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Friday, February 24, 2012

My Fav Popteen model: Kumicky~

Somehow I feel like doing a profile about Kumicky! haha. Anyway it's based on this yr Jan issue of Popteen where I gather info about her. (*^ω^*)

Kumicky profile
Full name: Kumiko Funayama 舟山久美子
Nickname: Kumicky くみっきー
Date of Birth: 29 April 1991
Horoscope: Taurus
Height: 155cm
Weight: 39 kg
Family: Dad, Mum, elder brother, 2 dogs and 1 cat
Blood type: O

✿ties her hair when at home
✿have her Beauty Salon section in Popteen
✿loves to keep sunglasses and hats [has about 100 of hats at home!]
✿has a big Cheburashka monkey plushy
✿likes green now
✿loves to wear a 'K' ring on her last finger
✿learning English once a week
✿wants to go Hawaii again to communicate in English
✿now's a good cook. Signature dish: Chicken
✿likes flat shoes
✿now looking into Korean skincare & cosmetics 
✿seems to like eating fried chicken
✿Wants to gain weight to 40kg!
✿Been at Popteen for about 3 years, enter through her friend's recommendation

Blog: http://ameblo.jp/funayama--kumiko/
http://www.galspop.jp/blog/detail/MDL9/ [Wonder if this is counted]
Official Website: http://kumicky.jp/
Twitter: @informationkumi [More on updates on her blog]

I wonder if there's a fan club for her overseas fan. Hmm.. there isn't much info I can find about her. Anyway, I enjoy reading the magazine and I'm even more happy to get a copy of her on cover!  ヽ(ˆ0ˆ)ノ yeah!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ayu divorce & Sweet Season pv

Ar.. my mind still can't stop thinking about Ayu's divorce. And somehow I thought of Sweet Season pv. I love the song a lot cos it gives a sense of warmth. Well, the pv shows Ayu dressed in 80's style, playing with kids by the swimming pool. And she acted as a Mum! When 'her kids' greeted her with "Hi Mum", she does looked a bit awkward! lol.
The thing I wanna say is that Ayu seemed to be happy playing them, like having a nice family with her hubby and kids, but the ending of the pv is that she seemed to be dreaming about it, with her lying on the sofa with tears and kinda drunk? So it's saying that the kind of family life that she can have is only a dream? The ending makes me feel a little sad for her. (T . T) as it seems like she's can only lead her single life in the end, like she kinda expected it. Is that really for her? I can't stop thinking about it! When she got married with Mannie, I was thinking if she's really gonna have Caucasian kids! Can't help it that being an Ayu fan I became concern about her personal life too. The sense of family warmth when I watched the pv, I really hope Ayu has it. But the ending is so.....sad.

This the short pv that I can find in Youtube. Not that happy about avex cos when they created the official channel for Ayu, they only put up short versions for Ayu's pvs. Why can't let us see the full version!!! And many old vids of Ayu are deleted, even for some uploaders channel. =( Now it became so hard to search for Ayu vids. Can't enjoy as much as I want to!!

And there is actually an alternate pv for Sweet Season! But it was eventually deleted too. As much as I wanna put it here also can't! Anyway, the alternate pv looks pretty good too, with Ayu sitting on the sofa singing with the kids. haha. But it seemed a little bit boring. Nevertheless I like this vid too!! Wonder why don't they include it in the Love Songs album too cos it'll definitely be a great collection for us fans okay!! Hmmm...will they intend to put it in some future compilation albums? Looking forward to it if there is!!  (^-^)

Anyway, no matter how Ayu's life is gonna be, we fans will support her always!! I hope she knows..and continuing singing for the rest of her life since that's what she likes and that's what we want. (^ー^)ノ

Ayu, we will always be there for u no matter what!! 

Been ill

on the first week of Feb and the feeling is definitely not good! Having fever is really enough, not to mention with headaches, cough and flu. It was even scary that I need to go to the hospital to get checked if I got dengue fever. It really scared me a lot!! Although my fever lasted for about a week and it came on and off, but I'm pretty sure it's not dengue. I dun have those symptoms such as rashes or joint pain but still, I got the terror and going to the hospital is surely the last thing ever in ur life. Luckily what I got is probably some virus attack and after having drips my fever went down a lot and I was okay to go home. What a weekend of fear! lol. 

From this incident, it kinda woke me up. I have been kinda unhealthy especially during CNY and I have been snacking quite a lot and craving for fast food most of the time. Eating those fried food did upset my stomach a bit but I still let it be. I must be crazy to do that! From then on, I strive to eat healthily no matter what. and I must get myself moving! Do some exercise! It's also a bliss to be able to breathe, cos I have blocked nose and it feels horrible not to be able to breathe properly. I do feel life is good at this time! Before this, I even complained to a fren on how horrible I think my life is. But now, I feel so fortunate that nothing major happens to me and I can do anything I want. My health may not be that good but I can be able to walk around and lead a typical student life. That's already good enough!! Life is really unpredictable. We dunno what's gonna happen next, so haveta cherish everything at this very moment!! This is really a costly lesson to me.  (>_<)(涙)

I'm not gonna have doubts about my future. Just do everything I can. Although I may not get the result I want, success goes to people who are determined. I shall not do anything that leaves me with regret anymore. Now I'm happier than before. I almost can't believe it. (^∇^)

I thank god, thank everything. (^-^)

Monday, February 06, 2012

Pink pink~!

