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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ayu on Harper's Bazaar Hong Kong + We Are Stronger Together

Ar...I have been so slacked these days right? Have been posting only about the news. Haha actually I'm just being too focused on studying I don't know what's got into me. (≧▽≦) And also suddenly into romance anime. lol. Anyway, I'm still gonna talk about Ayu now. (^∇^) I've spotted another small article of Ayu which is talking about the same thing as what I've written in my previous Ayu post.

The pictures here are better but I just don't like this little negative talk about her. So skip!!

The latest photoshoot that Ayu just did is for Hong Kong's Harper's Bazaar magazine 25th anniversary.

It says after Ayu experienced divorce, now she's focused on her career. This time Ayu goes sexy and wild, with 8 different stunning styles that catches your attention. There's a wild sexy catwoman style and full of SM one-eyed image. And also the deep V-cut glittery dress that showed her elegance in the photoshoot. (^-^)

I'm in fact kinda lazy to read the magazine article in the above site I've linked. I feel that it's easier to read in English than in Chinese so hopefully there's translation available or else...I just don't know what's it about then. haha.
#Edit: English translation for Harper's Bazaar HK 2013 @ misa-chan's 

Anyway, Ayu really stunned me!! Among them, I love the one where there's a veil on Ayu but can't really see her clearly except her beautiful left eye, and also this~:

I think it's been a while that I haven't see Ayu in straight long hair!! I really love this!! (⌒▽⌒) And know what, after I looked a little closely, I just realised Ayu didn't wear a bra right? lol. xD But this image is really my most favourite among them all. From her hair to her clothes and the pose. Awesome~!!!

Well, Ayu took a half-naked photoshoot again. I thought it's for some magazine like what she just did for Majesty Japan and I really feel like saying "Oh no, not again!" lol. But yeah this time is different cos Ayu did this for Pink October "We Are Stronger Together" Charity for fight against breast cancer. I think this one is more stunning that the above! (●^口^●)

I like that this time Ayu turned her right side facing the camera and so, we can see her tattoo~!! Ayu really exudes this feminine side of her which I love so much too. It's just awesome beauty that I ever wanna achieve. =)  And oh yeah, Ayu recently just recorded a song at LA. Omg I wonder when will this new song be released. I love it~! Although it sounds like You & Me but this is way better!! I really need a new Ayu song cos I think I have been so much into Namie mode [and just listened to her Past<Future album], I really need my dose of Ayu songs~!! Please surprise us more, Ayu~!! ♥

Ayu article at @ arama they didn't!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Closure of local CD store gramophone

Have seen few articles last week on the closure of this CD store:

I'm so upset! I love to shop around CD stores although I usually would buy if there are sales. xD [Can't help it now I have to restrict my spending a little]. But since I already have most of my Ayu albums, I definitely would buy at the original album prices once the new ones are released. Same for other singers whose albums interested me. But so far, it would be Namie's~! haha. I think I'm starting to expand my collection on Namie. (⌒ー⌒) And if not for gramophone,  I would not have been able to get Namie's Past<Future album which is what I've been thinking of lately [before their closure]!

Previously I got Ayu-mi-x II Acoustic Orchestra album at that same store too!! Although both of them are used items, they are good condition and they are also what I wanted!! I'm so glad I can expand my collection at a cheaper price. haha. I used to buy albums directly from second-hand sellers online but I'm kinda lazy to do that already. I just feel it's kinda troublesome to arrange meetup with a stranger. lol. Well, but I've got most of what I've wanted over the years so this wasn't necessary anymore too. I kinda wondered since when do they deal with this second-hand goods thing [cos the shop did not indicate about this dealing] cos ugh if I have known this earlier [maybe see their website or asked them] I could have sold some of my old CDs of other singers that I don't want anymore. Okay, but it's too late now. I feel that those unwanted ones are occupying my precious space in my room for so long. lol.

Anyway, it's just sad that now there's lesser CD stores to shop. I still can't forget sembawang music center that got closed down in 2009. I remembered I once passed by the store in Raffles City and saw 50% off sale for all their stocks. I was looking at Ayu's fairyland single and some others and was thinking of whether to get it. Okay, I really do regret now. I didn't know that they are actually closing down sales! I used to get most of my CDs from there too! Just why do I hesitate when there's already a half price discount! Damn me. Well, of course if I know it was about to close down, I could have got quite a lot of other artistes albums at the same time. And maybe sell them online myself? Although I haven't done that so far. haha. But my interest was mainly Ayu at that time. So maybe I would be only ended up getting all Ayu's, including DVD I supposed. haha. Oh bother...

