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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Things that I got ~March '15

Finally I'm making myself clear the old pictures I have in my phone on the skincare products that I have some time ago. lol. This one was actually last year's! I got some samples from my friends, while the T & U strip and clear patch are the only ones that I bought. I realised I hate the smell of Witch hazel, it really stinks to me! Argh. The clear patch is really sticky but I'm not sure why it isn't working as well as the previous one I used. So these 2 products from this brand isn't something that I will repurchase then. Their makeup remover wipes is probably the only thing that is okay for me. (x_x)

The problem of having too much samples is that I'll ended up chucking them one side and not use them for a long time cos it's not nice to open the packet halfway and keep, since I probably can't finish all of it at one go. So they are still.....there. ╭( ๐_๐)╮

I drank this Gabu Gabu in March when I got this in Jan at a friend's house. Lol I dragged and tried it 2 months later. Oh well, in fact I don't feel like talking about it since I don't like it at all! It tasted far too sweet!! Not the ice cream soda that I've drank before [from other brands]. Probably it has too much ice cream taste idk, it just doesn't taste the way I thought it should have. So not something I would buy. >_< I know this sounds bad of me to say that since I got from a friend. But then, I guess I have different taste from most people. I'll just not let her know I don't like it. lol. 

A little new year gift I got from another friend. The chocolate is good of course, but the perfume... (-。-; I don't like the smell of it. Lucky they are just samples. But I guess perfume is something really personal, so I won't buy perfume as a gift for someone? Oops I think I have bought for this friend before. I mean, I wouldn't want to receive it as a present. lol. Cos I'm just too picky and I have a sensitive nose. I want a perfume that definitely smells nice to me!! And my preference would be of flowery scent. (*^◯^*)✿

Anyway, just last week I got more masks just when I wanted more! I have yet to try the moisturizer though. The cucumber peel-off mask is pretty okay. I had fun peeling the layer from my skin. xD And cucumbers are my favourite! But recently I also bought a nose strip I forgot to take a pic with it here too. Oh gosh, I simply bought too much of those stuff intending to clear dirt from my face. lol.

I got this free Japanese mag from a company yesterday! With Kuu on cover! It would be better if it's Ayu cos it was Ayu's day on the 8th April. haha. But I didn't celebrate it though. It was just another ordinary day once again. My 12th anniversary for loving and supporting Ayu. I'm happy that I can made it this far. lol. I wasn't thinking how long can I be as a fan when I just started listening to Ayu. In fact I wasn't sure how things could go, that I went ahead and try to find all the CD stores and slowly collect as many Ayu CDs as I could. And also that I can be listening to other Jpop artistes when I didn't know any Japanese back then. Well, I'm glad how Ayu made me touch on the Japanese language and be so interested with everything Japanese. It all started with her. And so, I'm just truly grateful once again.

Yes, I want to say again that I'm proud to be an Ayu fan. I have gained so much throughout all the years. Definitely thankful to Ayu. (^∇^)♥

Anyway, next I hope it would be my purchases post!! I've wanted to do shopping since long ago, but haven't had the money to. But I hope I have got the time when I have the money. Why can't I have the best of both worlds? (-_-)

Well then, life is about being busy all the time. 

Another happy day again~ ^_^

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