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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Anime: Kare baka カレバカ

Kare Baka ~Wagahai no Kare wa Baka de R~  カレバカ~吾輩ノ彼ハ馬鹿でR~ [8 episodes, 5 min] → Alright, since this one isn't a regular anime series it's actually an OVA where the story is really short and ended really fast. I chanced upon this one for the comedy factor it has. The first episode already got me laughing since the male lead was singing so awfully at the introduction. I was really stunned cos there isn't any featured song like usual. Ah, then this is how it got me into watching for more. lol.

Well anyway I laugh easily and get amused at the slightest thing so it's no wonder that I only find this funny but not my friend. lol.

As seen from the title, the guy is an idiot with nothing else but a handsome face. I don't know how Akomi can tolerate him cos if it's me either I'll die from laughing at his stupid actions or I'll vomit blood all the way. Hey that means either way I can just strangle myself lol. The episodes make no sense for the most of it. Like, why do he and his friends have to hold meetings in such a formal way [from the way they talked] and then side-tracked to food all the time? And their conclusion from the meetings? They ended up with food in their hands. That's about it. 5 mins of your laughter at their stupid ideas. xD

There is this episode 3 where I just can't forget. Ponta has to match his dishes with white rice all the time. If there is too much rice left, he'll order more mains to match with it. But if there are still main dishes left yet without rice, he'll order more rice. And this keeps going on while Akomi is trying to talk to him about her troubles, but obviously this guy isn't listening. He's interested in his food more than anything else. His logic is that he shouldn't let any rice be left. Sooo that's really really baka of him right?  He ordered 4 dishes one after another and rice too [large Hamburg steak, chicken nanban, pork fillet cutlet, fried shrimp] What I can't understand is how can he stomach down all the food? And the money? Just for one meal of the day? Are you turning yourself into a camel? Don't you feel full at all after the second dish? (・_・)

Anyway, Akomi ate the last piece of ebi fry so that solves the entire problem he had. lol. 

Conclusion from this anime: If you're ever feeling that you're an idiot for doing stupid things and would like to slap yourself at your face, remember there is someone out there even stupider than you like this absolute idiot guy. So all hopes are not lost. YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT. *clap clap*

I've found a way to console myself now hahaha. (≧▽≦)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Those Kagrra, dates...

I was so busy and didn't have enough time to put up the tweets here on those special days until that I have to accumulate them all now. Starting from the 3rd of June [in which I have called it the Kotodama day] and to isshi's death on the 18 July.

I wonder did Nao really refer to Kagrra's Kisai. He seemed to like it suddenly. lol.

I think it's probably the first time I mentioned about Tanabata day on my tweet on that day itself too. And together with Kagrra, song. haha.

Whatever Nao says is exactly what I wanted to say too from my heart. I am so touched every time he remembers to tweet about it. I feel his bond with isshi is a true one, as a friend and as a band member. I can imagine isshi's face up there telling us how great life has been, and that we shouldn't worry. But for one thing I'm still afraid tears will well up in my eyes. I have gotten over it mostly, but I'm still afraid to feel sad. I'm also wondering, would I be able to tell my other half [if I ever met one] that how isshi has an impact on me and how important he is to me. I will want to carry on writing things for him. I don't know if I can ever be honest and be accepted for this. It's no big deal maybe. But it's really a lot to me. I won't wanna stop my love and admiration for him at all.

That goes for my feelings again.

I hope I have time to get my pen down for lyrics. I'm about to not having any mood somehow. (,_,)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Best present to have?

I had an awesome week this month! I love the 3rd week of the month the most cos that's when work gets less stressful. I took a day off and I still can manage the workload like usual so it actually didn't mattered that I didn't work for a day in the week! lol. Now I'm starting to like this and gonna take more days off since I have so much left to take. (^_-)-☆ But yeah, it's just a day of the week, not days. lol.

