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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

It's November~~!

Time flies pass too fast for me!

Or probably I'm just really bad at my time management. I think most of the time I've slept my time away. lol. I always wonder what have I accomplished at the end of the day and definitely feeling I'm lagging behind already.

When u're all happy and relaxed, time just goes. But when U're stressed and unhappy, time seems to be taking his own sweet time.

Ok watever am I saying.. >_<

But since it's the month of November, might as well listen to Ayu's November!! I'm really listening to it at the right time since now is still 1st November. lol!

♪If I had one more wing 
And could fly freely in the sky like a bird 
I'd like to give the both wings to you 
So that you can fly to anywhere you want♪

It is a beautiful love song and I love the last part which is touching to me. And this certainly reminds me of Endless sorrow as Ayu mentioned about wings! Well, that song is sad to me but November is just alright. It's more like a bit sweet and touching sort of love song.

Yeah I'm so loving this song now. hahaha. but I'm so gonna run out of time soon!

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