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Sunday, January 10, 2016

May the disappointment go away from now on...

Yeah!! It's been a week plus and I've finally recovered from flu! (^_^;) Although my throat feels dry at times and my voice still sound little hoarse. I expected it cos I didn't take medicine diligently and I wasn't given antibiotics [since mine was just a minor cold]. Anyway, I'm all glad that I can eat chocolate again. Hehe.  (^o^)

Recently I've just been stuck home ever since the new year. Not that I wasn't interested to go out with my friends, but it seemed that everyone has plans of their own. No one's free for me anymore. Kinda sad as a start. But on one hand, I can have more time for myself and somewhat starting on spring cleaning since Chinese New year is just next month!! Given that I have a month now, I can do some cleaning and clearing of my old and unwanted stuffs slowly. I've looked through my facial and body products and only to find that most of them are about to expire soon!! Cos it's 2016 already! Oh man, I didn't expect that I have bought and left some of them there without using as often. Many of them are finishing up soon and yet I'm fretting over buying them again. lol. That's cos the same products will not necessary be available on the shelves anymore. I hate that some have to be discontinued without us consumers knowing why. I love shopping but it isn't easy to find a product that you like and suits you like what you've used before. Exploring takes time and the mood to do so.  (¬_¬) I love the water gel that I have been using but it took me within 2 months to finish the product! Holy! It's super fast and costly if I were to buy it every 2 months. Another down-side to this is that I have to dip in to the product [since it's in a tub] and it irks me that the whole product can get 'contaminated' real soon. I would prefer those in a bottle where you can pour out the appropriate amount that you want.  Dang, it's gonna be hard to get products that will satisfy me good enough. Hmph!!

Been feeling disappointed over a group of friends whom I've always considered them as important. It was when I found out yesterday that I really wasn't anything to them. (T ^ T) Again and again I was met with those upset feelings when there's my friend's big day that was held yesterday but I wasn't invited at all. I went out with her before and even talked to her recently, but yet there was no mention of it by her especially on when it's gonna take place. Worse when not a single person mentioned about it in our chat group. They usually share lots of stuffs and the chat could go good. But everyone has been so secretive lately. I can't feel that I'm part of them anymore. It sucks cos I've shared with her so much about myself but she didn't share with me her happiness at all. Moreover those that she invited are the ones whom I've known from the start when the group was formed and I consider them as my close friends too. But in the end....? It didn't turn out to be what I was expecting at all. I was feeling shocked more than happy when I came across the picture of everyone's happy faces. I want to feel happy for her but I can't anymore. I was really taken aback for this to happen to me. I knew they have cliques and have other chat groups among themselves but I didn't mind about that. But for such a joyous occasion I didn't get to be part of it. I don't have the chance at all. I guess I really don't mean a thing to them at all. It's already no point of me asking her why... it'll just imply my dejection over why I wasn't being invited and no matter how good a reason or excuse she come out with, it's not gonna make me get over the fact that there's no mention about it plus not being invited at all. So indeed, I'm an insignificant person after all that you've never thought of. Not just you, but by the rest too. (ー_ー)

It's probably the only group that made me had so much mixed feeling over the past year. Looking back at my past post and for the year where I've mentioned about it so many times, I really feel like a fool now. I was being made like a clown already. How upsetting is this. The place where I've created ended up a place where I could no longer stand. Just how many times I've felt sad over this again and again. (´;Д;`) It's really really time for me to stay away and let go, lead my own life and be happy. I'm not gonna respond to them anymore after all the hurt I'm getting. I'm not gonna let such disappointment come to me again. It's no wonder why some have left earlier on. Being in a big group may not be a good thing after all.

I guess even if I left, probably no one would notice it at all too. (σ;*Д*)σ死刑!

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