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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A little update: Ayu flabby arms + BB cream oxidation reply

Yesterday news saying that Ayu is always creating news whenever she's gonna release something. But recently her popularity has dropped, besides being pointed out as having too much plastic surgery, this time she was being caught wearing a flowery dress exposing her flabby arms and tummy. Netizens laughed, and said that she has deteriorated, and her figure has became like an old auntie. (︶︹︺) 

Certainly not happy to see this in the morning. I don't know if Ayu really gained weight until like that. I even became kinda lazy to check out her tweets often than usual. I've been looking at AHS but there just isn't much updates these days.. I remembered previously where Ayu was at the After party of her concert last month, she looked pretty fine to me. Not that fat as they claimed though. haha.

And I finally got a reply from pbunniep on my previous skincare/cosmetics post~!!

Okay, after reading what she says, it does make sense. Yeah I get it now, just that I wonder how exactly the reaction happens? And does this mean that the more oil your skin produces, the more oxidation will occur? [ie. You'll end up looking really dark at the end of the day.] Alright, I don't know who will be able to answer my questions here. lol.

Anyway, that is probably why it's the same thing for my foundation [powder]. They don't oxidize itself even though they were exposed to air, but when after it's applied on my skin, it turned darker at the end of the day! I also remembered watching 女人我最大 program and the host mentioned that we should always be looking for a foundation that is 1 to 2 shades lighter than our actual skintone as it will oxidize at the end of the day. But that's quite a problem isn't it? Cos you would look so fair and light in the morning and at the evening/night you'll look darker. -_-

Just why must we face such a big contrast everyday?!! Maybe other people won't notice this on me but I am bothered about it! I wondered if there are any girls who are also bothered by this just like me. lol. But I really think cosmetics companies now should be doing something about this! Can't you come up with a new foundation or BB cream product that has anti-oxidation properties?? Please heed my suggestion. I'll be so grateful if that happens!! And I certainly think that cosmetic products can get better and better.  ^o^

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