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Monday, July 02, 2012

No interest in food.

I find food really boring. It's always the same thing all the time. Or probably is cos of where I lived in? But sg is really not a food paradise. U can find the same food sold everywhere. Nothing interesting. If there's something popular among the people, others will start producing it too. Everyone is copying each other. (¬_¬) Now the 'in' thing is beancurd. I'm pretty sure the next moment, no one likes it anymore, just like what happened to bubble tea. (≧ロ≦) 

Even in restaurants, the food doesn't seem to be tasty at all. Just so-so. It's not just cos it's more expensive than hawker centres and coffee shop it will taste better. There's never a time where I will be so overwhelmed with any particular stall/restaurant. The cooks here just dun put their heart to it. Not like Japan or Taiwan or Hong Kong. I see more people praising about their food more than here. And some of their food is tasty yet cheap. How nice if here is also like that. Argh. I might as well travel there in the future and dun come back. hahaha. 

This place is making me getting less interest in food. Probably one of the reasons I dun eat well. lol. The 'delicacy' here is mostly fried, heaty food. I really wonder why everyone likes such unhealthy and uncomfortable food. What's so nice about them. The sight of those food already made me sick. (X_X) Maybe that's why I get skinnier each day. 

I really have nothing nice to say about the food here.

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