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Saturday, January 02, 2016

My first Kagrra, karaoke♪

So on the last day of 2015, I get to have a fun time singing Kagrra, songs at a friend's friend's place! ♪~(´ε` )

I feel so thankful to be invited and was a little hesitant to go as the day gets nearer cos I'm worried that I'll not be recovered well enough then to sing. (^_^;)  But then I still go ahead with it anyway since it was a special day after all and how can I miss out the fun! Although I was still sick but I wasn't sneezing so it wasn't that serious. I supposed I won't be able to spread to anyone although I still have phlegm that is stuck at my respiratory system. lol  It didn't affect me that much, just that cos I had too much pizza my throat got kinda dry along with all that singing. So I thought it's better that I'll not have the bread pudding they were making. Kinda pity I didn't have their dessert. (,_,)  There's a bit too much starch for dinner I got really full. (≧▽≦) But nevertheless Mr. Host is a nice guy who got us so much food. ٩(๑´3`๑)۶ Excepts that he coughs so much more than me although he sang lesser songs than I do. xD

The song that I have to sing on this special day.... What else but Urei!! (*^◯^*) It's Kagrra,'s major debut song for 1st Jan! [although I didn't countdown to 1st Jan with this song]

I was singing only Kagrra, songs during the whole time and I didn't even get to sing all yet from the list in the system! lol. Hmm I can't even say which song I'm best at from that day's singing. Of course I chose my top favourite Omou but it feels a little different than I expected. Somehow as u know, the karaoke system music sounded differently from the original songs and the whole feeling just becomes different. And the background screen isn't their pvs at all. Not even a single one. I can't feel the Kagrra, atmosphere as much as I want to. (-_-) But luckily, there are Furigana for the lyrics if not I probably can't sing so smoothly for all the songs since isshi's kanji is all too hard to read. (-。-;) Oh gosh, just how long more will it take me to master Japanese well enough to sing with ease? (>0<)

In fact, at the start, we sang Sakura~saikai no hana~ which is my friend's favourite. hehe.

For one thing, I was wondering how do they [the program] decide on the songs in the system. Kagrra, has so many great songs and yet those that I can sing didn't appear in it! Some of the songs are so cold like they're in the freezer [cos I don't listen to them as much] and yet they appear in the list. It's a bit dangerous to choose those that aren't my favourites cos I'll not be that familiar with it then it'll be a wasted song chosen and there goes the time. lol.

Let me recall as much as I can for the songs that are available:






I think I sang around 16 songs from the list during the night? xD
Kagrra, songs are indeed hard to sing really!! Isshi is too amazingly good. I tried singing my favourite song 維新 ishin and the key goes really low and then really high. OMG. It stressed out my voice so much!!! For most of the Kagrra, songs we felt the same difficulty. I enjoyed singing them a lot since it was the first time I can sing my true favourite music but it was also a challenge. Lol. I don't know how isshi's vocal range can be so wide and done with such beauty. I felt the difficulty and so I'm very impressed with this man so much now. Okay, I do have to include the fact that my voice isn't very well that day so maybe I could have done better too. I'll probably be able to sing 「叫び」Sakebi with more force and felt much better with shouting out loud if I can. lol.

I remember I gave up singing on 沙羅双樹の子護唄 Sarasouju no komoriuta cos it ended up not easy for me to sing at all. Oops. I guess I depended on singing along with the original singer's voice too much. Damn that system needs to be improved!! We had a struggle to input the songs that we wanna sing at first, and probably spent like half and hour to figure it out? And they should include original singer's voice at the background as a choice and make the search easier. Argh. But I can't complain. Since I was given the chance to sing for free. And it was Mr. Host's after all. (≧ω≦) Wonder if he would sing as much during his free time since he has paid for it. xD

Yeah what's more, I tweeted to isshi's Coach to wish him a Happy New Year with hopes of him replying to me that he still remembers me lol.

Oh yes and he did!!
Damn that Echofon app on my phone his reply didn't appear!! I was wondering about it since the whole of yesterday. I don't think he can be that cruel to ignore my tweet? I was about to retweet him again until I decided to check it out using my com. And there then I can find his reply to me. Great!! He still remembers!! I'm so thrilled! ヽ(・∀・)ノ At least we ordinary fans aren't being ignored at all. Sorry I almost misunderstood u. I'm glad Coach didn't let me down after all. haha!

It was a rainy new year! Yesterday and today. It will be this good since I start off with good sleep and able to let my mind off. I'm looking forward to better days ahead! I'm sure it'll be much better than before. \(^^)/


  1. hehe why did you think Sarasouju is so hard to sing? just sing it your own way thats comfy for you lol. Sounds fun! Wish I could do that but I'd get too nervous, guitars good enough for me. >.<

    1. Gosh wait. I think I sang Sarasouju in full. Damn what was I writing. The one I gave up singing is either Mateki or Kami uta. Argh can't rmb things well when I sang them just once. Lol.
