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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

I'm a confident dreamer~~

Yeah I'm so happy that Michelle Phan actually replied me last night when it was just a random thought that I have after watching her video. It was interesting for Michelle to use horoscopes as the idea for some fun and a little makeup tutorial. I like the temporary tattoo and the shoes they decorated them! It made me have a sudden urge to do that to my shoes too. It's cool that you can make them unique, and to receive compliments for such. (≧▽≦) Let's see if I'm able to do anything like that. haha.

And from now on, I'm gonna call myself a dreamer. hehe.  (^∇^)

I just made myself recall this post Swoozie replied my comment and even favourited my tweet while I'm blogging now. Yeah so coincidentally I was about to talk about the topic on self confidence, again. Lol.

I have been thinking lately, that I do need confidence and cos this is what most people expects out of me. While they have confidence in me, I don't really have the same amount that they have of me. Just how much confidence do I need to be okay? And how can I secure that?

But really, low confidence that I have in myself seems to spoil things for me. lol. It seems that most people wants me to appear like that so that they can rest assured of the things that they put me in charge with. Of course I am someone dependable and I keep my words. But just that I'm worried that if I'm not up to the job or at their expectations and letting the people around me disappointed is something I hate to happen. So that's why, I have been trying hard to see how can I change that. Most probably is my way of thinking then.

Well of course not that I wanna fake the confidence cos that's what they want out of me. I do need confidence so that I can perform well too. If I think I can't, most probably I really can't since I would be worrying so much already. [Stop the 'What if' questions!] I really can't deny myself, anything of myself cos this makes things worse isn't it?

And so, I have to be very sure of myself. That's what I've concluded that I should be after reading a little about self confidence. I guess the best way is to work hard and be knowledgeable [after all]. Of course, this also includes being a positive person. Not afraid of anything, not undervaluing your capabilities, and having the strong sense of belief in yourself.

Confident people has the power to influence people too. I always hope that I can attain that. The idea seems far, but the fact that I can inspire some of my friends is something I feel proud too. I didn't expect/think that I can have a positive impact on anyone, but since that happens, it feels really good. I feel so worthy. Lol.

Therefore I probably have to consistently tell myself that "I'm really a worthy person. I am talented and capable like what most people think of me."  (-^〇^-) Cos that would make me achieve and succeed in the things that I wanted to do.  Yeah, that's it! Stop thinking and worrying too much!!

Well then, I also hope that I can be in an environment where it forces me to be strong, and as a result be confident. It sounded kinda tough, but let's see if that could happen... Now I just need to focus on what I wanted to do. \\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶////

The only thing that I don't want is to let anyone down. That's all. 

Even Isshi's coach told me so, that Isshi won't be disappointed in me.

And he won't because he knows that I will work hard. =)

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