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Saturday, February 18, 2017

When I'm unmotivated...

I just have to remind myself how much I deserve some rest before I can do better...  But I just don't have the mood. My stomach keeps playing games with me and fooling with my brain. I don't wanna do anything else when I just can't move! My brain is not cooperating with my heart either. Nothing can ever get done..... Or is that so? 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・

Probably once every few moments I get myself to look up at "How to be motivated" but I wasn't totally in to reading everything from the webpage so hahaha. This is what my mood is doing to me. Although I used to post something about motivation before but it's something different since I'm taking it off from the diet part.

Right now I'm kinda on the way to pick myself up again. Probably I've felt better from settling most of the things from work so nothing big is weighing on my shoulders as much as before. Maybe because I get to eat a favourite dish of mine - the Scallop miso cream pasta and yummy Earl grey milk pudding that's melting in my mouth. ♡ Maybe because I discovered a new short anime and it made me happy again. I am happy for little bits of things that I came across in my everyday life, which made me feel I didn't live so bad. haha. So... how bad can this be? Just because I wasn't productive enough to do all the things I wanted to? Aren't they supposed to be done leisurely in a relaxing manner and not pushing myself too hard? Isn't this true?

So the answers should be.... 

Stay positive no matter what. Things will get better.
● I have many idols I look up to lol. But my focus right now is on myself rather than spending too much time on envying how great their life is etc. So what I should learn and remind myself constantly is their attitude and what they're doing.
● Yes I should learn to make things fun!! Always think of how I can make an activity like studying a pleasure. A music? A treat? Shopping time? (≧▽≦)
● Maybe I should do some meditate to clear my mind of everything too.
● I think try something new should also be on the list.
Getting excited and having anticipation for the end result should also be as important.
● And always smile by looking at smiling photos of my favourite idols or those I love cos that will up my mood level.

Well then, I should be motivated after this.

Especially after seeing those smiles. =)

Never never to forget what's keeping me moving and how it all get me started.

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