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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ayu's upcoming mini-album LOVE

I'm so so so glad that the covers for LOVE was released this week~!! I'm already kinda impatient when the news of Ayu's release came but the covers were still not ready yet. Now that it's here. HOW GREAT! It's amazingly gorgeous in which makes me love it so much just like Love Songs cover. And I love Ayu in this hairstyle so much!!!

Showing the CD+DVD version here. That's the best to me. Ayu is pretty good at closeup shots with her looking at the camera. This one is really natural. I think it's much better than A BEST 2 ones. haha.

And there we realized, there is a change in the order of the songs in the tracklist and that Missing will have a pv instead of Melody!! Omg, so I got wat I wanted? [Although if all 3 songs have pv would be great.] I was just thinking about having Missing be the one pv in my previous Ayu post and let it be a hit song. Probably they really changed their mind and did it!! I'm so freaking happy to know this! and with such a gorgeous cover, I'm so looking forward to it! I really do have the urge to buy it!

Well, there's a total of 4 songs, but 3 new songs and You & Me which is the one previously at A SUMMER BEST. I actually do feel kinda strange tat this song is added here cos it's already in A SUMMER BEST with its pv there. Although it's nice that they added the remix instead of the original version, so at least this is something special. But I wonder if this song fits in this mini-album. Cos I've been thinking that for her 5 consecutive release let all be totally new material. Alright, and maybe I shall wait till listening to the songs to see if they all really fits well together. haha.

Anyway I have this thought of getting the 5 releases all at once next year, which is after March. I wonder if Avex would think about putting all these 5 releases together and sell it as a deluxe collection? So we can just buy 1 big one with all 5 releases inside. Sounds cool instead of buying the 5 releases one by one but this also means that we need to spend a lot $$ at one go!! I dunno if this is worth but I love collection albums stuff so this appeals to me. If there's gonna be a plan like that, I'd rather wait till the end of the 5 releases and buy it when that deluxe collection were to come! awww...but how long do I have to wait? I'm already itching for the LOVE mini-album already. Tell me what shall I do??!

While Ayu did make me happy for this release, but there isn't a happy new released just this Mon/Tues:

It sounded really nonsense. Ayu actually tried to kill herself 6 years ago? Why are they digging old news of her again. Never will I believe such stuff. Like previously there was a news of her getting HIV. That's stupid! This shows that none of those chinese reporter news of Ayu rumours is true. NONE! And whoever is Timmy?? Some invisible guy?? I'm sure they are not referring to Timmy Wellard cos they have not know each other back then at that time from what I know. I'm amused that they can still come up with something like this. Probably every time Ayu's gonna release something, they will try to come up with 'news' to talk about her life. We got sick of all this, honestly. Just report on her new releases will do. And the rumours are just nonsense for us to think how nothing-better-to- do u people are. :p

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