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Monday, February 06, 2012

Pink pink~!

Went shopping a bit for some necessary stuff last week. To think that I actually got all things pink for myself! lol. I really began to like pink leh. Very pretty isn't it?

Bought a hair brush, cloth brush and a pouch!

Popteen Jan 12 issue 
I've became a Popteen fan!! It was the first Jap mag (TW ver) that I've bought since 2008 but I wasn't so into it back then. In fact I ended up liking Cawaii after reading ViVi, Cawaii and SCawaii. Sadly, Cawaii ended in around 2010? So I dun get to read it anymore and there, I've turned myself to Popteen.

It was only just around the end of 2011 where I realised that I like Kumicky from Popteen!! I'm glad this Jan issue she's on cover!!! She seems to be really popular among the readers too!

Anyway, this mth's content was really good! Love looking at mags once in a while to keep myself updated of the latest product selling too! ヽ(ˆ0ˆ)ノ There are 3 pages about wearing hats, quite a bit of fashion clothes stuff as usual, the new style of makeup by emphasizing on the lower eyelid [which purposely makes u look like u got eyebags ?_?], 37 ways of saving time to dolling up urself, ways of styling/tying ur hair [that's difficult!], model interviews about their job [very nice!], and peek inside the models' rooms! Very nice content!

It seems that there are new models being featured in the mag, but I still miss some of the models that have graduated already. sobsob. I hope they dun change models so frequent. haha. Kumicky must stay!! oooh, and I haven't got a Popteen mag with Ayu on cover!! When will she appear? I dun wanna buy ViVi or SCawaii anymore. I want a mag with lots of makeup content!!

Oh, i just bought green tea sweet to munch. haha. It isn't very tasty but not that bad either. Or maybe I should have expected it already. It's not that sweet type of sweets. haha. but the ingredient containing margarine stunned me a little. O_O

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