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Friday, January 25, 2013

ViVi Jan issue with Namie on cover~!

Bought my first copy of mag for this year 2013~! Cos of Namie on cover with attracted me at first. haha. Have been reducing the amount of mags I've bought towards the end of last year already. I'm certainly glad tat I bought this copy cos the content impressed me so much!! Namie photoshoot is really so cool with 30 questions interview, and I love the clothing featured by the models. I'm kinda surprised I'm happy with ViVi since I dun like ViVi along. I buy cos of Ayu on cover in the past. haha. But anyway, I wanted to get Popteen as usual but to my dismay, Popular no longer sells it anymore!! I like the fact that I can get Popteen near me instead of going all the way to Kinokuniya to buy. I dun mind the fact that Popular sells old issues of Popteen months back instead of the latest. It's just somewhat not fair. Even Ray and mina mags are on the shelf. Why not Popteen!!!

Probably this is also the first time I'm reading Namie's interview in her mag and get to know more about her.  Gonna post some of the interview content here too. =)

✿ Namie has been to many places for her 20th anniversary promotion and especially it's her first time in Singapore. She finds Marina Bay Sands structure like a boat and with a swimming pool on the roof top really pretty. It's interesting to her that Singapore is a place with different cultures.
✿ There's a very old Namie song that most people do not know/hear it but is still voted for her 20th anniversary concert setlist as they wanted to hear. [Gosh, I didn't know wat song is it either!]
✿ Namie often goes to the gym to strengthen her waist.
✿ She wants to go to Hawaii the most!
✿ Namie recommends Can you Celebrate as the ideal love song cos for Love Story it makes people feel a little sad.
✿ Also recommends Baby Don't Cry for break-up song.
✿ Namie likes sourcing for popular delicious food in the internet.
✿ She loves to look cool when at work. Wants to look cute too but feels a little old to be cute since she didn't get much praise on that.
✿ Namie has been drinking enzyme powder drink everyday for her skincare! [I didn't know how it can help for our skin O_O]
✿ Loves BBQ and will go for BBQ with friends occasionally.
✿ Has mostly black and white series of clothes in her wardrobe.
✿ Recently want to collect handbags. Bought Prada orange and pink handbag of the same design but have not used it at all.
✿ Everyday normal makeup is simple with just foundation and pink blusher.
✿ Loves to soak in the tub using Japanese wine!
✿ She thinks it's the best to feel happy everyday.
✿ Namie began to forget her age now that she's coming to 35. She can still remember how old was she when she's 31, 32 back then, but not now. lol.
✿ Hopes this year is a year without troubles, and can live happily throughout.
✿ Has no idea if she were to still be working when it's her 30th anniversary for her singing career! She still can't imagine since there's 10 more years down the road.

Not bad for one page of the interview. I had a good read.

And I love the back of the mag where it's SNSD's promotion for Baby G watches. Really loving this issue.

And one last piece of small news:

Namie's the top for Japanese commercials, earning 50 million Yen as the highest amount for a CM. I'm even more happy that she's the major sales for Avex for 2012 besides EXILE! The sales chart for the year is amazing! Surprisingly earning more than Ayu despite lesser releases. Probably 20th anniversary album itself is already a very big hit. I'm already itching to buy some old Namie albums in which I regret for not buying them in the past when I saw them years back. Like for PLAY China version which is CD only. I love her songs in the past too, yet I didn't buy cos I always put Ayu as my priority. Argh. So tats why so far I only have 2 Namie albums. Really a pity somehow. I could have been a Namie fan long ago. Oh well..

Sunday, January 13, 2013

And so Ayu broke up with Maro...

Well, I'm certainly glad about that cos I'm not in for their relationship in the first place. But still, I'm a little surprised at this news cos I didn't expect their relationship to end this fast! Yeah 2 months alright from my previous post in November 2012. This sure ended much faster than with Mannie!!

So here goes the news about this: It says according to a female magazine, Ayu and Maro had already broken up and he has moved out of Ayu's house. And this relationship in which many people objected, only lasted for 2 months. Ayu felt that her staff troupe are quite uncomfortable since he became the 'Queen's man'. Fans wanted her to draw the line clearly between work and personal relationships. And since Maro already has a ex-girlfriend and a kid, Ayu feels he's kinda fishy, so she ended their relationship.

