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Sunday, June 30, 2013

I got an old Ayu album~!

Last week was the horrible haze condition and then this week with horrible weather changes. I absolutely hate horrible hot weathers cos it just made me feel so uncomfortable and unable to sleep. Not to mention that with haze, the smoky smell is horrible too. It's quite terrifying to know that there's hailstorm at the West I can't believe it's happening in sg. (T ^ T) It's like plans spoil, can't go out when u just want to. Been stuck at home cos it's basically bad to breathe in bad air. And so I got so bored already. lol. Anyway, my lips chapped so much more often this 2 weeks!! Muz be cos of this really hot weather! And I've got ulcers now. Sobs. (>_<)

I can't stop my craving for chocolates and got this special pocky which is with this Snoopy cartoon packaging but it's really expensive! Almost 4 times the normal plain chocolate pocky!! Omg I'm never gonna get this again cos this is such a splurge! It's package to 2 smaller packets just like the previous pocky that I've eaten but this time 16 sticks in each. Although this really tasted better but still, the normal pocky can already satisfy my craving. haha. I simply can't stop munching a chocolate every now and then. I seem to be eating a piece of chocolate everyday. I hope this isn't a bad thing, cos I felt happy when eating it. (^_^v)

Great find just last week!!

Ayu-mi-x II Acoustic Orchestra version! How thrilled was I to see this! although this was a used item on sale. So I supposed the CD shop also sells second-hand CDs? I totally didn't expect this tbh. I was just looking around and found this. No reason for me to say no to this right? Although I have all ayu songs but for remix, I love all her orchestra versions. I'm listening to them right now and somehow it made me a little sleepy. haha. But one good thing is that I can hear Ayu's voice much clearly rather than her usual album versions. Oh ya, there's a special card inside the case but I don't know what's that!! I don't know which part of Ayu's body is it showing and what for? lol. If I'm not wrong by my guess, I think it's supposed to be part of a puzzle with the other remix albums at that time? Well, I'm already satisfied and going for Ayu's songs so the card thing doesn't bother me. haha.

I wonder why just can't find old Namie albums? I'm aiming for her PLAY album but I can't find it anywhere now. =( It seems easier to find Kuu's and Ayu's but not Namie. Why?? Namie has been out singing for such a long time yet her albums are not much and not easy to find. Is her fan base in sg that small that cd stores just don't bother with her stuffs that's why? argh. Just not fair. So I think my quest in finding Ayu cds is so much easier. And yeah, lucky for me then. haha. Shall try my luck next time. See if I'm really lucky spotting any old Namie albums in the future. Well well...

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Popteen July 2013 issue

Yeah!! Got my Popteen mag in the first week of June. And definitely cos is Kumicky on cover!! (*^_^*)

I like this page a lot cos Kumicky looks really pretty and summery~!!

I wonder why I can't see any month issues except for this latest one cos I wanna see if there's any interesting content in the past issues. Oh well, it's just so that I'm left with no choice but to get this July issue and luckily it's Kumicky on cover or else I feel like I have nothing to buy at that time of my shopping. lol.

Kumicky's Beauty Salon~!! I love how she teaches too!!

And these few pages on 'What's in my bag' topic! I love this cos they showed really well! O_O They even tell us the weight of their bags. lol. And u know what, the heaviest being Kumicky's work bag!! It looks more like a luggage to me. haha. At 6.9kg. Omg.. How can she even carry it at all?

The other models' stuffs inside their bags are pretty nice too, and a lot!! Most of them bring their makeup stuffs out, a few items. But some of them even bring the whole cosmetic bag! That was WOW to me. cos it really adds on to the bag weight!! For me, I don't bring my cosmetics bag out at all. At most, one or two items like my lip balm when I need it. [especially at times when my lips chapped too often] I don't think u will need to use all the makeup items in the bag when u're outside? Unless u walk out of ur house without makeup on. But usually we won't right? hahaha.

