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Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's the last week of April!!

That's how fast time goes. I feel that at this moment I began to start counting down to the number of days to exams..Tat's stressful but will make me feel the urge to get studying I guess. I trying to get myself be prepared for work somehow. I'm just kinda unhappy that school didn't offer lessons to learn software, and that was left for lower level papers. It just isn't fair. argh so I have to figure out everything by myself now. Also worrying about how this year will eventually be like. I just hope that I can land on a good job and able to fulfil my dream very soon, in about 5 years time hopefully!! I dun know if it's ever enough time. There's so many things to do and be worried about. Life can never be as simple anymore. =(

Have been feeling so down for the past few days. Even the computer shuts down at be suddenly without a reason, and my internet connection was lost for few times. Why do all these come together?? argh. Enough! There are even more other things that irritated me too. and eventually now I have got no mood to study and ended up feeling bored all the time.

Probably all I can do now is to pray for God's grace. Thank you.

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