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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Cosmos #02 | Exhaustion!

This title could just sum up my condition for both weeks now. YES I'M SUPER DUPER TIRED! Firstly from work, and then from a tough work-out I did with my pal last Saturday by climbing that steep hill. I was crazy enough perhaps, but I accepted the challenge. xD It was really an awesome thing to do anyway, although I could be hurting my body since I don't usually exercise so much and then I ended up having such exercise all at once. I'm so worried my knees and ankles would hurt. Going up the slope is no kidding that it'll put too much pressure on them. Haha but since I think I'm still young [although I don't consider myself that way] I could recover from it for a few days. So I was mostly recovered and could walk fast by Wednesday. I have to say I'm crazy enough, since I expected that I would be really busy for these 2 weeks with the closing and overtime for 30mins everyday so that I can get them done by the deadline this Friday. Oh yes, I did it!!! Hooray! My co-workers and manager were glad about it! For that they can do their part only after I've done mine, so I can relax better now. Argh but this goes to show I need an extra of 2.5 hours in order to get everything done for November's workload. Now my co-worker reminds me again, there's more stuff in December and it's gonna be more tight schedule than this time so for January next year I'm so gonna be stuffed up again. Well, how could I not expect it? I just have to be prepared for more or what's gonna come that's all. (・・;)

The exhaustion isn't any joke! I haven't been that tired for a long time. I didn't feel that tired on that day itself. But the next day on Sunday it came just right at me! I knocked out right after lunch and couldn't walk any further. I slept my whole afternoon away and felt so unproductive. But it doesn't bother me that much. On Monday I hardly have the energy to move. My leg muscles are aching like mad!! It was way too aching for me to stand any longer. I badly need to sit. My walking speed was reduced quite a lot and spent more time than usual just to walk to and fro from my workplace. But I guess no one bothers since nobody asked me why I walked differently from usual. Or maybe just no one is noticing haha. I was lucky enough to have a seat to and from work on Monday, when it was the time my muscles ache the most. How did I just bear with it? lol. And also because I have to rush work, I didn't even wanna touch my language books cos I believe my brain is fried enough trying to remember all the things I have to do at work and I don't wanna think anymore when my whole body is feeling so beat from all that work-out. Yeah, so here goes my unproductive week, and also for this week maybe, haha. But since I get to rest this time I'll really be making myself do some cleaning and read my books again. Although watching videos is still the best entertainment end of the day since I don't have to stress myself and BTS always makes my day brighter with all that laughter. HAHAHA. (≧▽≦)

Yeah so now let me show some early xmas presents that I received. haha. Well they are not anything special or specifically meant for me but I'm glad I could receive something this soon. And I'm already munching on chocolates cos I couldn't resist! This season is the time to eat a lot of them without feeling guilty at all. Yay!! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

I believe this is the limited edition LINE plushies and they are so cute together! ❧

A chocolate snacks packet that I ate them all today already. oops. xD and nice facial masks and lip balm for me.

Oh this one isn't mine at all but my friend who managed to buy this cutie sitting at the shelf which was actually the last one up there. And she decided to call it bae. hahaa. Not that creative at coming up with names for plushies it's tough to think when I'm already so exhausted. But whatever, I'm not good at Korean names yet so anything that you like! Now I'm itching to get a plushie for myself too. I need to have cute things to hug everyday. hahaha. ❥

Yes, and I will be well rested enough to fight for more.


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