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Saturday, October 06, 2012

new life

The so called 'new life' in which I'm having now. Things are still quite the same, except that right now, I'm temporary out of my student life and into independence of earning my own money. How nice! I've actually been waiting for this all the time ever since young. And the feeling of being able to earn for yourself just feels so damn great! ^_^

Somehow I can't believe this myself either. I was so slacked when I was a student. Although I studied most of the time at home but I didn't set a timetable for myself. I just study whenever I feel like it. Looking at the books and watching tv at the same time. Sometimes it can really be rushing when I haven't gone through a previous topic and I had to go for lectures on another chapter. I dun think I really know howta manage my time well, despite reading books on it already. lol. But still, life wasn't so stressed and packed. I still have time of my own, watching animes and visiting AHS quite often. haha.  Well, the challenge is that I have to depend on myself for my studies, although it's so hard to understand. I dun know how did I made it through all these years but somehow I did! It's really amazing. So I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't give up [even though I feel like it], just do it and the results may not be wat I thought in the first place. As long as I give in my best effort, all is not lost. The worse thing is that u didn't even put an effort to try at all.  =)

Anyway, having a job now makes me more disciplined than before because of time constraint. I can only have time for myself on weekends. I need to plan my time well on reading articles and books, writing notes, buying necessities, and start thinking clearly about my future!! I have been eating so much lately [I dun know why i get hungry so easily] and now I need to start giving some time for exercise. Time is so limited I feel like I have to rush sometimes. lol. yeah, my shoulders and back is so aching lately from sitting in the office the whole day in which I get to know this is truly the life of an office worker. Dun know if this is considered nice or not but at least is not labour work which is much worse. So far I'm really happy with my life. ^_^ I'm glad things has been going quite well.

I dun know how it will be like next year~~ It didn't seem too far but only this few months will probably be good I guess. It's always me who wonders how the future will be like, and then just let things be. haha. Is there anything I should be doing actually?

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