And now I must mention my discovery on Kumicky which is this late! lol. (≧▽≦)

This is the first time I'm hearing Kumicky's voice!! She's so cute! The feeling of finally know how ur favourite idol really sounds like besides from seeing tons of her photos in the mag was o(^▽^)o . Omg Why do I now then know of Popteen tv which exist long ago. I wanna cry but seeing Kumicky it's more like tears of joy now. ( ̄▽ ̄) Okay, although I don't put on false eyelashes myself but this is a good video to watch. So long as it's Kumicky. haha. I've became so biased! She really looks like an expert at falsies already. (ˆ_ˆ)
Now I need to start looking at any videos of her showing how she does makeup which is what I hope. xD

Anyway, I like this cartoony thing telling us how to be slim in the whole day.  (x_x)

Let me put those pointers down:
✿ Breakfast in the morning → choose rice 168 kcal instead of bread 276 kcal.
✿ Journey to school → for 30min ride a bike burns 94 kcal than walk 77 kcal.
✿ PE class for 50min burns 118 kcal than music class 100 kcal.
✿ Snack per 100g → choose gummy candy 348 kcal than chocolate 557 kcal.
✿ Lunch → own made bento is better than school canteen ramen cos u can make it healthier!
✿ Duties in class → mopping for 15min burns 35 kcal than sweep the floor 24 kcal.
✿ Sing Golden Bomber's Memeshikute burns 12 kcal while Nishino Kana's Best Friend burns 17 kcal.
✿ At Mac, choose fries (small) 249 kcal than burger 275 kcal or nuggets 280 kcal.
✿ Choose spicy hot pot 450 kcal than having BBQ meat 530 kcal.
✿ Choose Arubaito of being a waitress burns 472 kcal than salesgirl 430 kcal or giving out tissue paper in the streets 430 kcal too.
✿ Clean bathroom for 15 min burns 44 kcal than walk the dog 23 kcal.
✿ Choose to bath after dinner and is better to soak in the bathtub than having a shower.
✿ Choose miso-flavoured fish 269 kcal than fried chicken 286 kcal.
✿ Drink black coffee 8 kcal than hot milk 120 kcal while watching tv.
✿ Take dried shredded squid 27 kcal than fruits like strawberry 5 pieces 25 kcal and pineapple 5 pieces 44 kcal.
✿ Do 15min sit-ups burns 87 kcal than massage!
✿ Burn midnight oil burns 70 kcal per 60mins rather than sleeping early 39 kcal .

Therefore within the entire day U can burn approximately 920 kcal!!

Okay, although I don't totally agree with this but what they've gathered is just based on the amount of calories only. It would be better if they take the nutrition content into consideration too. Anyway it's just a fun guide. I love the content in this issue which also includes the part of how to let ur makeup last longer on the face. I'm just so happy looking at Popteen, and Kumicky yeah~!! (ˆ0ˆ) Satisfied purchase!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Puffy Lower eyelid makeup

I'm glad Michelle phan is finally talking about it in her video just last month !! But somehow it came a little late isn't it? haha.

I've always wondered what's it called in English cos I've already seen this look last year in my Popteen magazine. So I went to dig out my magazine talking about that look and to realize that it was Jan 2012 issue!! So it's been a year already! I wonder when this look got started and become so fashionable in Japan?

Okay, so now I know it's also called as Aegyo Sal. But that's a Korean name for it. What is it in Japanese btw? I don't even get the name in Chinese in my Popteen tw version. lol.
#Edit: I just found out it's called namida bukuro. And probably cos of AKB's Itano Tomomi that this trend come about in Japan. Okay...

Anyway, even posted this picture up in AHS last year:

At that point of time, no one can answer my question. lol. There are people who love this look although there are people like me who doesn't like this look cos it made us look as if we have eyebags and look too tired. I really can't see it as bigger eyes although there is a comparison up there showing us the effect of this makeup. I've seen many ways of getting that look in the Popteen magazine and basically it uses highlighter and brown eyeshadow to create the shadow. To me I think it's quite a hassle cos it's an additional eye makeup step that u have to do!! I think the usual simple makeup look takes quite some time already. I know for makeup experts, it would be okay for them. But I'm someone who likes to apply my makeup slowly to make sure I'm doing right. So... to me this I don't approve!! haha. I don't see it as cute tbh. And definitely not following just cos many Korean stars have this look. (¬_¬)

It's quite irony too cos Michelle phan keep mentioning she doesn't wanna look too tired/sleepy but yet she showed us this makeup tutorial. But of cos I'm glad to see her doing this so I know what's it called at least. =D I'm pretty sure all along, her usual makeup she would not be doing this at all! I've never seen her doing makeup with this puffy eyelid on except for this ONE tutorial. So there u go, not that Michelle likes it too right? haha.