I'm glad I indeed have learnt my lesson. lol. Cos after that incident, I tell myself I should get something that I like once I've spotted it. Don't have any more regrets! Just get it! We won't ever know what's gonna happen next... It's definitely worth to get something you like. Definitely!!

I hope the CDs stores that remain here can still survive...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A little update: Ayu flabby arms + BB cream oxidation reply

Yesterday news saying that Ayu is always creating news whenever she's gonna release something. But recently her popularity has dropped, besides being pointed out as having too much plastic surgery, this time she was being caught wearing a flowery dress exposing her flabby arms and tummy. Netizens laughed, and said that she has deteriorated, and her figure has became like an old auntie. (︶︹︺) 

Certainly not happy to see this in the morning. I don't know if Ayu really gained weight until like that. I even became kinda lazy to check out her tweets often than usual. I've been looking at AHS but there just isn't much updates these days.. I remembered previously where Ayu was at the After party of her concert last month, she looked pretty fine to me. Not that fat as they claimed though. haha.

And I finally got a reply from pbunniep on my previous skincare/cosmetics post~!!

Okay, after reading what she says, it does make sense. Yeah I get it now, just that I wonder how exactly the reaction happens? And does this mean that the more oil your skin produces, the more oxidation will occur? [ie. You'll end up looking really dark at the end of the day.] Alright, I don't know who will be able to answer my questions here. lol.

Anyway, that is probably why it's the same thing for my foundation [powder]. They don't oxidize itself even though they were exposed to air, but when after it's applied on my skin, it turned darker at the end of the day! I also remembered watching 女人我最大 program and the host mentioned that we should always be looking for a foundation that is 1 to 2 shades lighter than our actual skintone as it will oxidize at the end of the day. But that's quite a problem isn't it? Cos you would look so fair and light in the morning and at the evening/night you'll look darker. -_-

Just why must we face such a big contrast everyday?!! Maybe other people won't notice this on me but I am bothered about it! I wondered if there are any girls who are also bothered by this just like me. lol. But I really think cosmetics companies now should be doing something about this! Can't you come up with a new foundation or BB cream product that has anti-oxidation properties?? Please heed my suggestion. I'll be so grateful if that happens!! And I certainly think that cosmetic products can get better and better.  ^o^

Friday, September 20, 2013

I'm blogging! + Ayu's old photo as a model

Oh yeah I'm back here now!! I was struggling in thinking of whether to get my computer repaired or might as well just get a new one with the sudden failure of my old computer telling me user profile unable to load. Whatever it is, it totally scared me out of the blue. I didn't even expect such thing to happen. Anyway, it's been about 2 weeks since I last blogged, And I already felt the misery of unable to blog in just one week Lol. What also irks me is that it's actually quite difficult for me to blog on mobile cos I can't edit the pictures nor type as fast as using a computer. And it's even more troublesome with transferring my photos. Ugh the fact that I definitely can't live without a computer now. haha. I felt that I couldn't stop this too especially when I wanna talk about ayu so much. Haha. And also about other singers of course. ^o^ Last week there's Ayu news appeared in the newspaper and that itches me to blog about it!!

Okay, moving on to Ayu's news last Friday 13 Sept. Ayu's old photo as a model is exposed. And netizens were saying ayu looks prettier before plastic surgery:

#I tried editing the photo on my phone but it seems the brightness is still not that good. lol.

Shall just translate this article: Ayu has debuted as a singer for 15 years already and her looks has always been a discussion among people on her nose, lips etc. that she has got them done before. But recently her old photos got surfaced in the Internet where she wore bikini in almost all the pictures with her good figure and cute looking face which got netizens saying that she exceed AV actresses in looking like that!

In the photos, although Ayu's boobs were small, but with her cute dolly face, netizens think she's as sexy as AV actresses. Although there's an obvious difference in how ayu looks like then and now. They think Ayu looks much prettier before plastic surgery.