Well, of cos when I first read this I thought it would be more trustworthy if it's written in TA diary. Although I dun fully believe yet, I do hope this was true. Anyway, I went to see TA and indeed, it's true afterall!! I'm just finding it kinda strange why Ayu isn't quite open in this case. When she was with Mannie and when they're over, she wrote them pretty clear in TA. Now she just says that she's being deceived and she didn't mention any names. [And why isn't there a thread mentioning about this in AHS?] Oh well, probably she just doesn't like to write guys names on her TA. lol. Yet she doesn't blame anyone because she chose him in the first place. So at least Ayu wakes up and realized her mistake to be with him. In this case, I'm glad about this since I dun like the both of them together either. But having to see the word 'deceived' makes me feel sad. It's like Maro indeed have the intention to cheat/lie to Ayu and not be honest with her at first. And Ayu even let him to stay in her house!! That was such a wrong decision, Ayu. Even if you're together I dun think u can just let a guy to stay in your house. It's really like....the guy wants to depend on u to feed him. That's really bad imo.

Now I really began to hate again covers and booklets with Maro pictures around. Okay, maybe I'm a bit too serious to use the word 'hate' but I just dun like again anymore after this episode. I can't bring myself to like it. And see, Ayu now seems to make all the pvs in this mini-album true. Although in snowy kiss, Ayu broke up with Maro in a fight/quarrel manner [in which may not be happening in real life that way], but still they're over! I dun like the fact that Ayu's pvs became real actually. That she's alone and single after all. That no one guy will come to her and spend the rest of his life with Ayu. It's just such a bad ending with Ayu that sad.

It really pains my heart now. T_T
But on a bright side, at least they've ended. If the longer they're together, probably Ayu's gonna be in more pain! Anyway, I also do hope tat Ayu is not doing all these to create news so that there's attention on her. Please tell me not! Ayu, just carry on with your work and produce more good music for us! Forget about those jerks!

And my anticipation for the 5th or last release of the 5 releases for her 15th anniversary! I hope is an A BEST 3! But I dun think Avex is so nice yet. Maybe they'll drag a little more. It will be good if it's a new album work, totally new songs. A Classical already shocked me. I think it's a waste of the release already. I dun want a similar one to happen. Like a remix album with strange Ayu covers. Please dun ruin Ayu's releases!! For the last of the 5 this time. Please make it big and nice!! Much nicer!!

And there's probably more things for me to look forward to.  =)

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Resolutions no more for 2013

This year I became a little different. Not that I've changed a lot or anything. just that I didn't come up with resolutions this time. I've been coming up with resolutions every year in fact but I didn't realized all of them. Maybe 1 or 2. I sort of only look through them only at the end of the year. Not tat I keep the promise to myself that I must succeed in completing it. lol. I kinda regret now. Why do I let myself off so easily? Why do I let myself slack than pushing myself to do wat I should do?

I do have some self discipline but somehow it's just a little. And I always let myself slack because I dun wanna make myself too stressed over something that is not of the most important/top priority.

So have I done the right thing?

Anyway, because of that, I've decided to come up with plans instead. Maybe it's just a change of name, but still I find this better. I tried to write in more detail like how I want to accomplish and within the time frame. And make notes of the things I did for the past week, even if I did a little. At least something right? I guess it's more practical than just say things like 'I wanna get a pass for this module'. And that is it! Didn't write anymore details of how I want to achieve it.  Seriously, I began to wonder what sort of rubbish resolutions am I coming up with in the past just like that! It's simply to vague for such a thing to be realized. Plan should be the way!

And maybe I should have a contract where I signed with myself, and if I break it probably I will have to pay it. Maybe I should get someone to be my witness and pay him/her in the case should I break it. haha. That goes for being serious!!

Well, one week has passed and in fact I didn't countdown with the tv programme like every year, saying 3, 2, 1  HAPPY NEW YEAR and then sleep past 12. This time I really am too tired with work that I slept at 10+pm although there's new year holiday for me. So much of being different this year. In fact, I dun really like making changes only at the new year. But this happens for me again. Well well.  I have some wishes and I hope they'll come true. But I want to believe that if there's any changes that we want to make, we can simply do it anytime instead of only at the start of the year.

and I've started to hate things that are new!! New just means unprepared, not ready, uncertain.  

