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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ayu [Love again] album

I haven't do my review on Love again so here's it!

Ayu's album seem to be more and more expensive over these years. I remember her past album prices are like around $22 but now her album [Love again] is selling at $26.90 at CD stores. urgh. I miss the time where album price are cheaper! And now is usually importing HK press in which I guess is ok so long as there's a little Chinese translation sheet booklet. I wonder how's the TW press like? I don't remember getting any TW press for Ayu albums so far..

01. *Wake me up
02. *Song 4 u
03. *Missing
05. *Melody
06. task’n'bass
07. Bye-bye darling
08. *snowy kiss
09. *Sweet scar
10. petal
11. glasses
12. untitled for her… story 2
13. Gloria
14. Ivy
15. *You & Me

This time I shall write my Top 5 favourite songs!
1. snowy kiss
2. Wake me up
3. Sweet scar
4. Ivy
5. Song 4 u

I love snowy kiss so much now cos the lyrics made me feel for Ayu. It's such a sad breakup song. The whole song is exactly how I feel about relationships too. (T_T)  The last 2 stanza is what I loved the most.:
Just looking at your eyes, I know that you can’t speak
So I kiss your cheek as you sleep
After that, I will leave without leaving even footprints
And when this snow melts, forget everything about us

The you who loved me, the you I loved
The me whom you loved, the me who loved you
Snow, don’t stop, just continue to fall and pile up
Until the path we’ve walked together can’t be seen anymore

That's why it's called snowy kiss. And it can make me so sad after listening to it. I love the background vocals too. It's really a great Ayu song in this album.

Maybe I suddenly just love upbeat songs more? haha. Wake me up is certainly a good one. I wonder is it so hard to compose cos there are 3 composers for this song. It's really cool anyway. Is this song about waking up from relationships? It seems so...but maybe also a good one as an alarm in the morning. Imasugu wake up wake up♪

I love Sweet scar cos it's a quite a slow ballad. And no wonder I love it cos is DAI's work. haha. And not to mention how much I love the pv of just Ayu alone. Simple and nice.

Ivy is more about Ayu's thoughts. I really really feel the same as her when I see the lyrics of this song. There are so many times where I keep thinking about what I'm doing and my life. So much of those questions. Especially:
Ahh, unable to achieve happiness myself
Just who can I bring happiness to?

Ahh, in this short span we call life
Just how much can we really smile from the bottom of our hearts?

I've always been feeling the same too, Ayu. It seems really hard to smile sometimes... :(

Song 4 u is about self-doubt, and so is quite a few questions type of lyrics. Whenever I see Ayu's lyrics like this, I feel like writing the same too. I used to do that. But I'm not sure would it sound nice as a song. haha. But Ayu's songs are indeed great inspirations to begin with. (ˆ_ˆ) Anyway, Song 4 u has got the best pv in this album!! The whole concept is the best ever! I totally love it! Be it the effects or Ayu's costume. I think Ayu should do something deep in her pvs for every album, with some meaning behind it that we fans can discover. haha.

Now come to my first impression of the other songs [besides the ones with pvs]. The 3 ones I liked are  SAKURA, petal and glasses.
But now I don't think I like SAKURA. I think the bridge part is nice but not the rest. I know it's a sad song written for someone. But I don't feel much for it either so I don't like it now.
petal lyrics are so cool!! I thought exactly the same when I first saw this song name, the thing about peeling off the petals of a flower saying 'he loves me, he loves me not'!! This song is totally like talking about the flower, but is about a relationship, probably not being confident of. If not, why bother to peel off  petals to see if it landed on 'he loves me' or 'he loves me not'?? Why so called leave this to fate?? That is kinda a bad idea...
glasses is a cool interlude. It's so much like a remix with a little Ayu voice. I wonder if she's singing any Japanese words actually? Sounds like it but I don't know wat is it. lol. Compared to task’n'bass, I think task’n'bass is better. :) Tasuku's work is always this good.

I wrote about Missing and Melody before. I think I like Melody more now. It's more touching song to me and the pv flimed in Kaleidoscope concept is so amazing to me. Missing seems harder to sing. It's a sad song but a sad song that can't make me like it maybe cos of the lyrics.. O_O

I don't like Bye-bye darling. It's like an anime song. But the lyrics is pretty good. A sad breakup song song again. This whole Ayu album is so much into love-breakup relationships songs. 

untitled for her… story 2 is like another song after 5 years, in which Ayu sang tat too. It's a sad sad song and I think I hear Te wo tsunaide in this song too! I don't feel for this song but we can see that her friend's death has impacted her a lot and that she'll never forget.

I find Gloria okay. The lyrics is really long. I don't know what to say for this song. It's an encouraging one I guess, since Ayu is saying Don't give up!

You & Me is my least favourite song now. haha. It's supposed to be a happy love song, but this reminds me of the irritating Maro in this pv, so I hated it. When I see this line: "We were in a dream, in love. And there, we really loved I wanted to believe that it was fate" I felt the same in the past. But it seems like things happened not the way u expected it. Especially with horrid guys like him making everything like a unreal dream to u and that smashed it. Can't believe that it was fate anymore..

All in all, I love the songs and the pictures in the lyrics booklet. The photoshoots are so much like Love songs. lol. I love such pretty concepts so this is my favourite..Worth the buy, minus the ugly Maro in the pvs. hahaha.

Lyrics translation @ Divine AYU 

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