Oh and besides this, I had long walks yesterday for about 3 hours or so until that my legs are really aching. It was really enjoyable cos I don't get to do that often. I totally welcome going outdoors and explore places, not just shopping malls and food which we can do that anytime. I'm soooo happy I have a friend who like to do the same. I wanna get myself out and exercise more. Somehow I wished to be back being that active girl I was as a kid. Can you believe it? I didn't started off being an introvert indoor kid, I was really active and love having fun outside, made lots of friends and took part in many different activities. That was the life I had during primary. But then as I grew and met with few incidents, I changed and turned to nothing else but textbooks. I thought it was the right way to be totally focused on my studies and nobody else, not even myself. I put studies as the most important thing of all not even my health. So then I turned my life to being a boring indoor person. Should I regret about that in a sense? I do on one part for neglecting my health, but I probably could have be exposed to more and know more people. Maybe I would have been at a better place now and not taking up this major which is not to my liking. Maybe I would have already met the person that is meant for me in my life. Maybe I would have even achieved more. But then, I probably won't have this blog. Or maybe even found my love in rock music like Kagrra,. And not know all of my online friends whom I cherish a lot now. So which situation would have been better for me? Yeah I have no idea, I'm just having those thoughts randomly. I'm not feeling sad though. I know for sure if there's any good changes I want in my life right now all I have to do is to start with myself. Like how the changes came to my life back then. It would be nice if I am an extrovert. But I'm also wondering is that something that can be changed easily? I'm very particular in the kind of people whom I mixed with. I don't want to be all friendly with people on the surface only. I need true friends worth of my time. I don't wish to decide and implement on something for the sake of doing so and not from my heart. Argh... all about that socialising that is giving me a headache now. I'm having these meaningless thoughts again as I blogged. lol.

Time for pictures of those presents! I got this forever friends bear plushie for one of my close friends birthday a week earlier. I guess it's just a display at her house than hugging it with her to sleep. I don't get why the paint at the bear's nose dropped off as what she told me. Cos it was perfectly fine when I took this picture while it was still with me days before we met. How strange. A little disappointing though, but it's worth for a special friend that I can only get to see once a year. lol.

And then, I got too itching to get this owl cushion when I saw this during my lunch break! I bought it during the weekend instead. hehe cos I just couldn't resist! It's too cute! v(=^0^=)v I have to get this little cutie to sit on my chair while I lean against it. hahahaa. xD

And there some little presents I get in return. [Oops I didn't take picture of all ^_^;] The perfume is the best of all cos it's the most sweet smelling and long lasting one I've ever used in my life. lol.

And when I went to shopping at Daiso~

Of course I bought more stuffs than these including snacks. haha. I just wanna mention that the comb is really good although I'm not sure about the 'set' function it is saying on the package. I remembered something about ionic like for another type of combs. Argh I'm not sure. It just works like a comb like it has to. lol.

Now to cosmetics! Oh yeah firstly, I got the eye masks that is meant for wrinkles around the eyes. I finally made myself bought this type which is the only one left that I did not have for this series. Damn as you know, I realised that the wrinkles around my right eye gets more. More! I feel I have to admit into being old and have to take care of myself better. But then everyone says I look like a teenager almost 10 years younger. How is it that I have wrinkles and yet I still look younger than my age? I'm baffles by this too. (;・・)

For the first time, I tried BB cushion! Yeah one thing I was happy about is the high coverage it gives which is much better than my regular powder foundation. BUT IT IS WET! The cushion itself is wet and you have to use the puff to keep patting on your face to blend it out. The patting takes up so much time!! You have to be patient! BUT IT IS WET! I DON'T LIKE THE WET FEELING ON MY FACE! It's a different feeling from BB cream because I can spread it out with my fingers onto my face. But BB cushion I have TO KEEP PATTING THAT WET FEELING ON MY FACE. WET! I can't take this initially. I'm not in for it like most people do. (T ^ T)

And especially, at the end of the day on Friday, my face totally can't accept BB cushion foundation on my face. It was so obvious that they are separated on my face. Yucks, I can see my pores filled with that foundation. I can't explain that but it's something disgusting that has ever happened so I had to grab makeup sheets at a drugstore and get them all off my face. For the first time I feel a little uncomfortable showing my bare face after work and having to meet a friend. lol. Alright, at least I know what suits me. =(

Oh lastly, 2 things I bought from a mini Japanese mart that was newly opened.

I love the Pure gummy candies and it was well known and liked by my friends too! And that Oiocha in powder form!! hehe I finally tried another type from this Kagrra, green tea. =D It definitely tasted authentic, but maybe because too authentic that it made my throat really dry after that. Okay, now that I know I need lots of water after I had this matcha. It makes me wanna get hydrated in a sense. What a good thing. lol.

I will still ponder over the same questions alright. 

Should I be satisfied with what I have and who I am right now? 

What is the best achievement I ever have in my life that I can be proud of as person living for this long? 

What has been the best present I ever received but I haven't notice the presence of it? 

