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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Playlist for Gazette's TOXIC album

Have listened to all the songs to this new album~!!

04. *Red (Album Version)
06. *SHIVER (Album Version)

The gazette has always been making great music and this album is no exception!! I prefer more of their light rock songs such as PLEDGE in this album but they are very good at heavy rock though. haha. Anyway, I'm always enjoying their music~~! I can listen to their songs over and over again.!

I'm kinda sad tat one of my Ayu playlist exist but the all the vids are deleted. Oh well, Avex, why can't u then release Ayu's pvs in full and upload more of her vids?? I'm so deprived from watching Ayu u know?  <(_ _)>

It's October~!

To sum up for this month: 


This yr I finally tweeted her happy birthday, wrote at AHS and listen to her FIVE album songs too. lol. These are somewhat good things that I wanna do but..............

I still didn't buy her album yet (T_T)

Why are the CD stores now selling even more expensive than last time?? Especially when this is a MINI-album? sob sob. I'm still considering buying online, but until now still a bit of reluctance. and I still needa get RnR Circus FINAL~7 Days Special~ DVD. Ouch! This will really hurt my pocket soon. lol.

Now for some lovely Ayu picts saw over at Weibo~:

Love this photo done by a fan! There definitely isn't much difference except for the maturity in her eyes isn't it? It's really the best picture to show the 10 yrs of Ayu.. Amazing!!

And this one is also definitely amazing! Wouldn't it be great if Ayu were to promote her album in this way? Showing all her songs in the form of singles style. It's really cool~~!

This rainbow style of FIVE is equally amazing. There's this thing behind the meaning of why Ayu chose the word FIVE besides having 5 songs in her album..lol.  I do think the same as some fans who figured out that it represents 'HOPE'. This whole thing is soooooo cool! How could Ayu think of it!! Especially coming up with that special font. I'm certainly impressed with such beautiful works!  

OOhh!! Another thing I've done last mth was to send my photo for Under the same sky 2 !! Lucky me didn't forget to take part this time. haha. And the video really touched me.. especially seeing my hand-pictures, makes me feel being part of this project as an Ayu fan is really something worthwhile I've done at last.. At least. (。◕‿ ◕。)

and yes...! I've bought Vivi for the sake of Ayu!! haha. After reading the interview of SCawaii, I also feel like buying it!! oh dear~ hahaha. My magazine collection is starting to stack up. I'm afraid of not having enough space to keep more [besides about the money] since my room is so small. argh.

ok.. so now's the time to wait for her news of the next single~! But I'm anticipating it to come next year around feb. May Ayu come up with more fabulous stuff! [ar.. should I be buying L since that's her 50th single and I love the 3 songs in it?]

Sunday, October 09, 2011

The Gazette [Suicide Circus]

I love their song once again with no doubt. But the title with the word Circus really makes me laugh a bit.  I guess my blog title suits this name very well. lol.. can u relate the word Circus with Rock?? Naming it after Ayu's RnRCircus and now with the Gazette's hit song for their new album TOXIC. hahaha. Both my favourites. So happy~~!

♪  [Tick - Tock] nobody can rewind time 
Don’t look away 
Suicide circus 

Heartless day 
Bottom of the abyss 
Suicide circus 
Why is it repeated ? 
Suicide circus ♪

They indeed have incorporated quite a lot of English in their songs again although Ruki's pronunciation still not that good but I still love it! His voice is ALL TIME awesome! And his outfit is so cool with the blings!  ♥♥ The whole circus theme is just cool isn't it?? haha. The gazette never fails to do amazing ROCK songs.

I'm very impressed now! for everything!!

A WORLD IS ONE~Under the same sky project 2

OMG I'm so happy now~~! \ (^ O ^) / ♪

Finally the vid is up!! I missed the first project and I was kinda upset for not participating. but right now I can see my hand!! hahaha. I muz say that there are really creative photos! I should have also wear bracelet or a ring on my hand. My picts are def boring but I'm glad that I'm a part of it! At least I did something!! Whee~!! (^_-)- ☆

I like my first picture more cos I took it at a high level. I didn't expect my previous photo to be uploaded too since I've asked to replace it but oh wells, although I think my hand is a bit ugly in the second pict but it's still my photo la!! hahaha. I'm really thrilled now. I'm a part of this!! and the video is really awesome!!

This really made my day~! o(^▽^)o