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Sunday, July 26, 2015

On my way to recovery....

While I'm still figuring out what's wrong with my body.... (-_-)

Well I have to do something, like getting more rest as such, and really watch my diet closely. It's quite a little pain actually. There's so much of my favourite food that I can't enjoy now. I'm also not sure if what I'm eating now is really okay for my stomach but I supposed it does good. And I have to be on a exercise regime and see if my body will become better. But my stomach can be a torture sometimes. At one moment I can be very hungry and after I ate something [without finishing yet] I feel full almost immediately. I really hate this organ of mine. lol.

And why does it have to be at such a right time where I keep seeing food appearing on tv? Loads of yummy delicious food! I can't stand it!! I wanna enjoy a delicious bowl of ramen but it isn't the appropriate time for me at all now. I want Japanese food badly~~ (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Sobs!

And just on Friday, I happened to see Kumicky on tv! It was only then that I realised she's on Kawaii Asia tv program. I once saw her on a channel teaching some simple exercises too, but I can't find it in the internet!! Why, isn't she popular? Or only in Japan?? =( It's not fair that it's so hard for me to watch it at my own free time. Argh. They OUGHT to make Kumicky's stuff easily available! She's also a great inspirational artiste too u know!! ⋋_⋌

There, Kumicky is introducing delicious dessert with Pikarin.

I swear the way Kumicky eats and describes it tempt me so much for a parfait now. I need one for my internal soul therapy. lol!

And then she went off with another girl I don't know who and introduce some dessert crepe.

I can't believe adding konpeito on desserts but I'm sure Kumicky's one is more yummy than this. haha.

And that's all the shots that I can get from that program. (-__-)

Maybe I really need to stop watching such programs that torture me. xD  I know I can be more determined in the change of my lifestyle now. And I should focus on things that are more important, although I might have to give up on some things. Somehow I feel a little sad, that I can't enjoy as much as before. ( ´•︵•` ) Maybe I need to sort out my time better. But at least, since I'm determine to recover asap I made myself rest as much as I could. 

I just want more holidays although it's not quite possible. (・□・;)

One more week to go and it'll be August! I just hope next month will be better and since there's some holidays to rest, I wanted to do something more.

What will be my mood? I don't wanna be all sad and sick like this July. I need to be all well and start writing better stuffs.

Isshi, please bless me that I'll be fine. Without weird dreams no more too.

With much love,

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