絶えまなく続く I seek a paradise of overflowing light Where quarrels never cease

04. 沙羅双樹の子護唄 Sarasouju no komoriuta - pv

05. 桜 ~再会の華~ Sakura ~Saikai No Hana~ - Acoustic version -- 微笑みを灯らす貴女にもう一度会いたくて I want to meet you once more with your smile lit up

彩 Irodori album
01. 幻惑の情景 Genwaku no Joukei -- 嗚呼・・・時を越えて 愛を抱いて懐かしいあの頃へ・・・ Ah... to those nostalgic days When I held on to a love that surpassed time

02. 眩暈 Memai -- 運命に弄ばれた 微睡む魂の聲 The voice of a dozing soul that was toyed with by fate

03. 神謌 Kami uta -- この謌に貴女も今闇から目覚め 扉を開き With this song, even you can now wake from darkness and open the door

04. 徒然なるままに Tsurezurenaru Mama ni -- 徒然なるままにこの想いを消せぬまま Tedious as they may be, I can't erase these memories

05. 刹なる言葉 Setsunaru kotoba -- 数え切れないまるで小さな泡玉の 昔を抱き締めながら空に昇り始める While embracing the past's countless tiny bubbles I'll begin climbing to the sky

06. 百鬼夜行 Hyakkiyakou -- 数奇な運命の元に悲しみと生きる 今疑問を抱いた物の怪が語る Living with a sorrow caused by unfortunate fate The spectres who embraced their problem now talk

Year 2002
01. いろはにほへと Irohanihoheto -- 懐かしい匂いが木々を掠めれば 見つかる事の無い陰を探して If a nostalgic scent sweeps over all the trees I'll search for a shadow that can't be found

02. 案山子 Kakashi -- 今もなお待ち人は戻っては来ないまま Even now, it seems the one I'm waiting for won't come back

~夢イズル地~ Yume Izuru Chi single
01.~夢イズル地~ Yume Izuru Chi -pv

02. 戯園 Gion -- 深く沈む身体は 軋む骨を揺さぶる Sinking deeply, my body shakes up creaking bones

煌 Kirameki album
01. 輪廻黙示録 Rinne Mokushiroku-- その手を 差し伸べたら 求め会う指は 鼓動をも巻き込み深く融けて When you hold out your hands, our fingers seek each other And fuse deeply together, even swallowing our pulse

02. ~夢イズル地~ Yume Izuru Chi -pv

03. 西遊記 Saiyuuki-- 全てが終わりを告げた... そして誰も居なくなった... Everything marked the end... And there was nobody...

04. 傀儡の躁鬱 Kairai no souutsu -- 死す事が生きた証なら 神よ裁きの雷を射て If dying is proof of having lived Then Gods, strike down the thunder of judgment

05. 悲文 Hifumi-- 行く宛の無い手紙 書き綴る思いを乗せて This unaddressed letter carries my thoughts in written form

06. 罪ト罰 Tsumi To Batsu-- 傾いた月夜に照らされたら 水面にその姿映してほしい I want your figure reflected in the water's surface When it's illuminated by the waning moonlit night

[gozen] album
01. 妖しの光 Ayashi no Hikari-- 光は何処へと導く 光は冥府へと手招く Where does the light lead to? The light beckons me to the world of the dead

02. 諷説 Fuusetsu-- 時は唯無情に過ぎて 絶望をまた近付ける Time just passes ruthlessly, bringing despair closer still

03. 異邦境 Ihoukyou-- 伐つべき鬼の砦に 未来はこの掌に Onward, to strike down the demon fortress Its future is in the palm of my hand

04. 鬼戦 Kisen-- この躯刻み滅ぼしたくば 人の世を棄てて鬼と成り狂え If they want to carve up and destroy this body I'll abandon human society and madly become an Oni

05. 秘慥 Hizou-- 愛を持たぬ者は 夢も観る事無く 愛を知らなければ 夢は遂がれて People who don't have love can't even see dreams You have to know love for dreams to be consummated

06. 幻憶 Genoku-- 最期に知ったこの想いは 其方へと届く羽を持たず The feelings I knew at the very end Will reach you without having wings

07. 骸の砦 Mukuro no Toride-- 我が身が朽ちて動かねど 怨みの念いは果たさん If I rot and pile up with them My begrudging thoughts will be endless

08. 悲恋鬼談 Hirenkidan-- 想いは空に瞬いて 今宵の月までそっと慰める My thoughts are twinkling in the sky They secretly find comfort in tonight's moon

09. 命 Mikoto-- 刹なさも寂しさもこの手に受け止めて 廻るめく世界で 夢の舞う世界で I take loneliness and pain into my hands In this revolving world, in a world where dreams dance

10. 終焉の季節 Shuuen no Kisetsu-- 嗚呼...人は何故生まれ傷付いて 嗚呼...人は何故儚さを愛せる Ah... why are people born and hurt? Ah... why can people love transience so?