Well, among all the makeup gurus, I'm still loving her the most!! The first makeup tutorial I ever watched is Michelle's anyway, years ago. And she made me got so into it! I love how she does voice-overs and clearly show some tips. She did tons of videos and now I think it's kinda impossible for me to watch finish all. I can't remember which I've watched or not. lol. But of cos I'm already keeping up with her latest videos and more or less I can remember some now.

Does this made me a Michelle phan fan already? haha.
Oh yes, one thing I hope she does quick : Introduce CC creams!! or DD creams!! I saw her tweet mentioning about it already but when are u gonna do a tutorial or a review about it soon, Michelle? I would love to see u mentioning about it!! Cos I think I love u so much now that I wanna see u talking about it. (⌒▽⌒)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My phone apps

The most often used app on my phone would be twitter cos I just love to use it. I didn't use any other social apps on my phone except for twitter. And not to mention about Fb which is so confusing. But anyway I think my weibo account now is becoming there for nothing! Lol. I hardly use it cos don't find it much interesting to use except to see ayu updates there occasionally. So I don't bother to download the app either. I feel kinda bad now but I think I know more Ayu fans at twitter than weibo so yeah twitter is a better place to chat. haha.

I've used to download Japanese twicca app but the font is just too small and the background is all in black. It's actually pretty hard to read. I think there are many functions like labels but I think it's kinda more confusing to me too. Plume was quite good to use at first compared to twicca but it crashes even more often! The crash just irritates me far too much so of cos I won't use that anymore. And yeah the 2 apps are deleted off my phone already! Compared to twitter app, I still think twitter app is more stable although it sometimes crash but is still quite a good use, afterall. Shouldn't have bothered to download other apps, man. I thought it would be good to try other things out but it turns out that twitter app itself is already good enough. =)

I hate app crashes cos they will give me a blank screen on my phone which freak me out! I'm more concern that this will spoil my phone. lol. It's my only good phone to use! It's the best to use although it's just a zero dollar phone with plan and cannot be compared to other good phones with better screens or functions like iphone or Samsung. But I still love it. I think it's definitely the best among all phones I have used in the past! The only thing that I dislike is the fact that new generation phones made us download apps to use. I can't even find my files that I've send from computer to phone. Instead I have to look for the app File explorer to allow me to locate the file. -_- That's really a bad function. Isn't this supposed to be in the phone already for easy access of the files? And in my downloads, although I've deleted the file there, it's actually not deleted cos I can still find it in the File explorer. Which means the files that I thought that I've deleted are still in my phone and occupying the space until I've deleted it. How misleading!! And I don't know why I can't open any picture files at the File explorer!! Ծ_Ծ

I don't wanna download games cos they are more like distractions. But I used to have a game like bejeweled. In the end, it really bore me cos I've played till World 3 and the bonus stage. And I don't like that it keeps showing no more move at the higher stages, which is really harder to play. lol. In fact I feel lotta better after I deleted the app. I really felt no more distractions!! I feel that I didn't need to make myself play a game if I have nothing to do. I suddenly feel this sort of freedom. (≧▽≦)ゞ

Now my main activity is only twitter. haha. But the only troublesome thing is that I have to clear the cache more often if not it's really eating to SD card memory space. Why why why? I didn't think that cache have to be deleted in the app itself. I only know about deleting it in the web browser option. Oh ya, if not for the File explorer, I wouldn't be able to find the cache to delete it too. What a trouble. (¬_¬)

Now I'm not gonna download anymore apps cos my SD card is really out of space since I have photos, songs and some school articles in it. There's always not enough space for new songs that I wanna send to my phone so I have to delete some songs inside it. (>_<) I could have bought a bigger memory space SD card but then I would have to trouble myself once again to transfer the files and everything to the new SD card. So I gave up!! Just let everything be then. urgh. So is just keep transferring and deleting songs in my phone. lol. Anyway, for songs I think forever there won't be enough memory space for me for any device. I have tons of it mostly on cds, is just that I've lazy to rip them all too. Ar... so there's nothing much I can do afterall. haha.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hair problems 2

Lol it seems that I'm updating on what's been my hair condition after a year. O_O

Recently I have this problem of dandruff, which is kinda worse than before. ( ̄- ̄) I wonder why this is even happening?? In the past, like about 10 years ago, I will only have dandruff if I didn't wash my hair for one day. Ok, so I have been washing my hair daily to keep it clean and of cos due to my oily scalp I cannot don't wash my hair. Or else, the next day my hair will also appear greasy and uncomfortable.