What am I vying for now? 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Busy week!!

Here's a quick update to sum up this week!! I got two bites from some insect on Monday in the office but surely it's not mozzie. It really itches me a lot on my left arm. >_< Damn it lasted for so long until Thurs despite putting medicated oil.
Anyway the weather turned cold and I felt uncomfortable. But I was too overwhelmed with work during working hours. I guess I should really remember to take breaks in between but not until when my body signals me to do so. 😣 

Work aside, I've already made plans for the whole of July!! That's why I'm getting busy until that I can't use my com to blog today. Great, I was wondering what's up for this month but it turned out that it all gets occupied. But I really need to use my com right? I can't leave it and since I bought it. Those electrical stuff have to be used just as often argh. Then I was so tired too I had naps of like 15 mins during the journey to and from home. I think it's such short naps that made me even more tired come to think of it. When I reached home I drop to bed soon after. I napped like 30mins. Just can't control it. 😖 Especially I'm worried if I don't sleep now I'll end up unable to sleep the entire night. Sob. 

Oh yes and I did some shopping, giving and receiving gifts as well. All the photos shall be in my next post then haha. 

Anyway there's still something that bothers me a lot and yet I can't solve it. I've been waking up in the mornings having eyelashes that fall into my eye! And it's always my left eye! Moreover my lashes are long damn it!! It hurts so much!! I have to spend so much time to get it out by keep flushing water into my eye. Just yesterday it didn't really work so I keep pushing my bottom eyelid and there it finally comes out. Haha I figured out this trick somehow. Damn u know how I'm angry with it. That's becos there was once years ago where I had a swollen eyelid for like no reason and of course it won't be easy and comfortable to look at things at all. I thought it might be an allergy but clearly it shouldn't be, since I didn't eat anything different that day. It was about 3 days later I decided that I should have a clearer look to see why. So I pulled down my left bottom eyelid way down.... And there an eyelash was stuck in there!! I quickly went to flush it out and managed to get it out. After that the swell gone very soon. I should have known it!! My lashes drop so easily and always in the mornings. I don't get why even though I eat my vitamins. Whatever the reason it is, I don't like my long eyelashes at all. That's also why I don't put on mascara and I'm glad I don't, in case u know if it falls into my eye with all the product??! Why is there products all meant for getting long eyelashes? Why can't there be one for getting short eyelashes that would be better. I need it! I had enough of it and I don't care if lashes made me prettier or not. I just need them off my eyeballs. Argh. 😠

Ok, I'm done venting. I need sleep again so next morning it'll better be good once more. Have to welcome a gloomy Monday. As u know, my dearest man's death anniversary. I don't know how I'll be feeling tomorrow but my day will be better since my friend wanna come to meet me. It should go good. 

That's all. おやすみ。 May you appear in my dreams and tell me u're doing well in your world. 💗

Monday, July 11, 2016

I need to be like a Fukurou~

What is my July gonna be filled with this time? I haven't quite decided till now. (・□・;) I still have a little jam in my brain trying to write something good enough for my lyrics. And then I kinda feel reluctant to clear stuffs even though I'm gonna run out of used items especially my skincare and cosmetics. The weather is too hot to make me think properly. I don't have the mood for the past week and I keep craving for sweet food. There goes another non-achievement week again.\(>0<)/

Although I didn't do anything great, besides listening to music to lift my mood [and discover about this new band minus which is from Soft Ballet but one of the members died just last month and I feel even sadder for this. (┯_┯) I think I have found a liking towards this genre of new wave/electro-whatever style in them.\(^^)/] , I have received quite a bit of presents to bring back home! I'm a little guilty cos I get to meet this friend like only twice a year but I didn't prepare presents for her yet and she gave me so much! I love the guitar ear cap which came just in time cos it was almost time to replace the current one I have which is wearing off already. I'm so happy with the load of goodies, plus heavy pear cider from another friend who gave me at the wrong time. lol.

