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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Starting my June...

Argh I couldn't blog last week becos of the bad internet connection. Anyway, I've been trying hard to find time and squeeze everything that I wanted to do for the week! It's really exhausting but I'm also trying not to push myself too much until that I don't have enough rest. Although no matter how much sleep I have it's just not enough for me lol. Well well let's jump to updates now!

I bought only these 2 cosmetics last week and started using them immediately. lol. I'm only impressed with the Skin Flat concealer cos it really covers up my pores and feels so smooth!! It's as good as the CC cream that I bought last year! I'm loving this brand now. haha. Japan products are so good! But for the Clear Last face powder, I kinda regret for not looking at it closely. I was searching for loose powder not this type though, and I was focusing on the words matte and it being pink so I chose this one. Little did I know that it was the darkest shade of all. (-_-) I didn't expect that the words reflects the shade and I wasn't reading them indicating the shades at the side. Argh argh. But anyway, I'm still using them since I don't think the dark shade will be that obvious on the face. I just pat pat it all over basically for the peachy smell from it. Yes, that's one of the best thing about it! That's why I think I shouldn't ditch it since the smell just made me feel refreshed in the morning. One thing good about it at least. Lesson learned next time shall not be captured by such cute packaging. Lol. (;・・)

A nice treat by my favourite friend whom we haven't met in a year plus. I'm happy to see him although we didn't do much. I was also feeling so tired without coffee in the morning. lol. One thing I feel bad is that I ate his bowl of ramen by mistake. We ordered same type of ramen but of different soup base. I should have waited a little longer till the next arrived before opening my mouth for the food but I was too hungry damn it. ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ Although he doesn't mind, but I'm really sorry~~ somehow I just can't say this in front of him but I still hope he understands. (>_<)

And then at night I had to walk around and spotted a new place for dinner. This western food serves good food too! (⌒‐⌒)

Then for this week I got 2 cakes as an early Father's day present since I couldn't think of any others to get.

The one inside is Earl Grey and it's not just special, it taste superb! Much better than the strawberry shortcake! I'm so impressed and happy. I think I have a new tea favourite too. haha.

Yesterday was fun too, after cat cafe we went to sing Karaoke which was a last minute decision. (≧▽≦)

I'm glad for the first time I sang Buck-tick. This is so cool but only I know one song. Haha (^o^) Anyway the selections are really bad since those songs that I know and wanna sing just aren't there. Japanese song choices are really pathetic. Chinese ones might be okay but I wasn't really in the mood for chinese songs plus I've really not practise singing for a long time. I feel so detached with singing. Singing began to be an activity I can't enjoy as much as before since I spend my time doing other stuffs mostly listening than singing. What a pity right.. When I have the time I don't have the money but when I have the money I don't have the time to sing songs as good as before. So my money has to be left to spend on other enjoyable things then. lol.

Lastly, little gifts from my dear friend:

I'm happy this weekend too! Although I've spent so much but it doesn't matter. Nothing beats being with the right people and the experience.

2 more weeks to go? 


  1. haha! you ate your friends food xD nice you got a totoro gift!

    1. Yeah he told me I can eat it since we don't know if it's his or mine. I feel kinda guilty u know. >_<
      Yeah I love getting purse/pouches. This one is so cute! ^o^
