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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lower eyelids

Was so bored for the past few days. Trying to shop for stuffs too. haha. Did not buy any popteen mag besides the Jan issue earlier this year. I dun like Mizuki so seeing her appear on cover kinda turns me of buying the June issue. lol. I'm getting so picky nowadays. ( ̄□ ̄;)

Until now I still dun know the term for such a makeup in English, as u can see in the picture, the lower eyelid makeup. It's sort of starting to be fashionable lately to purposely create that illusion that as if u have eye bags, so that it makes ur eye look bigger. I never thought having that sort of 'eye bags' is a good thing. It makes u look like u really did not have enough sleep and makes u look horrible [to me]. Well, I never understand why something just becomes popular anyway. It just happens, does it ?

They make use of highlighter and so there's quite a lot of products they recommended. I always think that highlighter is only for creating that illusion of a high bridge nose. So now I know it has this other use too. But I definitely won't want to create that 'eye bags' look for myself. I do have them sometimes when I'm very tired. I dun see it as having bigger eyes so I'm already trying hard to get rid of it if I can! lol.

And why now then I realized that my light blue eyeshadow [in which I've kept aside for a long time cos I dun really like blue] does not appear as blue on my eyes?? Argh. I feel so upset all of a sudden, it's like a waste of money on that eyeshadow. It's cos of my dark circles in which can't let light colours appear. Sobs. I have them since young and I believe it's hereditary and it's definitely hard to get rid of!! I've bought myself another new concealer just to hide my dark circles. I guess I must have a lot of patience to do that every morning before I went out. I must do it! And also, I have to get strong bright shimmering eyeshadow that will really show its colour and last long!! Now starting to search for it. I'm not gonna use powder ones anymore since their kinda light and not long lasting. yeah, so more stuffs added to my shopping list? haha. xD

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