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Saturday, December 31, 2011

So is this 2012 resolutions?

I've thought over it a bit about this year. It may not be an entirely good year for me but there isn't any major thing happening, although sometimes I do get frustrated over quite a lot of matters. And the exam results and job finding are smth that I'm really bothered about. Things dun really go as planned but I'm already at this stage!! Last yr of study so I should be glad! haha.

Anyway, I thought it's more like what are the things that I want should do:
✦ read up all the books in my shelf and write something about them.
✦ do the top student method of nothing down 5 things that I've learnt for the day. [Sounds tough. Maybe I should keep a learning diary from now?]
✦ Develop a never-give-up attitude and strive my best for exams and future work!! [I hope I can!]
✦ Be humourous and smile more often.
✦ Manage my time better. Take some time to exercise too!
✦ Sleep before 11pm! [I've badly screwed up my sleeping time this entire yr lol]

I hope I will fulfill the above. lol. Anyway I've intend and be keeping a small notebook to note down all of these  so as to keep reminding myself of my goals! I want to do something like writing down wat I've did everyday, along with my plans for the day. It seemed tiring and I eventually gave up doing that this yr so I hope this new yr for a change I shall develop this habit and attitude of monitoring my activities and make sure that I did what I'm supposed to. It maybe tiring and I dun have the habit of writing everyday but only when I feel like doing so but this time I hope that I can do this!! I must learn to utilize my time well. (ˆ0ˆ)

Probably I'll do countdown later on..hehe. HAPPY NEW YEAR~!! 

 Hopefully there are great things for me to look forward to. (> y <)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Golden Bomber♪

I was into Golden bomber just this yr... I can't really remember when exactly but should be somewhere around August?? It was the first time I ever came across a VK rock band that does parody!! I really feel like promoting them cos their music was not bad to me, and they did light songs too. Most imptly, if u watch their pvs, they indeed will make u laugh while watching it. I'm just not that happy that good bands like Kagrra, who really makes lovely music aren't that famous. =(

Golden Bomber's most well known song [I suppose] is 女々しくて Memeshikute which made me love it! I'm definitely gonna check them out for more songs and looking forward to their new songs! The vocalist Shou just made me wanna laugh at the sight of him. They dun play their instruments at live performances but to just dance and perform. Well I didn't get to watch their live performance at Music Station [is it?] few mths back. So I suppose their instruments in live perf are for show. haha. Anyway their dance looks really easy and catchy. They seem to like to bite on a piece of white cloth to show their unhappiness. LOL!!

Argh, wat a pity that the full pv for their 'Korean' version at youtube was deleted. =( There's onli short version. So irritating when i've saved them to playlist and the vids got deleted. Anyway, the pv was sort of mocking at the Koreans? but somehow I dun really get the whole thing, just that to me they are funny when eating the food. More like gorging. hahaha. One thing to note: Shou was really pretty in this pv!! (*^ω^*) Kenji is quite good looking too, onli if he dun put on that mask anymore!!

I'm still wondering if I should open a new thread for them at AHS. I've posted once on the news of them making their 女々しくて pv in 'Korean' version. and I onli get 2 replies!! Yeah I was kinda disappointed but I guess not much people would like to check them out like I do. Or maybe Jrock music itself aren't as popular as Jpop or Kpop in the first place? Well it's really hard to get them noticed unless the record company does a lot of promotion..hmmm. I will still look forward to their new works!! Next year Jan they'll be releasing an album called Golden Album! Sounds really nice! hahaha. I'll just wait for more good stuffs to come~~! (^v^)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


To me, new year means cleaning!! I have to start cleaning my room soon!! (T . T)

So far, the 2 small books are the ones that I wanna clear off the most. lol. yeah, horoscope books! I dun believe in horoscope anymore. I think it's kinda not that accurate or anything to group/classify people into 12 groups, or now is 13?? I heard there are changes to the constellations already. oh well, I dun think one shld believe strongly in it or whatever. Everyone's life is different. I think it's ur own personal fate or destiny as a result of ur own actions. To think that I believe in horoscope stuffs when I was little!! lol. Alright, it was part of a young girl's thing, trying to see if it's really true. I think we shouldn't depend on it. No, Not even looking at it at all!!!! Seeing at the everyday one for the zodiac is really crazy. Some of the things written are quite insignificant. I dun think it's even related sometimes. lol. Really, those people saying about how's ur luck and life gonna be like, especially during CNY with lots of books and even tv shows abt it, are just meaningless and more like making it a commercial thing or for fun. Whatever. Those are really too generalized. Whichever is true?? I dun think can believe in any of it. Even going for fortune telling not all are entirely true. (¬_¬)

