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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Busy week!!

Here's a quick update to sum up this week!! I got two bites from some insect on Monday in the office but surely it's not mozzie. It really itches me a lot on my left arm. >_< Damn it lasted for so long until Thurs despite putting medicated oil.
Anyway the weather turned cold and I felt uncomfortable. But I was too overwhelmed with work during working hours. I guess I should really remember to take breaks in between but not until when my body signals me to do so. 😣 

Work aside, I've already made plans for the whole of July!! That's why I'm getting busy until that I can't use my com to blog today. Great, I was wondering what's up for this month but it turned out that it all gets occupied. But I really need to use my com right? I can't leave it and since I bought it. Those electrical stuff have to be used just as often argh. Then I was so tired too I had naps of like 15 mins during the journey to and from home. I think it's such short naps that made me even more tired come to think of it. When I reached home I drop to bed soon after. I napped like 30mins. Just can't control it. 😖 Especially I'm worried if I don't sleep now I'll end up unable to sleep the entire night. Sob. 

Oh yes and I did some shopping, giving and receiving gifts as well. All the photos shall be in my next post then haha. 

Anyway there's still something that bothers me a lot and yet I can't solve it. I've been waking up in the mornings having eyelashes that fall into my eye! And it's always my left eye! Moreover my lashes are long damn it!! It hurts so much!! I have to spend so much time to get it out by keep flushing water into my eye. Just yesterday it didn't really work so I keep pushing my bottom eyelid and there it finally comes out. Haha I figured out this trick somehow. Damn u know how I'm angry with it. That's becos there was once years ago where I had a swollen eyelid for like no reason and of course it won't be easy and comfortable to look at things at all. I thought it might be an allergy but clearly it shouldn't be, since I didn't eat anything different that day. It was about 3 days later I decided that I should have a clearer look to see why. So I pulled down my left bottom eyelid way down.... And there an eyelash was stuck in there!! I quickly went to flush it out and managed to get it out. After that the swell gone very soon. I should have known it!! My lashes drop so easily and always in the mornings. I don't get why even though I eat my vitamins. Whatever the reason it is, I don't like my long eyelashes at all. That's also why I don't put on mascara and I'm glad I don't, in case u know if it falls into my eye with all the product??! Why is there products all meant for getting long eyelashes? Why can't there be one for getting short eyelashes that would be better. I need it! I had enough of it and I don't care if lashes made me prettier or not. I just need them off my eyeballs. Argh. 😠

Ok, I'm done venting. I need sleep again so next morning it'll better be good once more. Have to welcome a gloomy Monday. As u know, my dearest man's death anniversary. I don't know how I'll be feeling tomorrow but my day will be better since my friend wanna come to meet me. It should go good. 

That's all. おやすみ。 May you appear in my dreams and tell me u're doing well in your world. 💗

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