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Sunday, June 19, 2016

I've found Dory~

Yes..! Now that I can blog on my Sunday afternoon in which I almost thought I couldn't because there's still tons of things that I wanted to do for the day. But oh well, I still give in to sleep since I was really tired without coffee and I'm blogging because I really wanted to do so. Lol.

So here goes, I didn't achieve much this week. Work got much manageable since I completed my tasks on time. Man I was so relieved only after I got over the deadline. But this repeats every month so I feel kinda drained each time. I don't know how to face the next year and maybe my responsibilities might get more? I'm actually in a stage whereby I don't wanna learn anything else more at work because I'm afraid of the burden on me and this is just risky in this place where everyone pushes the responsibility away. Yeah it can happen anywhere but I've got no interest at work anymore. I may look really focused all the time but I feel sick of them all in my heart. (,_,)  Although for the end of this week we're all done with the self-appraisal and my manager gave me good comments and a higher score than mine, I'm actually not sure if I should be happy with this. (x_x)

Maybe I shall go read more books and get my head more organised for work. Maybe it's all because I'm starting to feel sad that we have to leave this place soon... (´;Д;`)

Well well. There's something that I've discovered that made me squealed! Internally. Haha.

Look at that fish tank in our office! Little did I know that we have that blue fish all along!! Yes that blue fish in the middle that is the species of Dory that I'm talking about!! I wanted to take a clearer picture of it but that's the best I could since it just so happens to wanna go inside when I wanna take a picture of it. (-_-) It was just a day earlier that I realised this blue fish before I go to the movies and in fact, since I've actually found Dory just near me I need not find it anymore right. lol~ haha. What a lame joke I'm cracking. (≧▽≦)

Anyway I'm still in the midst of clearing stuffs in my room. It's been a month now since I've applied the KonMari method. Well papers and books is kinda hard for me to sort and discard. I have too much of such junk and can't helped but to write all sorts of things I come across. I'm trying all that I can to do bit by bit. Can't wait until I can announce here that I'm done with this and living in the kind of style I deserve. lol.

Argh yeah.. Dug these thumbdrives hiding in a pencil case of mine. Did anyone use this anymore?I wonder why did I buy that blue one years ago thinking that I would need it. But gosh, I haven't use it anymore. I don't know what have I saved inside and I'm afraid to look at it. Thumbdrives are scary cos there was once I had an old one that had virus in it because of a program I have to download and save it for school project. So what am I having this for now? I don't have school or anything and why do I have this? Omg I don't understand myself. And as for Patrick, he's a gift from my friend years ago too and I'm very sure I haven't touch it at all. It's totally in it's original packaging like that. lol. Damn should I still keep this stuff? (-。-;

Now I need to find myself back!!

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