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Sunday, January 08, 2017

[OD] Say it and it will come true?

Here I am doing a backlog of my old pictures that's still hanging in my computer. lol. This post simply is here to make me recall those memories.... So let me talk a bit about it.

^ Omg for a moment when I just read what the Coach has replied me I couldn't recall what song I'm telling him! So what else can I do besides searching for that tweet since I liked it? Damn it was of no use since Coach quote my tweet instead of replying mine. So I don't know which Kagrra song am I talking about. (>ω<) This is kinda vexing since I won't know what's going on back then but never mind. I need to post this since Coach replied me. Oops come to think of it, I have not tweeted Coach ever since. I need to remind him of Kagrra, once again when I can. And therefore this will make me have the urge to brush up on my Japanese in order to chat with him once more. hahaha.

^ Damn this took place on 02 Dec 2015. Even further from the Coach tweet! lol. I was too happy over how Swoozie likes my tweet although it's not the first time but I like his little action of liking my tweet again and again. hahaha. He never fail to make my day as well. I really appreciate how he bothers to read my tweet and comments to him since I didn't think he would care about a small fry like me but yeah, he does! So he's one youtuber I like a lot along with his jokes. Definitely one cool guy worth my support. (^ε^)

^ Ahh, lastly about this movie I've watched last year which is called Erased 僕だけがいない街. I watched the anime when it was just released in early 2016. Sadly it got removed after I only watched a few episodes from it. (x_x) Nevertheless the story was pretty good. I kinda expected the ending since the main character Satoru wanted to change the past in order to save friends and his mum, so he has to die and be 'erased' from the earth in order to do so. A sad ending but his action is really admirable and noble. I only felt pity for him that he did not get to be with the girl Airi whom he likes. Well, I believe he liked her. It looks obvious. But I'm also kinda upset that he didn't confess his feelings to her. At least something good has to happen in the show isn't it? It's just a pity that this didn't happen. (;´д`)

At the start of the movie I got kinda bored at first since it's exactly the same as the anime to outline the plot. Anyway I'm kinda impressed how the print on the ticket still remains clear till now cos the other ticket of mine in which I watched later than Erased has already faded. Yeah I'm impressed with how the Erased ticket hasn't got erased yet LOL.

The thing that I recalled from this movie is that they mentioned about saying things out so that it will come true. If I didn't remember wrongly, they're referring to their wishes. If you said it, it will come true. This is something that has been bothering me for some time though. I don't know if saying it will make it come true or not since during birthdays when you're making a wish you don't usually say it. If it really comes true, does this mean God is answering your wishes? Or is this just coincidence? Or that you have clairvoyance and predicted the future at the right time? Or it is the level of your consciousness that resulted in the law of attraction? So what can it be?? WHICH IS THE RIGHT ANSWER? \(>0<)/ SHOULD I SAY OUT MY WISHES OR NOT?

I have not decided what I wanted to do for this so......

I might just keep it in my heart for now.

If one day it happens that when I said my wish and it did came true, that's when I'll begin to say all my wishes out ONE BY ONE.

If only it happens.

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