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Friday, November 18, 2011

Beautiful scenery at botanic gardens~

I think I muz share some of the lovely photos I've took recently! I love to see animals like birds, and so the black swan I get to see makes me so thrilled!! They are really very cute!! I'm glad I drop by at botanic gardens...very happy to be in this place. ^o^

*I dun edit my photos.

It's the sunset..

I love such a scene but the sun is a bit glaring. Nevertheless, it doesn't stop me from facing it to take pictures!!

Over at the other side.

I managed to take this picture with 2 birds flying in the air. lol.

This is my very favourite photo! Classic isn't it? haha.

like a tunnel..

 Jus this flower among all..

I like the lamp post!! Not the dustbin.

Can u see the chair?

Nice tree~

Nice sunset

I managed to take a picture of this fast moving bird too! hahaha.

This looked kinda scary.

But this looks better!

Black swan~~ but it bite out its own feather!



Another black swan from the other side. Look! It's standing on one leg! He knows kungfu??

Looking at the fishes..
There is tortoises too!

Many other birds.

Another swan alone.

The other 2 swans that came later.


The very last photo of the day. The 3 birds standing on alert. lol.

I hope my photography skills is not bad. do need to take such photos with high quality cameras? I prefer to use just the phone camera.. more convenient. hehe.

Maybe I'll upload the videos soon~! Hopefully I hav time to explore everything. (^v^)It was a very nice day for me.

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