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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Cosmos #06 | Hello February!

Ahh.. so I haven't been able to blog for the past week! I had the CNY holidays but I was too tired to do anything else productive like blogging. The only thing I wanted most is to have proper rest and regain my energy to face all the load of paper mountains at work. That said, I was extremely exhausted from the time to prepare to move and after settling down to the new office. I'm pretty sure somehow I'm still not used to the whole new environment. The first week [which was just last week before CNY] I have to keep reminding myself that I have to alight at the right station although it's just a stop before the previous workplace. lol. It was just not in my subconsciousness yet and since I didn't have the mood all along, I didn't even listen to my favourite music while on the way. I can describe my whole month in January as just being exhausted. Nothing else. There is nothing more for the whole month that I can plan or do anything for myself. The CNY holidays are too short since we have to go visiting and preparing to have the same meals for days. Yeah that's how every year this holiday will be for us. ^_^;

I'm glad I can have an additional day off but it was kinda ruined by a friend of mine. Yeah, just why do I have friends who take me for granted? I'm beginning to pile up suspicions of her since she's gotten weird during that day I would believe that she's being possessed. I mean she doesn't have a soul all along anyway. hahaa. I just don't like how she keeps pulling a long face and putting the blame on me no matter what I tried to do and respect her decisions, yet she doesn't care about mine. (-_-)  Keep rebutting at me no matter what I suggested. Had enough of selfish people, shouldn't I? Especially when you can just tell me your thoughts instead of expecting me to know what you're up to all the time. I prefer people to be honest than beat about the bush. Why can't friends be this way? She's getting over my limit too. I've been tolerating her for years, for so long. Until that I'm the one who's gonna go crazy and being unhappy instead. Why should I be affected by someone who doesn't care about me right? Anyway, I can't pinpoint what exactly is wrong with her but her behaviour is like that all along, just that it gets worse this time which is over my tolerance. I guess my patience with people is harming me in some way that leaves me breathless instead. I should really be kinder to myself and get rid of people who gives no damn about me won't you agree too?

Argh whatever, I have to speak bad of someone in order to feel better afterwards. xD

So now, I supposed I need some time to get back in fulfilling my resolutions yeah? haha. I'm kinda losing my pace after a whole month of torture so I'm glad it's over. Let the bad be over since more and more people are leaving and so should some of those 'friends' in my life. I certainly need to get rid of poison people who did me no good. Life should be better this way. I should have less troubles after this. I'm entitled to be happy, certainly.

Well, let me talk about something happy for myself. Since I wanted to do shopping badly, I have to show some of the things I bought!

^ As I have been using masks less lately, I make myself buy this box at least so to push myself to use them more! What a waste if I just keep them instead of pampering myself a little at home. See, that's what I ended up doing nothing but sleep when I was so exhausted and bothered about work. lol.  Anyway, I hardly use liquid eyeliners and so I ended up using it only once a year for CNY! I've kept my current one for 2 years and I figured I better get a new one and try it on someday. I do like how eyeliners can make my eyes look big and beautiful but it just takes up too much time for me. I need a lot of patience and mood to put it on. Or to say, I need a lot of practice so maybe I should do it often so that it'll end up easier for me to draw them next time. But really, I don't need big eyes all the time. I still wanna look exceptional beautiful on special days. hahaha.

I was kinda attracted to getting a new lipstick after I've watched a few beauty youtube videos. I love my current one so I wanna get another essence lipstick again. This time round I got the lightest shade since for some reason I just wanna go for a light peachy colour.

^ But you know what, it isn't peachy at all! It ended up too white on my lips if I were to use it on it's own. Then I tried using it as the top colour to highlight my current lipstick and in fact it works this way! Wow. Then it was this that I realised no wonder why they like to mix colours together often. Now this begin to be my thing too. (^o^)  It can actually be fun too when it turns out to be the result/effect that you want .Wow, just wow. (≧▽≦) I'm just slow to the makeup game. haha.

^ More cute things for myself~

^ And then Daiso food series of mochi I crazily get them all in different flavours. And there's the dark chocolate on the left. I'm surprised that they have such snacks now. Yet to try all of them!!

I'm considering this as my good day since I managed to buy 2 dresses and a denim jacket for work. This is a good start for my February as I've been waiting for that stall to bring in suitable clothes of my sizes. It's been a long while! Yeah since my January was empty.

Hello February. Here I come~! (*´・з・`*)チュッ♪


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