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Monday, December 19, 2016

What can be wrong?

Whatever has happened yesterday and today! I'm still upset with myself now, so yeah what's the best way than to blog here right now. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。  I'm glad I took a day off today but I was thinking since I have a break so why not cook Japanese curry that I've not done for a year already. Yeah so I cramped everything up and planned this. Was that the reason why it didn't turned out good cos subconsciously I wasn't actually ready and have the 'magic' to do so? It was really weird since I followed the same steps as before, but my food got burnt. It's definitely not nice to eat burned food and it hasn't happened for a dish that I was in fact so proud of to do for the past few times. Why does it have to happen now?  (´;Д;`) Yeah I know it was of no point to cry over it anymore and be so upset but I don't know if I have the mood again to cook this next year or maybe I should do something else. Argh, what's more my salad yesterday turned out sour and it also wasn't on par as compared to last month's. Something is wrong with me and I have no idea why!! It's really so weird!!!

One good reason I can think of to comfort myself would probably be the lack of more than enough sleep that I should be getting. =(

Oops, right now I'm gonna continue my post from missing out a photo for Saturday's!

This is my first xmas present that I received for this year! Thanks to my dear pal for that thought although we take turns to carry the load while climbing last last week. haha. I have no idea for now if I'm able to have the time to do that music box out. It seemed a lot of work to put them together lol. But I would love to try. That's quite a meaningful gift I appreciate that. ❣

And I couldn't resist getting these notebooks of owl prints although the inner pages are just lines and nothing special but the covers just wins over my heart. lol. I'm happily buying them I don't care!! Rather than boring cover notebooks even if they're much cheaper. xD

I don't wanna flood my insta too much with this cutie since my posts are always about food and cats and other boring stuffs but okay maybe it's still food and the same cats. hahaha. (≧▽≦) I really like this blue-eyed but it ignores me mostly and that's the best photo I can take when I get to spot it. Somehow I'm poisoned or something I even have dreams of keeping a cat which brightens up my life but then there are also other bits of weird things appearing in my dreams so I don't know what's going on inside my brain. For some unknown reasons, I've been elongating my sentences I don't know when to stop with a full stop! I just keep blabbering non-stop really somebody has to stop me from getting overly excited and speaking all at once without rest. Oh yeah, maybe that's the problem. I'm not getting the rest I should have. (。-_-。) I have to stop at some point my dear bud U should really stop me. And from eating too much chocos!!! (゚O゚)

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