To my surprise [although I half-expected it], my friend was actually already pregnant and ready to deliver next month. This is way too fast! We didn't talk a lot usually so I won't know. But this left me feeling a little way behind. lol. I can't helped but to touch her tummy quite a few times. How does it feel like to be a Mum? Must be way busy than ever from what I see from a few of them. But Cheesie astounded me way too much. She can still bring her kids around and travel to so many places and blog often. Many whom I know are unable to do it. I don't know how would it be like if it were to be me. I do yearn for this and wanted to know if I can, but I'm not sure. I just feel I'm reaching the age and soon but what's gonna be in for me? Should I wonder so much? I'm just curious. As much as I think I might wanna be a mum, I also wanna be able to do more stuffs than before. I wanna feel I'm more capable than I am now. Although I'll probably be even more tired and start complaining, but life may seem interesting in another way isn't it? Haha. Yeah for now I won't think so much. I need to clear my things and clear my mind before I can get move on to the next. I must get going!! ╰(‘ω’ )╯三

I'm an owl lover myself although I haven't seen and touch one yet. I need to go to a Japan owl cafe someday to experience that! lol. So now I can only get myself some owl things so long as I see them. I cannot resist! The only thing I didn't post here is a few owl T-shirts and a notebook that I own haha. 

Those cuties~~ (//∇//) ♥♥♥♥♥

Alright, by this month I have to swear to myself and get done with clearing and be energized once more!

I can do it!! ٩(。•ω•。)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

#20 lyric: Azrael

This is my lyric for June! I have been coming across this Buck Tick's dark song in which I love and recalled that I've written something like that many months ago last year. It all started with this tweet in which I feel probably this means it's time to revive that dark feelings again. lol.

As much as I think mine may not be as great as Atsushi's but I feel this song has brought out so much power! I enjoyed watching as they perform the song live. It's as if you got all in your hands and capable of doing anything. It's really really the only song I feel it overwhelmed me in such a strong way. xD

[Inspired by BUCK-TICK 夢魔-The Nightmare]

Soaked in the cloud of darkness,
I'm the fallen angel longing to be taken over

Repression builds up day by day, a life that I have devoured away
I'm the spirit wanting to be dyed in a pool of blood

Sins crawling towards me, how can I stop

On the cold ground where I stand,
chasing misdeed one after another
I'm the fallen angel whom has lost his soul

The desire-turned-nightmare that devoured my only life away
I'm the spirit wanting to be drenched in a pool of blood

Filth crawling towards me shamelessly, who can be here to stop it

A world of cruelty that exist,
seeing too much that my heart goes mad
With endless screams playing,
should they be left alone?

*Soaked in the cloud of darkness,
I'm the fallen angel longing to be taken over

A life that I have devoured away
I'm the spirit wanting to be dyed in a pool of blood

Chasing misdeed one after another
I'm the fallen angel whom has lost his soul

The desire-turned-nightmare that devoured my only life away
I'm the spirit wanting to be drenched in a pool of blood*

Crying souls of tonight,
should they be left alone? 

Feeling dark with power,...

Watch me with fear! 


Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Anime: Netoge ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った?

Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko Janai to Omotta? ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った? [12 episodes] → The title is actually so long that I can't make myself put in full at my own title in Romanji. lol. 

I enjoyed this anime a lot for the comedy, although there are fan service at many parts, almost at every episode. I find that a little annoying but the whole anime gets me laughing so I don't really mind about that. I like that this anime is about online role-playing game and how they met the other guild members in real life. In a sense this is better than SAO because it's happy afterall. Yeah maybe I shouldn't compare, but the fact that the plot is about online games I can't helped but to associate them together and make a comparison. But of course, I love the couple at SAO much better. (*^。^*)

Somehow I hoped that there are more romantic parts in this anime than talking more about the game and the other characters. (oops xD) I get kinda displeased with the main male character in which I can only remember him by his online name Rusian. I feel that he can be more proactive as a guy and get over the past that his marriage proposal online to Nekohime failed (and the fear that most online gamers are guys instead of girls). He keeps saying that game and reality are separate so why does he have to be so bothered with the rejection at all? Since it's not real, and even to discover that the character ended up to be his Sensei. [I think it's very right for his Sensei to say online that she is a guy although she is not and also to reject his proposal. Imagine that when you found out that your online wife is your teacher? How would you be able to face her, Rusian!!] That would have been so embarrassed for me but I wouldn't get so fed up like him and trying hard to draw a line and separate everything. In the end you even fall in love with your online wife Ako, so that doesn't make any difference at all. lol.