Year 2003 
春麗ら Haru Urara single
01. 春麗ら Haru Urara -- 風よ運べわたしの唄を幸いとなりて 霞み晴れし途へ Wind, turn my song into happiness and carry it there On my path clear of mist

Year 2004
愁 Urei single
01. 愁 Urei-pv

02. 戀 Koi -- 瞳合わせて交わした指切りに 貴方が零した泪一粒 Our eyes met and we exchanged our promise You shed a single teardrop

03. 華 Hana -- 散り逝く時の中で再び会えたなら 貴方の腕の中でもう一度眠りたい If I could meet you again within scattering time I'd want to sleep in your arms once more

✿ 京 Miyako album
09. 徒然謌 Tsurezure Uta -- 今宵もまた彼の人の夢 頬を染めて咲かせようか Shall another dream of that person Make my cheeks bloom red tonight?

凛 Rin single
01. 凛 Rin -- 眼を瞑れば 母の唄 遠き日々にまた惑う If I close my eyes, I'm lost in my mother's song in the past

02. 祀 Matsuri -- 星降りし昊に 物語 また轟かせ 後の世へと 今もこの胸で哭き聲響く In the sky where stars rain down, the story roars once again Into the afterlife and even now, a crying voice resounds in my chest

✿ 誓ノ月 Chikai no Tsuki single
01. 故郷 Kokyou -- 風に舞ってる 粉雪が誘ってる 遠く愛しいあの大地へ Dancing in the wind, powdery snow lures me To that far away, beloved land

四季 Shiki single
02. 夢想境 Musoukyou -- 時代は常に 巡り廻れど 夢を描く 物語 If the eras are constantly revolving around It's a story that draws a dream


雫 Shizuku album
01. 霞んだ冬の向こうに… Kasunda fuyu no mukou ni... -- 霞んだ冬の向こう 貴方を待ち続けて Beyond the hazy winter, I'll keep waiting for you

Core album
01. 忘却の果ての凍えた孤独 Boukyaku no hate no kogoeta kodoku -- 悲しい事なんて何時の日か色褪せて 新しい明日へと進めると思ってたのに Such sad things will fade someday Yet I thought I'd go forward to a new tomorrow

Year 2009
珠 Shu album
01. ぱらいぞ Paraizo -- 刹那さも哀しみもここまでは届かない さあその手を延ばして永久の楽園に Neither time nor sorrow can reach you here Come, extend your hands to the eternal paradise

02. 蓮 Ren -- 麗しく浮かぶ 華に君の可憐な名をつけて いつまでも君が離れぬように想いで君を縛ろう I'll give your lovely name to the beautifully floating flower Forever, so you'll never leave, I'll bind you to my memories

03. 嘆美なる死への憧憬 Tanbinaru shi e no shoukei -- 生きる為にこの命 捧げる僕にもう一度自由の羽を、、、。 My life is for the sake of living Wings of freedom are offered to me once more...

04. 鬼哭啾愀 Kikoku shuushuu -- 鬼は泣く意味を求めし時 Time demands a meaning as the demon cries

05. 素晴らしきかな?人生 Subarashiki kana? Jinsei -- 唯 豚の様に  肥えてもう自分の爪先も見えないだろう? Nevertheless, like pigs We're fattening up and can't even see our own toes?

06. 永遠に、、、 Towa ni... -- 懐かしい景色に夢描いた 永遠を信じてた頃を I depicted my dreams in nostalgic scenery The time I believed in eternity

07. 鬼灯 Hoozuki -- 暗闇の中は今 僕は風に解けた そう犯した罪から逃れたくて In the darkness, now, I'm shaken loose by the wind I want to escape from the sins I've committed

百鬼絢爛 Hyakki Kenran album
01. 鬼咆 Kihou-- 何故に 心は碎ける  何故に 無為だと知りつつ 命を尊ぶ Why is my heart breaking? Why do I value life when I know it's idle?

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