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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Closure of local CD store gramophone

Have seen few articles last week on the closure of this CD store:

I'm so upset! I love to shop around CD stores although I usually would buy if there are sales. xD [Can't help it now I have to restrict my spending a little]. But since I already have most of my Ayu albums, I definitely would buy at the original album prices once the new ones are released. Same for other singers whose albums interested me. But so far, it would be Namie's~! haha. I think I'm starting to expand my collection on Namie. (⌒ー⌒) And if not for gramophone,  I would not have been able to get Namie's Past<Future album which is what I've been thinking of lately [before their closure]!

Previously I got Ayu-mi-x II Acoustic Orchestra album at that same store too!! Although both of them are used items, they are good condition and they are also what I wanted!! I'm so glad I can expand my collection at a cheaper price. haha. I used to buy albums directly from second-hand sellers online but I'm kinda lazy to do that already. I just feel it's kinda troublesome to arrange meetup with a stranger. lol. Well, but I've got most of what I've wanted over the years so this wasn't necessary anymore too. I kinda wondered since when do they deal with this second-hand goods thing [cos the shop did not indicate about this dealing] cos ugh if I have known this earlier [maybe see their website or asked them] I could have sold some of my old CDs of other singers that I don't want anymore. Okay, but it's too late now. I feel that those unwanted ones are occupying my precious space in my room for so long. lol.

Anyway, it's just sad that now there's lesser CD stores to shop. I still can't forget sembawang music center that got closed down in 2009. I remembered I once passed by the store in Raffles City and saw 50% off sale for all their stocks. I was looking at Ayu's fairyland single and some others and was thinking of whether to get it. Okay, I really do regret now. I didn't know that they are actually closing down sales! I used to get most of my CDs from there too! Just why do I hesitate when there's already a half price discount! Damn me. Well, of course if I know it was about to close down, I could have got quite a lot of other artistes albums at the same time. And maybe sell them online myself? Although I haven't done that so far. haha. But my interest was mainly Ayu at that time. So maybe I would be only ended up getting all Ayu's, including DVD I supposed. haha. Oh bother...

I'm glad I indeed have learnt my lesson. lol. Cos after that incident, I tell myself I should get something that I like once I've spotted it. Don't have any more regrets! Just get it! We won't ever know what's gonna happen next... It's definitely worth to get something you like. Definitely!!

I hope the CDs stores that remain here can still survive...

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