Aren't guys funny sometimes? (´へεへ`*)

The ending was a little spoiled since they almost kissed but it was interrupted by their members. Hey I actually expected that and laughed! lol. Probably since I know it's a comedy and they'll do something like that. I'm not that surprised since I've noted that they do not have a lot of romantic parts in this anime. A little pity though. It would be nice if there is a second season for this anime too. Anyway this couple picture is indeed very nice and I hope the story would go on where they really got together in the end and maybe something further progress in the game. Not expecting anything exciting but just hope the whole story could go good. =)

And that concludes my anime watching in June. (-。-;

I've completed this along with Rainbow days 虹色デイズ but honestly speaking, Nijiiro days irritates me more. I only like the fact that it's easy to finish one episode cos it's shorter than the usual at 10min, but they have a hateful selfish character Mari who has an annoying voice and the main couple isn't together yet. This is really something that gets me fuming mad. No progress, clif hanging and does not address everything well. Maybe they'll have another season but that irks us anime fans a lot. No proper nice ending to this season and there it just goes. And so, I don't even have the mood to have a post just for this anime.╭( ๐_๐)╮ I wonder this time should I stop watching school type and slice of life animes cos there's just too much of these and the plots are almost the same and very much predictable on how the story goes. I need lesser of those that will irritate me at any time. lol.

Time to search for something else nicer~~

Monday, July 04, 2016

The Happiness Advantage - at work

Completed reading another book but it took me some time to get back to having the mood to read. lol. It was a little boring at first, since this book gave lots of examples, scenarios and results from researches. Nevertheless, I feel this book gave nice tips talking about how to gain happiness, although in a more practical way than in inspiring sense. (=-ω-)zzZZ乙乙

Here are some of my notes from this book:
{my thoughts are in *}

Success first, happiness second has been proven to be the wrong formula.

● Happiness is the precursor to success → optimism fuel performance and achievement.

Definition of Happiness is relative to the person experiencing it.
Positive emotions - pleasure combined with deeper feelings of meaning and purpose

eudaimonia → human flourishing

*My definition of happiness: the joy of grateful I'm alive to do what I want. (*'▽'*)♪

10 most common positive emotions
Joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe and love.

Crucial to human happiness: Pursuing meaning life goals, scanning the world for opportunities, cultivating an optimistic and grateful mindset, holding on to rich social relationships.

Principle 1: The Happiness Advantage
Activities to improve our mood
1. Meditate → take 5 min to watch your breath go in and out. Try to remain patient while doing so.
2. Find something to look forward to → most enjoyable part of an activity is anticipation.
3. Commit conscious act of kindness
4. Infuse positivity into your surroundings → make time to go outside, watch less tv.
5. Exercise → release endorphins (pleasure-inducing chemicals) Walk, bike, run, play, stretch, jump rope, pogo stick
6. Spend money on experiences → especially with other people
7. Exercise a signature strength → each time we use a skill we are good at, we experience a boost of positivity.

Principle 2: The fulcrum and the lever
We can't change the reality, but we can use our brain to change how we process the world, and that in turn changes how we react to it. → Adjusting our brain so that we see the ways to rise above our circumstances.

Our power to maximise our potential: 
1. length of our lever → how much potential power and possibility we believe we have
2. position of our fulcrum → the mindset with which we generate the power to change.

Placebo effect: mindset doesn't just change how we feel about an experience, it actually changes the objective results of that experience.

Expectancy theory: the brain is organised to act on what we predict will happen next.

The mental construction of our daily activities, more than the activity itself, defines our reality. 

The more you believe in your own ability to succeed, the more likely it is that you will. Beliefs are so powerful because they dictate our efforts and actions.

What potential meaning and pleasure already exist in what you do.

A rote or routine task can be meaningful if you find a good reason to be invested.

● When we believe we can do more and achieve more, that is often the precise reason we do achieve more.

Principle 3: The tetris effect
Inattentional blindness → our frequent inability to see what is often right in front of us if we are not focusing directly on it.

Nothing had changed but your focus.

How to wire your brain → list down 3 good things that happened that day, your brain will be focused to scan the last 24 hours for potential positives

Principle 4: Falling up 
Learning helplessness → When we fail, or when life delivers us a shock, we can become so helpless that we respond by simply giving up.

People often 'overlearn' the lesson and apply it to other situations.

For a hypothetical situation, because it's invented, we actually have the power to consciously select a counterfact that makes us feel fortunate rather than helpless.

Explanatory style → has a crucial impact on our happiness and future success. When you're optimistic, you interpret adversity as being local and temporary.

Learn your ABCDs
A: Adversity is the event we can't change; it is what it is
B: Belief is our reaction to the event; why we thought it happened and what we think it means for the future
C: Consequence → if we see adversity as short-term or opportunity for growth, it'll maximise the chance of a positive consequence
D: Disputation → what is the evidence for the belief

Adversities, simply don't hit us as hard as we think they will. Our fear of consequences is always worse than the consequences themselves.