So for 2012 I won't be buying any more of those horoscope books. I won't even want to look at it anymore. Anyway, Popular is selling it more ex than before! It's not coming as a set anymore isn't it? And there is no free 'gift' like a bookmark that I've got for 2011. Times are bad is it. lol. It's still better not to spend $$ on such things la, quite meaningless. Rather spend the $$ for books that can gain knowledge than such 'for fun' ones. yeah~

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

This 2011

This is the very last week of 2011!!

Well, I dun really have much nice things happening this year.. Things may not be going that smoothly as I thought but I'm still happy that I'm able to study I guess. Many people said life as a student is quite carefree so I guess I should really seize this time of being a student and able to plan my own time. haha. Studying isn't easy but I'm sure working life is more hectic. Anyways I'm glad that I dun really have much worries although I may be quite unhappy with certain things not happening as I wished. haha.

For next year, I guess I'll do the same as in counting down to 2012 in front of the tv in my house. lol. At least there's still some sort of atmosphere isn't it? Most imptly is the tv programs!!! They better show some interesting movies for us to watch!! or else I'm really bored to death!! hahaha.

I dun know if I should be doing any resolutions cos I came up with the same few ones every year. lol. And I dun really bother to see if I did achieve any of it? haha. Unless i really determine but I think I should start figuring out wat's more important to me, and than go ahead and accomplish it. I think goals can be set at any time of the year and not just at the coming start of the year and then see if I have done them at the end of the year. Isn't that too long a period? lol. Anyway I shall perhaps look at wat's last year's and think about.. and then perhaps write it down. I'm actually worry about next year's economy with what's happening around the world this year. =(  The dragon year seem quite a scary year isn't it? hahaha.

I have yet to clean my room!! Oh ya, and I didn't type a post for Christmas yet! lol.. It's more like just another day for me la. Went to Orchard road again but the crowds are really horrible! Yes I do feel that it's much more than last year's. Cos there were so many people around, somehow I dun really want to take photos cos I can't really take the picture of the decorations itself. I'm more worried that the train will break down in fact. haha. But luckily there isn't, just that the train is slower than before.

I'm having a chocolatety xmas anyway! I've stopped thinking about presents. It's pretty 'risky' in getting gifts that is somethings that u dun want to have, and buying for others is also something to crack ur head about. Somehow I feel this part of me being mature cos I didn't demand for certain gifts like when I was young. hahaha. xD

So now I shall look forward to new year!! yesssss!!!! (≧▽≦)ゞ Happy Holidays~~!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ayu's upcoming 1st year anniversary with Mannie

It will be their first year wedding anniversary on 1st Jan next yr!! How fast is this!

I realised I didn't talk about Ayu's marriage yet so I guess it's time for me to say now! hahaha.

I remember watching her Virgin Road mv for the first time..

and it came to me that: Ayu might be with this guy!! I seriously dun know why but I just got that feeling coming towards me! Not jus that it's the first and onli time that Ayu having a wedding ceremony with a guy in a wedding dress, it seemed to me that Ayu might like Mannie. Ok, maybe in pv she is supposed to act she's very happy marrying and running around with a guy but I do sense that she has some sort of feelings for him. At first, I thought I muz be thinking too much, so I ignored such thoughts of mine. Anyway, later Ayu made another 2 more pvs with him, and I thought the plot was good. Mannie seemed ok to me. Yeah, so that's when I stopped thinking any further that Ayu will be with him..

Until Ayu 'announced' her marriage over at twitter on 1 Jan 2011!!  I can't believe it at first!! But in the end it shows that my hunch was right!! hahaha. I wasn't that shocked but somehow I feel a little shock, at myself perhaps. Although somehow many of us thought that she's an independent woman all along, will need no guy but I feel maybe Ayu wants to be with a guy.. hahaha. Such things made me feel a scary too.

