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Sunday, January 13, 2013

And so Ayu broke up with Maro...

Well, I'm certainly glad about that cos I'm not in for their relationship in the first place. But still, I'm a little surprised at this news cos I didn't expect their relationship to end this fast! Yeah 2 months alright from my previous post in November 2012. This sure ended much faster than with Mannie!!

So here goes the news about this: It says according to a female magazine, Ayu and Maro had already broken up and he has moved out of Ayu's house. And this relationship in which many people objected, only lasted for 2 months. Ayu felt that her staff troupe are quite uncomfortable since he became the 'Queen's man'. Fans wanted her to draw the line clearly between work and personal relationships. And since Maro already has a ex-girlfriend and a kid, Ayu feels he's kinda fishy, so she ended their relationship.

Well, of cos when I first read this I thought it would be more trustworthy if it's written in TA diary. Although I dun fully believe yet, I do hope this was true. Anyway, I went to see TA and indeed, it's true afterall!! I'm just finding it kinda strange why Ayu isn't quite open in this case. When she was with Mannie and when they're over, she wrote them pretty clear in TA. Now she just says that she's being deceived and she didn't mention any names. [And why isn't there a thread mentioning about this in AHS?] Oh well, probably she just doesn't like to write guys names on her TA. lol. Yet she doesn't blame anyone because she chose him in the first place. So at least Ayu wakes up and realized her mistake to be with him. In this case, I'm glad about this since I dun like the both of them together either. But having to see the word 'deceived' makes me feel sad. It's like Maro indeed have the intention to cheat/lie to Ayu and not be honest with her at first. And Ayu even let him to stay in her house!! That was such a wrong decision, Ayu. Even if you're together I dun think u can just let a guy to stay in your house. It's really like....the guy wants to depend on u to feed him. That's really bad imo.

Now I really began to hate again covers and booklets with Maro pictures around. Okay, maybe I'm a bit too serious to use the word 'hate' but I just dun like again anymore after this episode. I can't bring myself to like it. And see, Ayu now seems to make all the pvs in this mini-album true. Although in snowy kiss, Ayu broke up with Maro in a fight/quarrel manner [in which may not be happening in real life that way], but still they're over! I dun like the fact that Ayu's pvs became real actually. That she's alone and single after all. That no one guy will come to her and spend the rest of his life with Ayu. It's just such a bad ending with Ayu that sad.

It really pains my heart now. T_T
But on a bright side, at least they've ended. If the longer they're together, probably Ayu's gonna be in more pain! Anyway, I also do hope tat Ayu is not doing all these to create news so that there's attention on her. Please tell me not! Ayu, just carry on with your work and produce more good music for us! Forget about those jerks!

And my anticipation for the 5th or last release of the 5 releases for her 15th anniversary! I hope is an A BEST 3! But I dun think Avex is so nice yet. Maybe they'll drag a little more. It will be good if it's a new album work, totally new songs. A Classical already shocked me. I think it's a waste of the release already. I dun want a similar one to happen. Like a remix album with strange Ayu covers. Please dun ruin Ayu's releases!! For the last of the 5 this time. Please make it big and nice!! Much nicer!!

And there's probably more things for me to look forward to.  =)


  1. Yep I'm totally in the same mood with you. And thank u for confirming again about the break up. I was confused about the rumor of her breakup in AHS, and in the end it's true (luckily, cuz Maro apparently cheated her for promoting for his debut as a singer, dirty, poor Ayu:(). I really really hope there's some man who can love her with all his sincere heart and stay by her for long, not a fleeting and shallow romance like Maro or even Mannie... After all adversities in her long career, she's still alone and has not gained true happiness yet:(

  2. No problem.. I will post Ayu news that I come across. Thanks and I'm sure many Ayu fans feel the same. Anyway, I still hope Ayu's happiness will come someday. =)