Principle 5: The Zorro circle 
One of the biggest drivers of success is the belief that our behaviour matters; that we have control over our fate.

Internal locus of control → their actions have a direct effect on their outcomes as opposed to external locus → see daily events as dictated by external forces.

The circle we need to draw - self-awareness. 

● During high levels of distress, the quickest to recover are those who can identify how they are feeling and put those feelings into words.

"Don't write a book, write a page..."

"just try to set expectations well."

Principle 6: The 20-second rule
Common sense is not common action. → Knowledge is only part of the battle, without action, knowledge is often meaningless.
Habits form because our brain actually changes in response to frequent practice. It takes 21 days to make a habit. 

Willpower is ineffective at sustaining change because the more we use it, the more it worn out it gets. → Don't rely on willpower!
If we want to create a lasting change, turn each desired action into a habit, so that it'll come automatically without effort, thought or choice.

● Lower the activation energy for habits you want to adopt, and raise it for habits you want to avoid. → lower the barrier to change by just 20 seconds to form a new habit.

Rules are especially helpful during the first few days of behaviour-changing venture.

Principle 7: Social investment 
When we encounter an unexpected challenge or threat, the only way to save ourselves is to hold on tight to the people around us and not let go.

When we make positive social connection, the pleasure-inducing hormone oxytocin is released into our bloodstream, immediately reducing anxiety and improving concentration and focus.  

So what I have to do now: improve my mood by doing the few activities, have a strong belief in myself that I can do it, wire my brain to be positive and optimistic, focus on those within my control, form new habits and spend good time with my friends (those around me).

Thank goodness, lesson learnt! lol.

Sunday, July 03, 2016


I finally figured out the feelings that has been bugging me for so long after reading this article. I'm actually an overachiever at work. (x_x)

Although my work doesn't require me to work overtime, but sometimes I might make myself to do in order to lessen the work for the next day, should I expect that I'm not able to complete them on time. I usually get kinda panic if one thing doesn't get settled as soon as it can. I just don't like that the work has to be left hanging and to be addressed later. It gives me the uncomfortable feeling that this thing doesn't get solved yet and I have to keep follow up with it and this wears me out each day when I have to keep looking at it and wonder when the case will close. (-_-)

Yes, I'm spending so much time on low-value work but that's my job. Not that I can create any worthy value based on the nature of my job. I only wondered if I have to be fierce so that I can get what I want. lol. But of course, I can't leave a bad impression to customers so I can't do that.

Why do I make myself work so hard? I have been trying to stop myself from doing so too but I just can't. I can't escape from being irresponsible and unconcerned. ~( ´•︵•` )~ 

Although my attitude is commendable by my manager, I feel that they might get a little worried of me working so hard that she even asked me take more breaks from work and asking me to learn to rest more. I guess I'm really doing too much at work for the past year. lol.

I'm also afraid of this as well, but it's not like I can change that easily. But at least I'm taking leave from work a bit more this time and learning not to get my mind filled up too much about work and what to do the next day. I would love to spend more time on myself and plan my own things too. (._.)

Yeah, but I have been feeling moody and listless this week I can't even push myself to get done with cleaning my book shelf so there's still one thing not done. Oops. xD

Hey but at least I made myself read a book and study my Japanese so it's not an empty week! Oh yeah and it's the start of a new month and I have to make new plans or something. haha.

Anyway, I just can't helped but to love this pork chop the most compared to the previous one and so I have to leave a memory here. This boost up my mood during mid-week where I took a break from work to eat this. Such simple things that made me happy. hehe. ╰(*´︶`*)╯ I certainly began to think I can have this every week. And since the boss knows me for patronising him so often. lol.

A little off-topic but I'm glad there's this article about the recent Windows 10 upgrade thing.

It's nasty how they 'forced' the user to upgrade their operating software. I hate getting the notifications every time I on my computer. I have once already cancelled it by turning off the schedule or something, but it pops out again so it's really annoying. I decline it again today and I hope this doesn't happen anymore. I don't need to upgrade please. I'm glad with what my current OS is and I'm still not even familiar with how to use it you know. I don't need a new one to piss me off.

Well, at least I highlighted the part in red, should this prompt me again I'll remember to look back and this to cancel it off. Don't make me hate you!! That's what I'll say now. haha.

This is my Sunday~