I'm glad that Ayu is married already although she knew Mannie for about 5 months which is really a short time. But Mannie really seemed quite an okay person. I dun really know much about him so I can't really comment but back when Ayu was with Nagese I really thought they can be together till marriage perhaps. ┐('~`;)┌

oh well, still I'm happy for Ayu to be able to find her happiness. Onli pity is that they did not hold a big wedding ceremony, much that everyone wants to see. hahaha. I know Ayu wants some privacy in this aspect maybe. It's also a pity she didn't take any wedding photos with her hubby!! I do hope she does some and maybe we all can see a few! hahaha. Now let's just wait for news of her pregnancy cos I feel like seeing Ayu as a Mum! I wonder will she be as charismatic as Namie!! Even Koda Kumi is pregnant before her marriage! lol.

For 2012, I hope Ayu can spend more time with her hubby and better album release. I'm still being greedy as a fan, I want to see her appearing more in live shows and more promotion. I want her to keep ranking on top of the charts!! Ayu go go go!!! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

Sunday, December 18, 2011

2 playlists for Kagrra, singles

Created 2 Kagrra, playlist and trying to digest the songs.. They have many many songs from singles and I'm trying my best to listen to as many as I could and remember them all!! I can did that for Ayu in remembering all her songs, singles and albums so i wanna do that for Kagrra, too! Hopefully~~ just will take quite some time. ♪( ̄▽ ̄)ノ″

I like 華 Hana alot from this single!

My favourite from this single will be 母へ... Haha e... and 七月七日 Shichigatsu Nanoka.

Thanks to the uploaders!! Love Kagrra,♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!

why this year...

So many things are happening this yr.. Not that happy to mention about it but still, it's 2011 and that's wat it's all about. (≧ロ≦)

The train breakdown yesterday was disappointing enough, and yet it happened again today. wth. I'm supposed to go out with my frens today but the transport problem just annoys me alot. I wouldn't want to go travel when there's the problem in place. u know I hate the feeling of getting stuck in the train and time just gone away like tat and there's nothing that we can do. I know I choose not to go out in the end was kinda a spoilsport but of cos shopping isn't like smth so impt that I can't go without. I can choose some other day again. I onli pity those people who are rushing off for work, and have bosses who hate people who are late. Who can compensate them? How about those people who fainted cos of it? Really disappointed but I guess we have no choice since it's the onli train service company and hence I dun think they really care much since they know afterall we still depend on them for transport. Argh. Cruel world!

Well this yr we heard news about flood and there's many riots going on in many countries. I'm really sad about it. I worry for next yr too.  Would we all have a nice Christmas this year in fact? oh ya, not to mention the news about Isshi's death saddens me alot too.

What is there that we can hope for? I just hope that I can hear good news for myself and spending a nice xmas and then a happy new year. I dun think worrying can help much but I definitely want more happy days for more people. And hope that there are better things for me to look forward to. [Since it won't be the end of the world anyway]

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Fakebook page column on the Sunday times

Just last Sunday newspaper there's a fake Facebook page of Kpop. More like about the MAMA event here at sg featuring Lee Teuk. I was kinda happy to see this cos I wrote about MAMA last entry and the writer this time wrote it in a funny way! I'm gonna quote those in which I agree!

The great scientist who cloned every K-pop act since 1995 is called PAPA! 

I'm even happier to see Ayu being mentioned here. haha.
Why is Kpop so popular but not Jpop? Is Korean easier to understand than Japanese?

I also think that Japanese is much easier to learn than Korean. lol. Banzai!!

Kpop is very big in Singapore because:
The guys are cute
The girls are hot
The songs are catchy
The dancing is exciting

I think such reasons aren't really good enough. There are so many celebrities all over the world who are like that too. All is just a plot!

If these Kpop bands were Singaporean, they would be given other names:
2NE1 would be 2HDB1
Super Junior would be Super Kiasu
Girls' Generation would be Raffles Girls' Generation
Miss A would be Miss Ah Lian

And definitely the thing that I agree most is: 
Kpop is a Korean plot to enslave besotted kids.
Pipe dream for deluded wannabes

hahaha. I can't help laughing at this. Reading that column has made my day! The only thing I want most is to have a flower named after Ayu!! Why does Elton John get it?? Shouldn't they name one after Ayu?? I'm waiting for a chance really, that one day Ayu will be so much recognized in sg! 

Looking forward to better news!