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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The different feeling...

Have missed out earlier in February to mention about Izumi's birthday on the 11th. Oh well, what else but to tweet to Nao about it? lol. I'm glad he tweets on those special dates and I believe he does keep track of them better than I do. Sometimes I only realised it's a special day only when it comes, or when I saw on my twitter timeline. Nooooo I didn't mean to forget! I got them written on my calendar! The only date that I've missed out is the disbandment day. Other than that, I'm not guilty of anything I swear! (x_x)

Okay~ although it's quite plain, but the colourful hearts win isn't it? xD

But yeah I haven't been listening to Kagrra as much as those days last year. Since I'm into Buck tick as my inspiration source. I don't know is it something that I have to be guilty of after all. I mean, we should explore others too and that doesn't mean that I've forgotten what I love most nor does it mean I don't care about Kagrra, anymore.

But recently, probably it's been a little too long that I haven't touch on Kagrra, until that I couldn't form any words I wanted to say on the 3rd March that day...

All I did was to retweet from Japanese fans and from Nao. I don't know what else to say. Yeah it's been 5 years since that day but I just can't say it out. Maybe because it's the day where disbanded so it's something sad for me that I don't wanna recall? I don't even know why myself.. I was feeling kind out of place too when I went to listen Haru Urara and some other Kagrra songs and then...

the feeling is really different!!

Maybe because of the different genre and mood that Buck tick gives and so when I'm back to Kagrra, the feeling is somewhat something I have to adjust back?  And then because of that, I feel sad again. Is this something I have to be guilty of after all? (ó﹏ò。)

Well I hope no one blames me, although most of the time I'm the one who blames myself. It doesn't help too right? Unless I can change that.

I wanted to write those lyrics that I'm proud of again. But inspiration is evil. It comes and goes as fast as the wind. It's hard for me to catch it on time. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

Well then, the only thing now is to make sure that Buck tick helps me as good as what Kagrra did. And to end this post happily,

I started off my March month in a really good mood.

Beer has helped me a lot too haha. 

I might be ready for more...

I will do my best! 力のかぎり頑張ろう!

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