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Sunday, January 15, 2017

[OD] Sadly and weirdly~

Another outdated post! I'm pretty into spring cleaning everything else besides the physical items in my room. I'm set to do that for the images in my phone, my youtube channel and my emails. hahaha. How weird I only get the mood to do so for this year. Probably because after I'm done with my own items I also have to do for work since it's definitely the best that I clear and reduce as many things so that I need not bring too much over to the new place. Wow what a revamp! lol.

I feel this time round my life can turn for a new start. I'm not sure how things will go though. But it's always nice to have a good change. Yet I have a struggle recently since I organised my things way too good until.... I forget where I've placed them. (;´д`) Darn for my forgetful brain!! I don't know if I should laugh or cry. And my memories could be messed up. lol. It took me some time to find and recall where I've placed my Japanese CD-rom that I need it to get myself to study with the book. Climbing up and down and searching for the right box that contains the thing I want to find. Yet I secretly laughed inside when the same happened to my co-workers just few days back. LOL.

Well, let's just get back to me going through all these old pictures sinking in my phone. hahaa.

^ This was last year when my friend found out this yukata instruction sheet lying on the table only after we figured out how to wear and tie the obi. (¬_¬) Why didn't this thing appear earlier? We struggled for so long. Argh, probably is just me since mine was the traditional one where I really need to get the obi done. I know I should have be familiar with it in the first place but somehow when I happened to see those on youtube tutorials they made me even frustrated after seeing how complicated and difficult it is to do that I just gave up. Then I was too tired to see anymore and do a demo first myself at home. (x_x) I'm lucky my friend was nice to observe others and figured it pretty quickly and so I shall say that she was way better than those tutorials since it's done much faster than me watching the vids. Another thing that I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Ahhhh!!!!

I'm just posting the pictures here for reference in case I need to wear it again in the future cos my brain is really limited and can't remember too much. lol. Hopefully this will evoke my memories of how obi is tied. ^_^;

^ A piece of paper I've printed out from one comic book and that's because few years ago I was kinda into ancient chinese history so this was of a good reference to me. How did that happen? haha of course from watching chinese dramas! I have an interest in those type of stories although some aren't real history related but the way they dressed and live depicts the different timeline that happen in the show. I find it interesting that I can learn a bit about the times and also those phrases that I've not heard of. It's one of the ways where I can improve my chinese since I don't need to write or read frequently. But honestly, it's a sad thing how our mother tongue became stagnant at this age since we don't really need to use much at work. Same for dialect. So it totally depends on the individual whether you wanna watch and read more on your own. Since English is pretty much used everywhere who would really care about their mother tongue right? And it's not like it's being promoted or encouraged much. Sadly this has to happen. Maybe it's just here I guess. Well what can we do anyway? We can only be self-motivated if we want to keep the language going...Otherwise it'll just get worse.

^ What a nice scenery where the flyer can be viewed from here! But honestly I can't remember when and where is this. *yeah memories lost*

^ I remember showing this picture of the few escape games to my friends that we can go and have fun. But sadly it was not realised. We have too little people around us to call and be interested in such games. (,_,) What a pity sobs.

^ A bracelet I bought for myself some time last year if I'm not wrong and I like it a lot. ^_^

^ Can't remember if I have post this anywhere. My friend in school gave me when we just know each other after a month! It was a pleasant surprise gift. No one has ever give me a present that fast when we just knew each other. lol. That happened slightly more than 10 years ago.  (・o・) It's something that I treasure a lot since you see I didn't even remove the wrapper. But sadly again, I don't know where is this anymore. It's weird that after I spring clean some stuffs go missing. I could have accidentally misplace it I don't know. It just sucks to have a brain like mine. lol.

^ Bought these 2 snacks in early December if I'm not wrong. The rice crackers expired pretty fast! That's why it was on sale anyway. haha. The red bean chocolate biscuit is the jem!! It's really really tasty!! I finished the whole packet at one go. Can't describe how great it was I'm soooo amazed at the quality of it as a chocolate. Might buy it again but somehow hope it can be cheaper. ( ´•︵•` )

^ This is canned sweet corn from Daiso! I thought it would taste good but it's just ordinary.

^ This was the macdonalds treat that I won from a friend! It was pretty nice since I don't win things often lol. Oh yeah so this reminds me the last time I won was 2 years ago in September. Aww...that seems long ago enough. (・_・) I totally enjoy this feeling of being lucky. hahaha.

Alright, I will dig more and post any of such old photos next time. Can't wait to see when my phone is complete without a mess. lol.

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