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Tuesday, December 30, 2014


2014 is coming to an end! And so I wanna write down all my thoughts for the whole of this year.. It sure has gone by so fast!!

I've looked back at my little diary for the year. Oh my, I didn't update my diary every single day as what I would want to, because most of the time I'll be so tired at the end of the day. And the day seemed as usual with nothing interesting for me to note down [especially during the period when I was working], so I simply left them out. But looking back at those blanks for the day I felt empty now. Lol. I could have wrote something yeah? Even if nothing special has happened. At least I won't make myself feel strange on how that day goes by.. haha.

One thing bad is that I've been sleeping at 2am at the start of this year. And after I've started work, I've to adjust my body clock and that's quite tough at first.  I have to make myself sleep at 11pm so that I could have enough rest and wake up on time, but this also means I won't have enough time to do the things I wanted to do. And also everytime after I got home, I simply do not have the energy to think/study. And I thought it won't be good if I forced myself either, in which is true cos nothing goes inside my head. Now to think of it, it's really bad and I really wanna change this! I didn't make myself study Japanese just as I want to, nor be able to write lyrics...so u see, especially my lyrics I've stopped for about 5 months! It's horrible!! But of course, I do need inspiration so that I can pen down nicely. But I felt that somehow I'm losing touch. And now that I wanna get back to it, I'm cracking my head really hard over how I can get it done like I want to.

Alright, for lyrics wise, quality has got to be the most important. I'll try my best again, since I've pretty much wrote quite a lot this year. But for my Japanese I definitely have to push myself harder!! So that I can successfully write one directly in Japanese! That would be one thing I'm looking forward to so much! (*^◯^*)

I pretty much have had ups and downs this year.  Still can remember the time when I was so sick and sad and lost...But soon after I found my direction, and I've gained a lot afterwards. But I do have many thoughts going through my mind, since many things have happened. lol. I've always feel that I need to tell/remind myself that I have done enough! Don't do too much, cos I'd always cared too much. And in the end, I might hurt myself. I'm glad I did so actually, cos if I really spoke of everything and really go on too far for it, I'll probably be a fool. I looked serious because I had to. Not that I fake it, but I give in to a certain extend.

Argh...why some things have to be so complicated.  ( ̄^ ̄)

I've learnt quite a lot really, everytime I thought I was confused and not know what to do, but I actually had the answer in my heart. When you could actually pause and think clearly, or talk to someone who listens to every single bit of your worries, it helps so much! When I've sorted out my thoughts, it feels so much better.  (^。^) I also believe my hard work pays off for being patient. Hehe.

I've looked through my blog posts and I've seen one thing best is that I blogged so much about Kagrra, especially their concerts! I've actually watched so much this year~!! And because this year is isshi's year!! Many happy events fall on this year~! I'm also glad that I get to know a lot of people this year, and so I've gained a lot from sharing and understanding. I feel really blessed and thankful. And really motivated...There's so much I want to do and contribute. Although there are times where I'm just lazy, but overall I can make myself do the necessary things on time as I've planned. I'm glad that I can be on track of what I wanted to. And is also cos of work I finally know how to get myself do proper time planning. lol. Although at first it was exhausting that every single moment of my time I have things to do and I feel that I have got no time to rest and think properly for myself. All in all, I'm glad I could make myself do so much, I really have the self-discipline yeah?! haha. I'm also glad that I've managed to fulfill my resolutions! I didn't come up with them in vain!!  v(^_^v)

And so, we should always look ahead towards happiness for our life. Everything will come to an end, so don't look back at those unhappy memories no more.

My life will change for the better. Because I have the strength in me.

2015 I'm coming!! Will make my resolutions real soon~!! (^_-)-☆

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