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Monday, April 30, 2012

Last day of April

Oh my goodness...ever since last year, things have changed quite a lot!! Today's news have made me feel a little upset. Well, things that could made me feel unhappy always relates to school. I miss the lecturers who left, now I have to miss the graduation ceremony too?? =( Life gets even more bored as the time goes by. It's alright if I spent most of the time alone, not getting replies from my classmates...but the changes that the school has made is just too much!! Why does it become that 一年不如一年? I found myself not tat looking forward to school anymore. Getting even unhappier. I'm missing the year 2010 where I believed is considered as the happiest of my time among these years although it's also the most stressful period I have to face and struggle. Life was so good back then...... (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

What can I do now? Only to hope I guess. Tomorrow will be the month of May, so oh no! cos this means nearing the exams and I'll be more deterred to study. The mood will go up and down. [Actually I have been messing up with the dates. I keep forgetting today's date (¬_¬)]

But life still have to go on.. so I need to hang on!! What should be my cure? 

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