But now, every few days I will see lots of dandruff on my head in the morning. The thing is I have been rotating shampoos → 2 anti-dandruff ones and one Ketoconazole shampoo to combat this problem. The medicated one seems effective, but after I used the other shampoos the dandruff problem will be back. I wonder why!! Is it that my skin renewal is just this fast so I can't control it at all? It's pretty annoying and using different shampoos don't help! Or is it that I should just use normal shampoo instead of anti-dandruff ones? Isn't anti-dandruff supposed to be effective in some way? But it just don't work for me. How irritating is this. ( ̄^ ̄)

I've stopped using conditioner but just hair lotion at night or day if I were to go out. I think my hair is equally smooth and manageable with just using the lotion. I thought I couldn't live without conditioner but I think lotion is more important to me! Even if I use conditioner, I still can't let my hair be without lotion. It will still look listless and dry. I've also read that hair lotion is similar to moisturizer for the face so is definitely more important right? Ok, part of me also wanna save the money on conditioner. lol.

I have been using Minoxidil 5% really diligently although I've been told to use this years ago. I just suddenly got so into haircare for myself. haha. It's supposed to be used for stop hair loss and promotes hair regrowth. It's been months now that I have been using this consistently. I don't know is it effective to me as of now. cos I still feel that I have the same amount of hair. (・□・)And whenever I use Minoxidil to spray on my scalp I see my hair dropped a lot at the same time. It is actually a common side effect right? And I think this is also the reason for my dandruff problem now being more prominent. I just read that there can be so many side effects to this. Okay, so I got 2 of them right? =/

I don't know how long does it take to see the effects of hair growth from a product but I remember I saw somewhere that it's 6 months? Anyway, I've once went to National Skin Center years back and I find that kinda amusing. The doctor didn't even bother to check my scalp at all until we asked him to. We were sort of puzzled at what the doctor was doing. He was asking me all those questions in which I know of myself especially on the diet part. I'm really normal ok! And shouldn't a skin doctor be checking out my scalp/skin in the first place? He seemed really reluctant when we requested that. -_- And in the end, the consultation was so fast and I was told to get a blood test. Duh! I knew my blood got drawn for nothing. I'm really normal!! Nothing wrong with my blood. It's just my scalp/skin problem...maybe cos I've been eating outside food everyday and there's MSG which causes my hair loss problem. But anyway, the doctor didn't point this out. Wasted money to see specialist, really. They can't solve my problem. In the end, seeing a GP is equally the same. He also asked me to use Minoxidil. Well well.

Okay I don't know what else I can do about my problem now. I remember reading from a forum really long ago and that many people have the same experience as me at NSC [if my memory didn't fail me]. Oh well, so I'm not alone!! I guess all I can do now is still to apply the Minoxidil diligently. And see how it goes. Not really that I have enough money to go to hair growth center to treat my problem. Does hair salon's hair treatment helps at all? I've once done a hair treatment for the hair and scalp. Supposed to be caring for them. I don't know if it's really good but the products applied on my scalp was meant to care for it and with steam for it to increase absorption. My hair turned out really smooth that day. haha. But it was just that day so I think it still takes lots of effort on a daily basis to keep the condition well. Now I just hope my dandruff and hair loss problem can be solved. Can't think of what else to do already.

That's all. Maybe update in a years' time! hahaha.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Many Jay Chou news ^_^

Well well, this year Jay Chou come to sg this June for his concert and although I didn't get a chance to go but there's so much news of him going on in which I wanna share! In fact, I did my part in entering the contest through omy in March. The contest ended really fast within a week I think, cos I've sent the link to my friend but then it was too late. =(
Anyway in May, there's still a chance to win the tickets by giant supermart but I have to buy at least 3 of the participating items? That was so hard since I didn't need them. I know it'll be this hard to win the tickets. (T_T) But anyway, I just took the entry form from the supermart there as a thing to keep even though I didn't enter the contest. lol.

Bought the magazine one week later which was a little too late too cos it was the previous issue that has the contest entry. (¬_¬) Duh, why am I missing things out??

