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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

At the museums

Went to museums last fri since there's free entry for us. At first I thought there may be changes all the things are still the same as the last time I went at 2009! lol. Well it's still a nice day out with frens~

I should have brought my cam! Second time there and yet forgot to bring it out. My phone cam alw gives a sound upon taking photos, and the quality is not tat good -_-

at the food section

spices, herbs
at the camera, photos section
an old camera
There are a lot of old photos in that area.. black and white photos! Look kinda scary though. In fact I was thinking if it's ever the 'right' time to go to museums since it's the Chinese 7th month. Creepy~ ok, not gonna scare myself.
old bridal dress
This looked scary at first!! okok....

sewing machine

It's pretty nice that we can get to touch the diff material of cloths. The colours are looking good too. =)

an old machine
I think it's a vid cam? oops.


This looked scary too! But so many blings!!
well, there are quite lot of scary things in museums, dun you think?

Then we went into another section in which I didn't take any picts. Just walking around looking. Museums are all about history [oh yeah, I'm like having history lessons] which kinda bores me. but still worth the look here are there. haha.

White rabbit outside the arts musuem!!

Nice looking star. Reminds me of Patrick! haha.

The only thing I like about this place is at the Video camera section! It shows right at that time the video is filming u, n u can see urself! Using some sort of light reflection or watever theory though. haha. Seems hard for me to understand. but it's really interesting! There was one where u watch urself 16 second later. lol!

This rabbit plushies is looking cute! but a bit....emo? haha. They are selling some games too. but expensive!

There u go!! Last pic full of tvs!! I tweeted this to Ayu twice! bcos it reminds me of poker face. But I think she may not read my tweet. She hasn't ever reply me la sobsob. I hope one day she will!! I just hope that she knows she got a fan like me! hahaha.

Enough of history for the day! (^_-)- ☆

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