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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Best present to have?

I had an awesome week this month! I love the 3rd week of the month the most cos that's when work gets less stressful. I took a day off and I still can manage the workload like usual so it actually didn't mattered that I didn't work for a day in the week! lol. Now I'm starting to like this and gonna take more days off since I have so much left to take. (^_-)-☆ But yeah, it's just a day of the week, not days. lol.

Oh and besides this, I had long walks yesterday for about 3 hours or so until that my legs are really aching. It was really enjoyable cos I don't get to do that often. I totally welcome going outdoors and explore places, not just shopping malls and food which we can do that anytime. I'm soooo happy I have a friend who like to do the same. I wanna get myself out and exercise more. Somehow I wished to be back being that active girl I was as a kid. Can you believe it? I didn't started off being an introvert indoor kid, I was really active and love having fun outside, made lots of friends and took part in many different activities. That was the life I had during primary. But then as I grew and met with few incidents, I changed and turned to nothing else but textbooks. I thought it was the right way to be totally focused on my studies and nobody else, not even myself. I put studies as the most important thing of all not even my health. So then I turned my life to being a boring indoor person. Should I regret about that in a sense? I do on one part for neglecting my health, but I probably could have be exposed to more and know more people. Maybe I would have been at a better place now and not taking up this major which is not to my liking. Maybe I would have already met the person that is meant for me in my life. Maybe I would have even achieved more. But then, I probably won't have this blog. Or maybe even found my love in rock music like Kagrra,. And not know all of my online friends whom I cherish a lot now. So which situation would have been better for me? Yeah I have no idea, I'm just having those thoughts randomly. I'm not feeling sad though. I know for sure if there's any good changes I want in my life right now all I have to do is to start with myself. Like how the changes came to my life back then. It would be nice if I am an extrovert. But I'm also wondering is that something that can be changed easily? I'm very particular in the kind of people whom I mixed with. I don't want to be all friendly with people on the surface only. I need true friends worth of my time. I don't wish to decide and implement on something for the sake of doing so and not from my heart. Argh... all about that socialising that is giving me a headache now. I'm having these meaningless thoughts again as I blogged. lol.

Time for pictures of those presents! I got this forever friends bear plushie for one of my close friends birthday a week earlier. I guess it's just a display at her house than hugging it with her to sleep. I don't get why the paint at the bear's nose dropped off as what she told me. Cos it was perfectly fine when I took this picture while it was still with me days before we met. How strange. A little disappointing though, but it's worth for a special friend that I can only get to see once a year. lol.

And then, I got too itching to get this owl cushion when I saw this during my lunch break! I bought it during the weekend instead. hehe cos I just couldn't resist! It's too cute! v(=^0^=)v I have to get this little cutie to sit on my chair while I lean against it. hahahaa. xD

And there some little presents I get in return. [Oops I didn't take picture of all ^_^;] The perfume is the best of all cos it's the most sweet smelling and long lasting one I've ever used in my life. lol.

And when I went to shopping at Daiso~

Of course I bought more stuffs than these including snacks. haha. I just wanna mention that the comb is really good although I'm not sure about the 'set' function it is saying on the package. I remembered something about ionic like for another type of combs. Argh I'm not sure. It just works like a comb like it has to. lol.

Now to cosmetics! Oh yeah firstly, I got the eye masks that is meant for wrinkles around the eyes. I finally made myself bought this type which is the only one left that I did not have for this series. Damn as you know, I realised that the wrinkles around my right eye gets more. More! I feel I have to admit into being old and have to take care of myself better. But then everyone says I look like a teenager almost 10 years younger. How is it that I have wrinkles and yet I still look younger than my age? I'm baffles by this too. (;・・)

For the first time, I tried BB cushion! Yeah one thing I was happy about is the high coverage it gives which is much better than my regular powder foundation. BUT IT IS WET! The cushion itself is wet and you have to use the puff to keep patting on your face to blend it out. The patting takes up so much time!! You have to be patient! BUT IT IS WET! I DON'T LIKE THE WET FEELING ON MY FACE! It's a different feeling from BB cream because I can spread it out with my fingers onto my face. But BB cushion I have TO KEEP PATTING THAT WET FEELING ON MY FACE. WET! I can't take this initially. I'm not in for it like most people do. (T ^ T)

And especially, at the end of the day on Friday, my face totally can't accept BB cushion foundation on my face. It was so obvious that they are separated on my face. Yucks, I can see my pores filled with that foundation. I can't explain that but it's something disgusting that has ever happened so I had to grab makeup sheets at a drugstore and get them all off my face. For the first time I feel a little uncomfortable showing my bare face after work and having to meet a friend. lol. Alright, at least I know what suits me. =(

Oh lastly, 2 things I bought from a mini Japanese mart that was newly opened.

I love the Pure gummy candies and it was well known and liked by my friends too! And that Oiocha in powder form!! hehe I finally tried another type from this Kagrra, green tea. =D It definitely tasted authentic, but maybe because too authentic that it made my throat really dry after that. Okay, now that I know I need lots of water after I had this matcha. It makes me wanna get hydrated in a sense. What a good thing. lol.

I will still ponder over the same questions alright. 

Should I be satisfied with what I have and who I am right now? 

What is the best achievement I ever have in my life that I can be proud of as person living for this long? 

What has been the best present I ever received but I haven't notice the presence of it? 

What am I vying for now? 

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