I don't think blonde suits him at all but I love this shot of him. It made me discovered that he has 3 moles on the left side of his face which coincidentally, I have them too! Although the position of my moles is not exactly the same place but it's almost at the same area. How cool is that!! It feels so good to have such unique similarities as my favourite singer. haha. (^o^)

So here comes the rest of Jay chou news!!

Jay looks like 28, but this body is like a 50 year-old.

He met up with Vincent Fang in Sg since Vincent Fang is here to film a movie.

Jay show his 8 pack for only 3 mins plus and the rest of the concert he was fully wrapped up. (*^◯^*)

Jay's upcoming movie The Rooftop promotional poster.

Jay was the voice actor for a character in an anime . (*_*)

I just watched it and the thing is that the anime itself is not that funny or interesting. But it's Jay's voice that made me smile. =) haha. Cos it's the first time I hear his voice for an anime character. He sounded so cool and the male character drawn was kinda handsome! lol. And also, Jay actually took this opportunity to promote his latest movie The Rooftop. =D I think for any anime to be successful and popular, the storyline has got to be interesting in the first place. Even by getting Jay chou to help promote... I will only go listen to his voice that's all. The supposed 'cold jokes' aren't even funny at all imo. I don't know what others would think of it. I don't feel the urge to watch other episodes at all. O_o

A host was too excited to see Jay chou and interview him but he ended up having a irregular heartbeat and entered the hospital. (;゜0゜)Omg, why can't u get excited only when u see him in person?? The host did not see Jay Chou in the end. What a waste!!

That's all! I hope he's gonna come here again to promote his new movie. And more often for concerts! Let me have a chance to win at least? I miss all the fun of this. I will wait!~ (⌒▽⌒)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

When my mood comes...

I very much am a person who does things according to my mood. When my mood comes to do something, I will do it very seriously and for hours cos of the power. Mood really motivates me but somehow it just comes and goes randomly for some time without me knowing. lol. How does it even come like that? Well anyway, I've cleaned my room and arranged my stuffs, although not very into it like for CNY where I would check every single item. But one achievement done is really filing up neatly all my past years foolscap papers that I've left them chucked inside the files and the notes I've written are everywhere! I've realized that I wasn't so neat although many of my friends say I am. But it was kinda messy to me. And so now I've became more organised and make sure that I've written my notes clearly and highlight more. Why do I have to drag for years before I can be this organised? haha.

And now I've been reading back my old modules again. I think there's really a need to refresh my memory for those that I've learnt. It's really a bad habit of me that come to me naturally that I will forget what I've learnt once I'm done with the exams. That's really a danger cos I know myself I'm not confident in passing the exams but yet I don't wanna recall all the horrible memory work I did before the exam nor reading the same topics again which is so boring. So this danger really comes to me now. I have to face it. And no matter what, I need to pass no matter how long it's gonna take me, although time and money is such a great factor now. I die die need to pass by the end of this year cos time is so running out. Yet I enjoy studying time cos I can arrange the time to study at my own pace and have some free time for other stuffs, while work leaves me only with weekend in which I'm terribly exhausted with no energy for my hobbies. Why can't I just have best of both worlds?? lol.

Have got quite a lot of chocolates suddenly in the fridge. But my addiction is still pocky~!! There is this box of pocky with them in small packets inside.

There are only 7 sticks inside each packet. Simply not enough!! I can finish a regular box of pocky at one go and so this doesn't satisfy me. haha. I ended up eating few packets of this. Anyway in sg we can only find chocolate or strawberry pocky at supermarkets which is just too little!! Of cos I do see a little other flavours like with nuts and maybe few special ones in town supermarkets but is so not convenient and is expensive. Why Japanese are entitled to get so many different flavours so easily? lol. And also for Kit Kat. I'm jealous!! ( ̄^ ̄)

I bought 9 books on Tuesday!! It was such a great harvest! It's really a surprise to me to see a sale going on. There's mainly fiction books but of cos I can find some of those self-improvement books which is my kind of books that I read!! I really went to check them out among the big table of books. I must have looked so odd cos I'm the only looking for books so intensely while other shoppers just went past them without showing much interest. But to me, they are really treasures!! I find it more weird that not many people cared, when especially it's on sale too. It was so worth! Well, maybe not many people here have this hobby of reading. More people are into playing with gadgets than reading books. ( ̄□ ̄)

Okay, so right now I have to make way for these books!! I hope more comes! haha.. I wonder how long will I take to read finish them all!! Whoo hoo~!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ayu's popularity and image is getting bad

Not quite happy to see this news from Monday 10 June. Oh well...