Went shopping a bit for some necessary stuff last week. To think that I actually got all things pink for myself! lol. I really began to like pink leh. Very pretty isn't it?

Bought a hair brush, cloth brush and a pouch!

Popteen Jan 12 issue 
I've became a Popteen fan!! It was the first Jap mag (TW ver) that I've bought since 2008 but I wasn't so into it back then. In fact I ended up liking Cawaii after reading ViVi, Cawaii and SCawaii. Sadly, Cawaii ended in around 2010? So I dun get to read it anymore and there, I've turned myself to Popteen.

It was only just around the end of 2011 where I realised that I like Kumicky from Popteen!! I'm glad this Jan issue she's on cover!!! She seems to be really popular among the readers too!

Anyway, this mth's content was really good! Love looking at mags once in a while to keep myself updated of the latest product selling too! ヽ(ˆ0ˆ)ノ There are 3 pages about wearing hats, quite a bit of fashion clothes stuff as usual, the new style of makeup by emphasizing on the lower eyelid [which purposely makes u look like u got eyebags ?_?], 37 ways of saving time to dolling up urself, ways of styling/tying ur hair [that's difficult!], model interviews about their job [very nice!], and peek inside the models' rooms! Very nice content!

It seems that there are new models being featured in the mag, but I still miss some of the models that have graduated already. sobsob. I hope they dun change models so frequent. haha. Kumicky must stay!! oooh, and I haven't got a Popteen mag with Ayu on cover!! When will she appear? I dun wanna buy ViVi or SCawaii anymore. I want a mag with lots of makeup content!!

Oh, i just bought green tea sweet to munch. haha. It isn't very tasty but not that bad either. Or maybe I should have expected it already. It's not that sweet type of sweets. haha. but the ingredient containing margarine stunned me a little. O_O

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Cosmetics care

Have been wanting to write something about skincare/cosmetics. So for a start I shall note down some short info first!! I keep forgetting the things after I've read, so maybe after writing this it will sink into my head. haha.

✿The 3 essential makeup items to make ur eyes more attractive are: eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara.

✿ Expiry period for makeup products 
Sponge/puff 1 to 2 months
Mascara 2 months (once opened)
False lashes 2 to 3 times usage
Eyeliner-Liquid 2 months
             Gel 1 year
             Pencil 2 years
Eyebrow pencil 2 to 3 years
Eyeshadow 2 years

Lipstick and lip liner 2 years

Foundation 2 to 3 years
Concealer 2 to 3 years
Loose powder 2 to 3 years
Blusher 2 to 3 years

oh so my thinking that my gel eyeliner is drying up is not wrong! lol. I think pencil eyeliners are better for me since I dun use it that often. I'm not fond of using mascara as I dun like the feeling of my lashes being hard and dry. And it could only last for 2 months!! oh gosh. The more I dun feel like using it. lol. 

White eyeshadow is good to use as a base before applying powder eyeshadow. It can also be used as a highlighter!  

I have white eyeshadow but I didn't put them to good use! Now I know.. 

✿ Prepare ur skin by washing ur face and then put on moisturizer 10 mins before u start putting on makeup
For dry skin, apply light sunscreen 10 mins after moisturizing. Then after 10 mins again, put on makeup. 

10 mins!! I remember reading a mag that says 3 mins!! I always wait for 3 mins in between each product I apply. So did I not let my skin absorb the product enough?? Oh dear... 

✿ The best way of reducing eye bags is to place hot towel over the eyes for 5 mins. 

ooh I haven't tried this. Idk.

✿ Monthly facials are essential for those who put on makeup everyday!! 

Alright done! Will post somemore when I can.. (ˆ_ˆ)

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Ayu: This Jan

Love Ayu's tweet most of the time.♥ I'm especially more concern about her after her divorce. I dun feel like mentioning it but still it's smth that has happened that we fans are concerned about how she's doing. Anyway, looks like she's doing good now, after seeing her tweet for this:

Never regret anything coz at one time it was exactly what u wanted.......;))

I hope she really knows what she wants!! I'm glad that she's fine now. This picture shows some sort of warmth from her. I'm someone who regrets my decision sometimes so this sentence from her meant a lot to me!! I must know exactly what I wanted right!!

This looks like a very snack!! Love her nail art too!! Ayu has such a great taste!!
If only I was interested in nail art, I might gonna do the same one as her! But too bad I'm not that into it. But it's really pretty~!!  *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

This effect was pretty good too!! Wonder what app is Ayu using to get that! Love her phone. Super love!! ♥ It's so pink!! I'm in love with pink stuffs recently. This made me sooooo envy and wanna get pink stuffs for my phone too. That means I'm gonna search for it.... ar~~

and her pretty toe nails!! so colourful~

Yeah good news that I know today! Ayu will be releasing a new album called Party Queen on March 21! Her tracklist is amazing! I love the song titles that she gave! There isn't any cover art released now if not I will post it here too!! I love CD+DVD+2DVD versions which is similar to NEXT LEVEL so I'm definitely gonna get that! Super exciting!!!
Although I expect a single before an album at first, but this news is good for me cos I will definitely  buy albums. I only buy singles if I like the songs very much, or if the single has any special versions that the album doesn't have. Ar~~ anyway this means I haveta save up for March! Oh, and there is 18 of ayu’s past albums in PLAYBUTTON form, a lifestyle book, and special photobook too!! Why so nice to us! hahaha. But this means I'm gonna spend so much in March! Gosh gosh..

Ayu is our Party Queen~ ^o^/