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Saturday, October 27, 2012

My little shopping today~

It's been quite a while since I post photos of the things I've bought! I did some shopping for the past month but I have been buying few items at one go. Well, not tat I've taken pictures of all those things that I've bought and not yet shown here. lol. I just had the mood today to update a bit. =D

Wanted a drink for the day and I bought corn tea! First time drinking this. Seems like only Korean will sell this? Haven't seen this drink in Japanese shops though. Well, it tasted roasted. Quite different from those common teas that we've drank. I'm not sure if I can say it taste good or not. But I do prefer to drink green tea or black tea, afterall. haha.

I love Japanese stuff. I could have bought more snacks but I was just not willing to carry so much stuff back home today. lol. It's quite cheap! And the drink is actually grapefruit juice with alcohol! That's special.. I haven't tasted it yet cos I'm afraid I'm drunk and can't write this post. hahaha.

And I've finally bought Namie's Uncontrolled album~!! Did I say before that I wanna buy this? omg I just couldn't remember. But anyway, I dun know why I feel like buying it when I saw HMV not selling the version I want! Last week I saw, they are selling all Japanese version which is freaking expensive. So since i saw it today at other CD store might as well buy this. ^_^ I really wonder why nowadays even HMV are not selling old albums anymore but they only have the latest albums on their shelves. This is making me kinda stressed cos if I dun buy the album now, I might not be able to see it again if I want to buy them in the future. It's either now or never~!! I hate that feeling when it comes to this!  What if a fan suddenly wants a complete collection of CDs and u are making us so hard to get??!! Lucky I've collected all studio albums of Ayu all over the years. If I'm trying to find them now it'll really be very very difficult!! [And yeah, I dun wanna buy albums from the internet tats y. So am I the odd one out? hmmm..]

The only thing that is quite a pity now is that I didn't get the poster. Does it come along with the poster for this TW version? It seems so.  But there isn't any for me. Is it cos I buy this after 4 mths? So it's a bit too late?  =( Anyway, the booklet is quite plain and there are only 3 pictures of Namie! Gosh, it seems like Namie doesn't like to take much pictures for her album booklets? Why so many lyrics all over but so few pictures of her! Tats not very nice, u know. I really wonder why this for Namie. And she doesn't release photobooks, does she? O_O I love her songs now, and yeah I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THIS ALBUM COS IT'S FOR HER 20TH ANNIVERSARY! Why it took me so long??? T_T

Anyway, I've bought more masks~!!

I love LoveMore masks!~! They should import more here! More specifically, I love to use whitening masks! My skin as been getting dry being in the office the whole day. I need to use masks for often rather than the usual once-a-week! I really need to use them 2-3 times a week now. And I need to get a more hydrating BB cream. I need to take care of my skin!!!

Ok, so let me enjoy my Namie music now. ♪

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