It's according to a Japanese magazine : During Ayu's peak period in her career, one CM would be worth at 40million yen, but in 2011 she got married and then a divorce with Mannie, and then last year she was in a relationship with Maro which affected her image, now CM worth dropped to 12million yen. And many commercial companies are not interested in working with her anymore. Ok, so that's why Ayu hardly does any commercials now huh.. 

And they mention about Maro's video at Youtube, that he was talking about his poor life and being 'homeless'. BUT! His friend revealed that actually Maro stayed in one of his friends' home, and Ayu paid him a sum of money after the breakup for him not to tell the public about the whole process of their relationship, SO his finance condition should be pretty good cos of this. 

Possible? I think Maro will probably say something more about their relationship in the future, since he's already using his previous status as Ayu's boyfriend to gain attention by acting pitiful and to promote his upcoming debut as a singer. What's stopping him from saying more?? What saddens me is that Ayu's image has already been affected a lot cos of this. If Maro is gonna talk more nonsense, how worse will things become? I can't imagine it. =(

I'm so worried about Ayu. (T_T)  What my worry all along is that a guy came near to her and use her name to get famous, and then leave her. AND it did happened!! Why is it so hard for a queen to find her true love? It's so scary to have someone come near to you for a purpose... and leaving you so hurt. I really really hate liars as a matter of fact.  :-{{ 

The thing bothering me is that there are so many Japanese netizens saying nasty things about Ayu, like how old she is already and how not popular she is getting. I don't know how the Japanese think of her. But I'm sure there are still loyal Japanese Ayu fans too. I don't think Ayu is getting bad, it's just the things that is happening around her.. I mean not many things will turn out to be what you expected. And I think she's just lacking of promotion for these few years. I don't know what's with avex. She used to have crazy promotion/marketing of her albums and even attended many variety shows and had her own program called AyuReady. But look at the direction she is heading to. She did so many things in the past during her peak, I'm sure she could do it now too. Maybe it's partly Ayu's choice to have more of her own time but there is simply not enough Ayu promotion going on. Usually the public seem to be more influence by what they see around them.. especially the media. If Ayu appears more often on the screen perhaps her popularity would be back.

Then again, does that really matter? The nasty things that people say, no one can stop them. We all know how talented and great Ayu is. So long as Ayu keeps going, we will all still be supporting her. I'm sure all Ayu needs is us... Not any other nonsense.

I hope the next time Ayu is gonna date a guy, PLEASE consult your friends for opinion first before u say 'yes', Ayu~!! =)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Namie concert refunds to begin on 26th October

So here comes the update about the refund..but like 6 months later since the thing happened in April..O_O

I saw 'NO CLEAR EXPLANATION' appeared in the article on why is the refunds can only be made this late.  Well well... so I went to see their Facebook page:

Indeed, they aren't clear in their explaination. I see the same few words appearing such as 'we are resolving our dispute with ....' Duh. That's all? Why it can't be settled fast with the refunds since u have organised for other artistes and u should have some sales money from there to refund the fans right? It just isn't fair for Namie fans to wait this long. Do u actually think that the longer u drag, probably the fans would have forgotten about the money? But it's $$$$$$$!!!!! I don't think anyone can ever forget where it goes. =/

One thing that I don't feel is appropriate at all is that:

"They even asked the fans to chase the Japanese side for the refund."

WHAT!! Why must the fans be dragged into this? How can you bring the fans in over with your dispute with the Japanese promoter On The Line? Now that fans have to contact u and SISTIC and even OTL?? The fact that u can't get reply from OTL and u think the fans would?? And how about the overseas fans who flew here especially for the concert. How are they gonna get back their refund? How are the supposed to contact the organizers? Aren't u making this too confusing for anyone?

