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Thursday, February 06, 2014

Isshi's stories + Kagrra, videos

Have been reading the Sacra photobook (2006) stories and Isshi's One week of Evil up till now. So I'm now left with Stories of Great Misfortune. ^_^ I'm actually not that fond of reading short stories in the past, but somehow it was upon reading isshi's stories that made me changed my liking. I can't believe this, I thought I would never like short stories at all. But isshi has changed me. lol. I think this is good. Because he made me have a passion for this and I've began writing short stories too. I'm not sure if it's considered as stories but so far they are my thoughts. And yeah, my writing is somewhat like isshi's style. Haha, he actually has such an influence on me. (⌒▽⌒)

I think the Sacra photobook (2006) stories are much better than One week of Evil. The ones I like are One Petal and April 1st - April Fool's Day. Both are such sad yet beautiful love stories. Ok, maybe they are not quite beautiful but it's quite a good work to read. I wanna write something like that but I wanna write some happy stories instead of sad ones. Somehow I do get affected reading sad stories. Anything sad. Argh...why am I so emotional at times. (x_x)

I wanna watch my Kagrra, no Su episodes but I wonder why some is not available to watch on mobile. >_< And sometimes some episodes just doesn't load for me even on the com. This is not nice u internet for doing this to me. I'm stuck at Episode 25 where Tora [Alice Nine] and Akiya is going out on a date. lol. What I can't stand is the background music when Akiya is talking alone. It's just....argh! A bit mushy. LOL~!!

So far I try to skip to Episode 28 but it's such a long talk between Nao and one other staff member I think. I wonder why must she wear the mask. Need not be that secretive right? haha.

In the end I skip to 48:05 cos this seemed better to watch, where all the members wrote their wishes and tied to the little plant. -_- THIS VIDEO REALLY NEEDS ENGLISH SUBS! I can't get myself to watch it without knowing what are they talking about. (¬_¬)

After that was a little of the Sacra photoshoot, in which I've seen there's a separate video for it.

I enjoyed this making-of better!! Those guys are quite funny. And those 3 doggies must be Isshi's~!! It seemed like such an enjoyable day out.

And seriously, Isshi made me wanna get the beanie!! Or I can get something like Nao's~! hahaha. Oh my.. I think I have a sudden craze for beanie. Oh no oh no.. >_<

Oh yeah so somehow I finally know that I'm a Gurakko. [Gurakko-chan = Kagrra, fan girls] (^∇^)
I've been thinking lately what can I call myself as a Kagrra, fan since Auga is the name for the official fanclub members but I'm not one and can't be one anymore. lol. And I can't be calling myself an Oni [鬼 = Demon] which is the meaning of Auga. I find it strange that Kagrra, actually come up with that name for their fan members. lol. I wonder why too..

Since Auga means Oni which means demon, and Kagrra, means music god, so demon loves god? Am I right to say that? ^o^

I can never get what Isshi is thinking somehow. Ar...maybe it's not totally Isshi's idea. haha. I wanna know why is he fascinated over all this..( ̄□ ̄)

Stories @ 鬼愛~Demon Passion~

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