Ayu is not that popular in the recent years and so in order to create news, ayu don't mind betraying her own private life and show off her house in NUMERO Tokyo magazine for the first time. Ayu who has always like western stuffs, has been incorporating European style in her house designs, with white as the main color. Ayu also expressed that she put in lots of effort for her house design and that if there's anything she's not satisfied, she'll just asked the contractor redo them again countless times.

Honestly, is the first time I've seen that ayu photo but it's known that ayu has been a model since young before she became a singer. I just wondered why such a topic got discussed again especially about whether she got plastic surgery done. It doesn't concern me anymore cos ayu still looks pretty to me. She's still got the charm no matter as a model or singer. :D

I've seen a few photos of Ayu's house and it looked really pretty~!! Especially the A logo above the fireplace omg!! And the spiral staircase! I always wanted to have one. haha. I'm so envy of her!! And I heard [long ago] that she not just have one house, ayu has about 3 houses? I don't mind ayu showing them off cos I'm so curious about her and maybe in the future when I get a house, this will be my reference. Hahaha. I do need more photos to Ayu's houses!! Those pictures didn't satisfy me enough! lol!

Anyway, somehow I don't understand why Ayu got so shocked with the photobook that Mannie did in the past although it's really somehow too explicit? Yet Ayu did semi-nude photoshoots before in ViVi back then. I'm shocked that she is shocked about Mannie. =O Is that really the reason for your divorce? He's a model btw and it's not too surprising that he would do such photoshoots right? Well, imo I think that it was just that they do not understand each other enough having to get married after 5 months of knowing each other. Whatever is it, I'm kinda glad that they are still friends. But I still do feel a little sad about Ayu's love life somehow. =(

Jpop article @ Misa-chan's part 2, part 3 

Monday, September 02, 2013

My BB creams

Have mentioned about BB creams in the previous post and feel like talking about them now. These are the BB creams that I have as of now. I think the first BB cream I got was in year 2009 and I don't think it was good. It feels sticky and I bought it cos the salesperson was saying how nice their product is with so many properties. I remember about seeing that BB cream advertisement in ViVi magazine so I have some curiosity about BB cream and thought it would be worth a try. Come to think of it now, I wouldn't trust any salesgirl telling me about their products cos all along I ended up not happy as the products doesn't suit me nor is of the quality they claimed. Whatever!

I love the Dr. Jart Silver label BB cream at first cos its whitening function is really good! But later I realised it's not that good when I'm in the air-con room the whole day and I can feel that my skin is drying out. I think I was lucky that I've bought Pure Beauty Jasmine Water BB cream previously as it was more hydrating than Dr. Jart. It feels a lot better! To think that I bought it cos of the pretty colour packaging at first. lol. There I've learnt that hydrating BB creams are more important to me rather than those with whitening ones, since I've use my pressed powder on top of BB creams anyway. Maybe I shouldn't be so bothered about whitening anymore. Just use whitening masks and serum would be sufficient I guess. Yeah right, should not care about that in BB creams next time. haha.

Throughout the years, I bought some and thrown them away as I found them not suitable nor for my liking. Anyway I used to like the Dr. Jart BB cream but it turned grey really fast compared to the rest that I've got. I don't know if it's good or bad that BB creams oxidise. Besides the fact that if you use BB creams alone on the face, the colour turn off is really bad, but is it bad for the skin in any way? I've tried searching but I couldn't find answer on this, so I've posted my questions on pbunniep's but there's no reply till now. =(

The Revlon Photoready BB cream was a regret purchase! It was thick and oily! oh my gosh.. I really regretted buying it without watching reviews first. It was only when after I bought it and don't feel that satisfied with it then I turn to watching YouTube reviews on this product. [but isn't it too late? lol.] And that's also where I found out about Judy~~

What she says is totally true: Light coverage, sets fast, even out skin tone but looks shiny. 
Ugh I should have watched this before I buy it. I was curious at first when I saw this new product out so I bought it. Shouldn't have been so rash to buy it just cos it was new. lol.

So another lesson learned: Watch reviews before buying any product! At least the users are honest with their reviews rather than trying to sell them out to you like what sales people will do. Should have make an effort to know what the product is like before you buy. Be a smart consumer! Don't listen to what others tell you. And also, always try out the testers before buying. ^_^

That said, I've been watching too many makeup tutorials nowadays. Makes my heart itchy to buy the products mentioned. lol.