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Monday, January 11, 2016

Being really forgetful...

It's just the start of the new year and I'm experiencing real forgetfulness that I've not had as much before. ∑(O_O;) I really think I'm aging at a faster rate than I thought [I've even spotted few more strands of white hair (-_-)]. lol. Have come across Mia's video about turning 30 but hey, there's still a few more years before I hit that age but I've already experienced some of the things she mentioned here.  (゚д゚) Yeah, so let's see!

01. Bad memory 
02. Busy is an understatement
03. Pain everywhere
04. Sleeping is a luxury
05. No more an all-nighter
06. Anyone younger than you is a baby
07. Being more picky at shopping
08. Personal time is precious
09. Ain't nobody got time for that!
10. More confidence
11. Clearer priorities
12. Let it go let it goooo
13. Hard work will pay off
14. Nothing is perfect
15. Keep on learning

Lol so I agree with half of Mia's list. Somehow I hope it won't be the entire list for me when I reached my thirties! (・□・;)It's good to be aware of all those now so that I can get prepared. As for now, I shall just enjoy my personal time cos this is when I can have some peace to keep calm and think properly. Stop surrounding myself with too many people that made me tire myself out. Focus on myself and on the people who are worth my time.

I shall learn to relax better too. (´๑•_•๑)

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