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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Popteen April 2013 issue

Late on this post, bought it last month and loving it!

It's Mizuki on cover but strangely, there isn't any big feature about her at all. I see more Kumicky than any other models. lol.

So here all the whole lot of Kumicky:

Seriously, I think this black Kumicky on the left don't look like Kumicky at all!! I couldn't recognise her at that look. She looks so different. I had to see all the other styles in this page and yes to confirm that it's all pages of Kumicky. Totally about her in different styles. I'm kinda surprised she doesn't look like herself sometimes. haha.

I love to see Kumicky in sweet, princess look. And also the rock one!! That hairstyle she had for the rock reminds me of Erika Sawajiri in Helter Skelter. Suddenly I dun quite like those straight fringe. The outfit is perfect but the hair is not to my liking.

And more Kumicky in teaching makeup:

Mature-cute look.
Dolly look.
I love this too with the light brown hair.

Little devil look.

I see closely at the end-of-makeup-look at the bottom left hand corner of the page, I really think this one also dun look like Kumicky. Is it the angle problem or her facial expression? I really couldn't identify it's her somehow... O_O

And sort of a shocking news: Rie has broke off with her boyfriend. -_-

I remember reading about her just got into a relationship, maybe few issues back.. I was kinda happy to see that, then the next issue I bought, I see this. ( ̄^ ̄) It seemed to happen really fast!! And the reason: cos they don't have time for each other. I'm so upset to see this as the reason ok!! In fact, I think they probably didn't love each other enough, if not, no matter how busy u are with ur life, u would always think of the person u loved and would call or meet up even when u're tired from work. Both of them can't even spare the time at all for each other?? and they can't be bothered to do something about this for their relationship? [The guy just agree to the break up when Rie suggested it.]  I somehow feel it's a waste that couples broke up in this way. I may seem to be very busybody in such thing but even for me as a reader, I can feel that sort of sad feeling for things to turn out this way, be it happens to my friends or me. It's just this sad feeling... like: why??? How can this happen!! =(

Okay, never mind about my feeling. I always think relationship should go on good. Maybe too much of dramas that potray too nicely but in reality, people can't really be bothered or put enough effort to make things work. Seems like it. T_T

Little bit strange to see that they feature 2 male models after the female models, cos it's the first time I see this. It's a female fashion mag I have no idea why they even bother to feature about male models, unless they are singers/actors as an interview page but it's not!! I don't really wanna care about this. haha.

Anyway. I see some new models for this season too. But still my love goes to Kumicky and I love this issue cos I see so many Kumicky pages. I really wanna see more Kumicky in upcoming issues and hope not 'graduating' from this mag and move forward to other mags or doing other stuffs. I don't get why the idea of Japanese models/singers 'graduating' from a group. It's basically leaving! And I don't like to see that happen at all. Why can't there be permanent models for a mag?? My first popteen was few years back in 2008 and those batch of models aren't here now. =( Why is it that for ViVi, Lena seems to be forever there? I'm pretty sure she's already a permanent model for them. And I hope this batch of popteen models will stay here for long too, so long as I read it. =)

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