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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Self confidence + my tweet got favourited!

I've always love such inspiring videos from Michelle Phan! I got so comforted from watching this video:

I'll just note down whatever she mentions: (^∇^)
1. Confidence is a mental muscle. → Think positive thoughts. Listen to positive music.
2. Find your qualities. → Focus on the positive. You are perfectly imperfect.
3. Have a buddy system.
4. Pass your wisdom and gifts onto others. → Loving others will inspire you to love yourself.
5. Stay positive. → Be like a proton and stay positive.

If only I got to know about this earlier in my teenage years. I have been seeking perfection back then way too much that I regret for neglecting many other important things in my life. Confidence is definitely one thing that I'm lacking so much. But right now, having been through quite a lot lately, there are many things that I won't mind and I really felt much better. Been really positive towards the future. And also, some things that I'm worrying about, aren't actually as bad as I thought so. Probably it's all in my mind, partly thinking way too much. Lol. Anyway, all in all, letting go is also something to learn about. Sometimes, I really need to free myself....

So much of me doing some reflection. lol. Now for something really happy!~

Swoozie actually replied my Youtube comment!! 

Probably just a little action but I appreciate that loads cos it's not that I can get any celebrity to reply me. Haha. I'm really really glad he took notice of my comment, and even followed me and went to favourite my tweets! That's way too good!!

Swoozie, if u can even get to read my blog post on this, I would like to say again : I'm really happy for your little action and U are really awesome! Have never regretted clicking and watching your videos through Michelle Phan. Both of u are my most favourite Youtube celebrities. (●^口^●)

I'm glad how watching a video can make my day. (≧∇≦)

#Edit: And my tweet to him on this post got favourited again. Thanks much!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

When unexpected things happened...

The truth certainly hurts, especially when U discover something that u wouldn't thought it will happen at all.

And I'm always been worrying for this friend of mine.. Although we've known each other for about a month or so, but I've always wanted to do something for her and be of a help as a friend.

I did it, but leaving her alone with sadness... =(

I told her the truth immediately, and I feel so bad to make her sad. Although I wasn't the one at fault at all. But somehow, I can't help but to feel....Did I do the right thing? Shouldn't I be telling her face to face in person? But I can't drag for such a serious issue.

I don't wish for such a thing to happen at all either. Argh. But still, there's lots of things that I don't know of. I really wonder when can I know the full story.

Is it good that some things happened in this way? Is it all just meant to be?

It's all just very unexpecting.... >_<

I hope I'm really doing the right thing. Cos I believe so.

Well, now that I'm dealing with my friend's stuff, I've got lesser time to do my stuffs. That's for me being nosy.

Is being busybody good at all? Did I really help? Ar~~

Saturday, August 09, 2014

My fulfilling life~~

Haven't been blogging for almost 2 weeks and I'm starting to feel uneasy!! I really felt I didn't do something that I should!! A little guilty again. lol.

Time is really quite a difficult thing to manage, right. (^_^;)

Recently I have been so busy with work, when back at home I would just tweet, chat and check some updates, and watch my 9pm drama show on TV as usual.

And I still haven't find the time to head down to HMV store to get my Namie and Ayu albums. lol.

That I would also have to spend on it!! I have been spending quite a lot on all sorts of stuffs and outing with my colleagues and friends!! Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

But life is so much fulfilling and meaningful this time. I'm glad how things have progressed. (^∇^)

Although it's the beginning and there's quite a lot of things for me to learn and do, but at least I'm so occupied and this made me learn better to manage my time well..

But I still think I'm probably not that good at it. lol.

Anyway, I'll start planning stuffs more properly and really be prepared taking an exam. I hope I'll get the chance to progress soon, and see the world.

Life is full of excitement enough!!

Meanwhile, I'll still be writing, and finding inspiration. I have been listening to Kagrra's music everyday in the train on the way back home. It brings me such great comfort and joy.

It's definitely something I'll never get sick of forever.. And I am someone who loves things dearly/deeply once I fall in love with it.

And to mention about this, there will always be a special place in my heart for the person whom I've just liked. Well but things are so complicated.  >_<

But at least, I met, and came across all these. I'm really happy. Even if I don't mean a thing.....

I don't have any regrets now. I'm truly happy. It has already been great. (≧▽≦)

Now  → Back to tidy up stuffs and study!!