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Sunday, July 01, 2012

I'm a July 1st initiate on this day~!

It's kind of a coincidence. Most of the time I dun usually notice my status in forum but I am a July 1st initiate today!! Somehow this caught my eye since yesterday. lol. Just wanna announce this as sort of a good news since it's not like it'll happen at such a right time. I'm so pleased!! haha.

It's a normal Sunday. Listening to July 1st has became a practice. What else is there that I can do? lol. Actually I'm not a fan of summer songs. But somehow listening to it just now made me kinda happy. Maybe cos I haven't listened to this for a long time! Ayu has always been performing July 1st in a-nation. It's kinda like a staple song too right? Probably it's good that I didn't usually watch her a-nation so I didn't feel so bored listening to this today. hahaha.

Anyway, time for a bit of Ayu news. A SUMMER BEST is gonna be released on August 8. It's gonna be a scary day for me [not related to Ayu though]!! I'm not really happy with the news in fact, cos I wasn't anticipating for this compilation this year but rather a compilation next year for her 15th. If she were to really release a compilation for the 15th next year, dun u think with this Summer Best, there is just too many compilation at one go? I think this Summer Best is really quite unnecessary. We fans have almost all her songs in previous compilation/studio albums except for theme of a-nation '03, Happening Here and the new song You & Me. Do U think that will really entice fans to buy?? But not for me. I dun think is any special. I have both that songs and although I wanted Happening Here to be in a compilation, but it isn't of importance to me that it must be there! Cos it's not originally an Ayu song. Yes, I just feel that avex is out to release loads of Ayu albums as much as they can. I'm really disappointed. I want an Ayu single at this time and probably 2 more singles before Ayu release a studio album for next year.  That would be a nice plan. Argh, but it didn't go as what I thought. Argh. U know, this gonna be the compilation album that I'll skip buying it. Expensive and I dun like summer songs that much. Gosh.. I have been collecting all Ayu compilation albums all along and this is the first time that I'm gonna skip getting this. They are making me feel that I can't be a complete Ayu fan. lol.

Or probably sticking to buying all studio albums will be the best afterall? Anyway, usually compilations are targeted at non-Ayu fans right? Ar...I feel that Namie's Uncontrolled is really way better than this Summer Best now.

The covers are not released yet. Just the promotional picture:

Ayu really looks like a dead fish like what many have said. I think it's sort of pretty and sexy, just that the background is not really nice. I hope her covers will be good! As long as not something like Sunrise~LOVE is ALL. Of cos a Summer feel, bright and happy will suit the theme of the compilation. But I dun know what can I expect from this now. =/

Oh well, July 1st is in A BEST 2-White- and this compilation. I feel as though I see this song appearing a lot. lol. I remember there is some sort of poll that TA members will vote for their favourite summer songs? Yeah I guess is probably for this Summer Best. I thought of BLUE BIRD and progress [a recent song]. But progress wasn't in it, instead is ANother song feat. URATA NAOYA. OMG. It's not a nice song at all and how is it a Summer song?? I kinda like Disc A's songs but seeing that song included is another minus to me. hahaha. I dun know if there is anything nice I can say about this Summer Best. It all just isn't right to me. 

Ok, I now sound like a horrid fan complaining about this. So maybe I shall just keep listening to July 1st today until I get sick of it. xD That's kinda a nice way to go through this summer. I'll probably stop thinking about A SUMMER BEST since I'm pretty sure about 90% I will not get this album. It kinda hurts me to give this compilation up ok.. It feels like I'm missing something out. Or maybe I shall get other things in replace of it? hahaha. [The thought of Namie's Uncontrolled comes]

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