Why can't I get the old things?!  [I dun care if I sound strange to like old but not new.]

I shall come up with plans from time to time too. =)

Monday, January 07, 2013

Some Ayu news for the past week

I dun really think that any Ayu news will appear in the newspapers for the past week cos there isn't any activity or a big deal from Ayu.. [Since she's just busy with her countdown live and Kouhaku performance]. Well, these news surprised me a little that they just appeared like that. [I dun see them appearing in AHS though!]

This one says Ayu is spending 500,000 Yen every month to maintain her looks. But besides that, for her photoshoot, her face is still being photoshopped so there are people who thinks that it's still a waste of her money.  Well, I dunno if this is true. But I do know Ayu spends money in beautifying herself. Which artiste doesn't? lol. But the amount is quite large. Anyway, Ayu is rich so that probably dun matter to her. =O

And this one says Maro isn't with her on Kouhaku performance and she dun dare to appear on the same stage as him since the news of her relationship with Maro became a big topic. Well, I didn't watch Kouhaku on New Year so I dun know about that. Argh. Why didn't miotv have NHK channel for me to watch on that day?? Even as a preview channel. Last time channel u broadcast before although is not on new year's day many years back. But at least it did. Now it dun seem to happen anymore. =(

Anyway I still get to watch a little Countdown Live 2012~2013 as Ayu as tweeted the links to youtube vids.

Ayu is so beautiful in this Together When... performance! I love to see her up on the stage in the air like this! Reminds me of once she did for Free & Easy years back. And I like the stage. It looks really magnificent. ^o^ I didn't get to see snowy kiss cos there's just something wrong with the link.

I'm in fact quite surprised Ayu posted those link although they're not official videos to be posted. lol.

And I'm also quite surprised at A Classical being the top for Ninki Chart when there's actually nothing special about this album! Not really a compilation and there's just.....nothing to look forward to in this album.

Why is it that so many people are anticipating it? I dun understand.

Okay, I guess I dun totally understand those related to Ayu.. Or maybe not anymore? hmm..

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Sum up 2012 - Happy New Year 2013!

Just wanna write some little things of the past year, although i dun quite like 2012 which isn't very smoothly for me. I certainly hope it'll will end soon. lol. But a new year brings uncertainty in which I'm sort of afraid. But if I'd stay the same, i wil never improve! Because we should always be moving forward. :)

Looked through some of my stuffs n here goes for 2012:
¤ Have watched lots of tv shows starting this yr because changing to new broadband plan. In which the connection actually has some problem occasionally n ended up my dvd player spolit!
¤ and cos of this i went online mostly using my mobile phone. use my com once to twice a week which is so little!
¤ have quite a lot of health problems especially sleep and strange dreams tat terrify me. Really dun like this at all. i had nausea quite a lot this year for no reason. :(
¤ into the 90s songs and I'm so happy tat i had a chance to watch 999roses drama on a special day!! ^_^
¤ the time where i got sick of studying, n also got sick n bored of working. lol.
¤ i lost lots of weight in the beginning cos of my health n i gain back at the end of this yr. Pretty fast.!
¤ i really read through my mags n wrote skincare/cosmetics info on them in this blog!
¤ i didn't accomplish on my learning diary part. write like bits n pieces cos i find it too hassle.
¤ i did my lots of newspaper cuttings!
¤ i started to read through some china history because of a drama. i can't believe this myself cos i was never into the history subject!
¤ got my hair cut short after the hospital episode. Seems like I'm not keeping long hair cos of tat. lol.
¤ Bought a few cds n mags imo but ended up spending more $$ on tat! i think things r getting expensive or tat cos I've spend lots of small idol items in the past which is more but cheaper. O_O

Alright. this all will become the past. Shall not look back at this anymore. Most importantly i want my health to be better! I will write my plans n remind myself often to accomplish them! I hope this year will certainly be much better. My life shall be my control!

Happy New Year to everyone!! ^o^