Seriously, I'm really upset about what has been going on. If I were to find someone who is willing to go to this Namie concert with me, imagine how I could have became one of those innocent fans too! In fact, I'm waiting to see if anyone here is gonna sue Midas. I don't know if anyone would really go so far into doing this but I would want to know if from then on [if the fans win the case], any organisation here have the responsibility to refund the fans first no matter what. And failure to do so will result in fine or something. Since this consumer law here I think is pretty weak, I hope something can be done. I don't know what's gonna happen, I just know this is another unhappiness thing I came across. What is loss to Midas? Their reputation probably got affected, but still they're able to function as usual with regards to bringing other artistes, I don't see how bad they are going so far. Argh. Probably they will only be hated by Namie fans. Oh yeah. What an unpleasant lesson learnt.  ( ̄^ ̄)

Entertainment news @ Lollipop

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Irritating Maro news

Haven't seen much Ayu updates since she's been busy with her tour yeah. But came across this beautiful one but kinda half cut- off. Ayu seems to be promoting a jewelry/accessories so that's why she showed her earrings. ^_^

And I love the necklace she's wearing!! Simple yet beautiful. She's so pretty in that photo, but is that dark circles & eye bag there at her left eye? lol.

Okay, today with some unhappiness, gonna be talking about the irritating Maro since there's some news going on about him.

I'm not that happy seeing this picture but oh wells, is about them anyway. Put this picture up to make it obvious that I'm talking about them now. ( ̄^ ̄)

I read this article some time back last month at Arama that he appeared in a magazine talking about the broke up he had with Ayu. But he didn't say it clearly. It's more like he purposely wanna play with his words.
Maro: "I'm not the one to say if we broke up or not. I just stayed away from work and am trying to open up new things by myself. I'll leave that up to your imagination."

What exactly is he trying to say, u see. Can I see it as u're avoiding Ayu already? oh yeah, open up new things by urself by debuting as a singer. U are so moving forward  and got over with all this now. 

"I was a homeless person in January. I lived in a cardboard box. It's said to be pretty warm. I also tried eating grass, and thought about if leaves were delicious. I thought that leaves must be good for the body since they take in a lot of sunlight."

When I saw this I really wanna laugh! Of all he food he could eat but he chose to eat grass. At first I thought 'Is he really ended up so poor and pity that no one cares about him?' Until I read the other I knew this was wrong. -_-

Anyway, scrolled down and read the comments by the Japanese netizens and they are really so mean at Ayu. =( Especially saying how much she doesn't have any glamour now. But one thing that I didn't know is about Wada. Whoever is she?? Seems like there's also some things into this related to Nagase? hmm..

And the fact that her concert tickets at Aomori....is that really true that the sales are so bad? (T_T)

Okay, let's come more into this Maro interview

However, I’m glad that many people actually watched it, and for that, I have to thank Hamasaki-san.

Oh yeah he said this himself !! I knew he wanted this attention on him!! By using Ayu.. It seems like he kinda enjoyed it even though the hate, since people are noticing him afterall.

And about his 'homeless life' for 1 month, duh!! He himself wanna go out to the parking lot to think. How can that be called as being homeless for goodness sake. And he still lived in a hotel anyway. How can that be homeless if this is his choice. Is he even thinking??

I didn’t get to explain why we’re asking for an annual membership fee of 10,500yen for the fanclub.

That's really crazy! Normally fan clubs are 5000 yen. He's asking for so much to prove that he'll take things seriously? How could anyone ask so much when u just debuted? People dun even know ur strengths yet. How can u expect them to fork out so much money at first without seeing if u are worth it or not!
That's kinda absurd. I dun believe that u dun need the money. -_-

Just knew that he's been Ayu's dancer for 5.5 years. It's pretty long.. and yet their relationship lasted very short. What a wrong move.

Anyway as u can see, he's definitely trying to make himself look like the victim here. Everytime after a breakup, u can expect both parties to tell everyone that they are the victim. But anyway, Ayu didn't say a thing about this to the public, so it's very obvious who is trying to act pitiful here ok. I have lots of reasons to hate him than like him. His actions made me kinda sick!

Okay, had enough of talking about him.  Maybe I should be saying nasty things about him but there isn't any point in doing that. I just dun wanna see news of him appearing like this instead of Ayu's. I dun wanna see his face. I went to upload that again cover picture cos dun wanna see his full face. But it ended up that seeing part of his face is equally irritating. HE DON'T DESERVE TO BE SO CLOSE TO AYU AT ALL.
Argh.. making myself unhappy over this. oh well. More good ayu news should be coming I think.. After the bad, shall the good come. I'm waiting for her to release a single this year. Just a guess. ^_^

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