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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Happy CNY 2016~

Ah... It's really been such a busy time for me the past month until now. If not for the upcoming CNY holidays, I probably won't have the time now to sit and blog like this on such a rainy weekend. (^_^;) I'm definitely getting behind in quite a lot of stuffs now. All I want to do after a day's work is to watch a show at least and write something or else I'll just head to bed. I keep feeling tired all the time and 7 hours plus of sleep just isn't sufficient after all. (-_-) But at least since I got so used to work I'm able to achieve my objectives for the day. And that's how boring my life is gonna go, since I'm focusing on work more than anything else. (;´Д`) 

But now I have the time to rest so it isn't all that bad. I managed to watch 3 episodes of a Taiwanese romance drama while painting my nails green. I'm so convinced that I'm not good at painting nails at all since I paint them probably once or twice a year. Or maybe it's the nail polish that probably isn't of a good quality? But I don't know if I should even say so lol. It just doesn't turn out as good as before in the past years. I can't paint them evenly anymore. Argh. But I just feel like doing something for myself for the new year at least so I made myself paint them. Okay~ supposedly part of the reason is that I wasn't really in the mood and having the patience for all these. Probably cos the drama has taken my focus away too. Argh how ironic. When I can paint my nails since I'm doing an office job I don't even feel like getting them painted cos it's too troublesome! But many years back since I have to do experiments and handle food, I feel like painting them so much cos I couldn't do so!! Why why why things don't happen at the right time sometimes. (x_x) I'm having second thoughts on whether I should try to do manicure since I've never tried it before. It's one of the ways that usually women went to pamper themselves lol. But I guess for myself, it'll probably just be going to the hair salon and do treatment that's all. (>ω<)

I'm glad at least my spring cleaning is almost completed and I have cleared quite a bit of my old clothes and useless stuffs that I've kept for years. It feels good to actually dump them away. I felt kinda free on one sense. Plus I read from an article that up to 70% of the items in our room are just redundant and we don't use them. We keep them just for sentimental value. lol. But those are only worth keep if they are indeed of value to you. I guess it's more like re-evaluating each year and consider if they are worth your space for more years to come. Those questions are in my mind when I'm considering to keep or throw them: "Do I need it anymore? Will I use it (again)? Does it give me happiness?"  I find this time I'm better at answering my own questions. lol. I've cleared most of the stuff and I feel different this time. I really feel that I can welcome the new and ditch the old. I need to make myself feel better and decide which is more important to me now. I can't be like before anymore. I seriously need to learn how to be a happier person. (≧▽≦)

Some of the little things I've bought~: 

I wonder if this neck pillow is of any good use cos it made my neck ache more the first time I used it. (ーー゛) Anyway is that a chicken? It doesn't look that obvious to me and I'm still figuring it out. lol.

I've even went to buy a red dress just for CNY! I don't want it at first cos it cost a bomb, but then I don't wanna get back home empty handed for this new year and it's just strange that there isn't anything suitable for me after looking around for so long. Is it Murphy's law I wonder. When you went to buy something you just can't get the right one for yourself. ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ Well it applies to me sometimes. lol. But I did bought something! Although I don't know if it's really worth for the price it must be one of the crazy things that I done. I might feel the pain in my wallet later. (,_,)

Gifts that I've got for the new year! My friend got me the facial wash at the right time! But it's so huge it might take me ages to finish it. lol. And then I go and buy some as gifts too.

Accidentally included the facial wash here. lol. Ah~ somehow I realised I keep buying eye masks and I've not managed to get one for myself from Miniso. But well I still have so many eye masks with me I shall not mind too much then. As for the scar treatment oil, I hope it works as what they claimed. I need to have the patience again. lol.

May all our wishes come true this new year~ ٩(๑´3`๑)۶

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