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Saturday, December 03, 2016

Cosmos #01 | The beginning

Yeah! So December has arrived! One more month to go through and then moving forward to the new year of unknown challenges ahead. lol. Was I excited about this? I feel I have been going through the same set of feelings when it's the very last month of the year and there should always be something nice and better for me to look forward to for the next. And that's why I feel I should attempt to make some little changes to my life somehow, even when it probably has got nothing to do with resolutions lol.

Anyway how grateful am I right here right now, being able to sit at home with this peace and coming up with something new. (*^◯^*) I've decided to have this new set of weekly diary for this blog. I even came up with this name Cosmos, which is one of Buck-Tick's song that I just began to love. It's  that I wanna have a name for things so that I feel it's official and it truly exist. lol. Somehow things really fit in at the right time and I don't know how did all that happen. xD  I've even revived my very old twitter account meant for Kpop and I realised the name I came for it ended up to be so awesome which is a combination of my favourite Jrock and Kpop together. I'm quite a genius isn't it? (≧▽≦) To be frank I think I take long to come up with names but somehow at the very last moment I can finally come up with something I am certain of. It just strikes at me for that second and I'll just pick it. Well, it's the start for that account and also my nonsense for this weekly diary post. Summing up whatever that has happened for the week. The numbering might end up as a mess I think, since I'm starting at this time, not at the new year but whatever, I just want this to start and continue until wherever. What if I ended up too tired at a certain week and skipped posting about it? Argh really. just. whatever, I will do whatever I feel like it and somehow it will turn out great I believe.

Speaking of changes, there's quite a bit of changes happening at work too. We all find it a trouble and have to think about adapting to a new place and new processes..... This is indeed exhausting! I probably shouldn't need to tire myself out from all the thinking, since the workload from the past month has way exceeded than usual and I have to rush by the supposedly deadline before my coworker goes for holiday. Yeah I shouldn't think about it. It doesn't help at all. I should have just do all that I can and have targeted for the day and see how it goes. Everyone knows I have been doing my best. Nothing much can be helped right?? Can I say so? Because it's getting hard to think positively about work so.... (x_x)

Ah.. What else? Now that I'm kinda sleepy to clear my backlog even though I have the time today. lol. Let me do it slowly okay? Few months back I remember I chanced upon this choco corn snack which I love but it was no longer selling in Daiso. I was disappointed but at least I get to taste this from some other Jpn department store. But the packet was so small!! And now I couldn't find anymore of those. I wonder why there isn't any supply for this? Isn't chocolate a popular flavour all along? =(  But anyway, I don't snack that often so I'm not that bothered with this. ^_^;

The best thing that I've bought recently is this Aloe Vera gel but at a higher 98% which works damn well. At least now it healed my small patch of skin from using that pad. I love how it can moisturise my skin so well it's really way better than other body lotions. Now I'm not interested in getting any fragrance kind of lotion but rather this gel that cares for the skin better. If only I got to know about this product earlier I could already have attained better skin and not be lazy in applying lotions anymore. lol. Okay, maybe better late than never.

Ahh lastly, there is this Korean actor who got popular quite sometime ago. [I don't remember his name but never mind] I received this mask many months ago from a coworker though. Took me this long to realise its presence. lol. I'm not sure if this mask is awesome to use or not and whether it leaves a better effect than other masks for it was more expensive that usual mask but let me see when I have the mood to try it on someday. At least I put that handsome face here on my blog hahaha. This one is good since I love flowers. But not that I will really use on a Thursday for it to work well, will I? xD

Since I'm feeling kinda bored without much mood, I know it's time for me to get back to reading. I did do so last week! Since I had a longer weekend. I'm satisfied when I gain something from a book. Although sometimes I feel I need to empty my mind to think better for many other stuffs. Time for me to get all sorted out cos I'm still halfway through in clearing those nasty papers on my book shelf. I wonder why it is endless. -_-

Good gracious for the long post. I hope after my mind gets sorted out I'm able to post more interesting stuffs.

Let's look forward to more.


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