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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A little Ayu update

A little sad over the death of ayu's driver, Numacchi. I didn't even know about him, only when Ayu re-tweets his tweets and then a very long tweet about this. It's just so touching to read that he thinks it's a miracle to be able to meet ayu and he still wanna be her driver if there is a next lifetime.. It's just so teary to read all this. (T_T)

And also cos of this that I know about SAKURA lyrics was actually intended to write for him?? I thought SAKURA was directed to a girl...but anyway, the song is kinda sad upon listening to it. Something like untitled~for her~. (T ^ T)

Okay, and now for some ayu picts.. :

✿ This was from her very first album before avex and I supposed this is one of the pages in her lyrics booklet! This is really the very young ayu. haha. She's really cute with that hair. Btw this pict should be really really antique~!! =)

✿ and this is a handwritten fan letter from Ayu back in 2000? I love ayu's handwriting but I don't really know what's she's talking about. haha. Was hoping that I can find translation for this.

✿ Ayu was doing commercial for this necklace right? 

✿ I only remembered the shampoo.. seeing lots of bottles of shampoo in the carton [from twitter pics]. lol.
And also the Ayu credit card!! Would love to carry it around omg. Why only available in Japan? =(

Okay, nothing else. I seem to be so forgetful. There's something about Ayu I wanna type..

#Oh ya~!! There's this news about Ayu can't afford a bodyguard right now [in which I've posted at twitter]. And she also gave alimony to help Maro with his divorce. That is so unbelievable!! I didn't even read about this else where and yet the local newspaper actually had the source of this. lol. Anyway, since it's not a good news of Ayu, more like rumours, so I don't wanna blog with that picture here. I don't think it's true anyway...maybe from HK news? I don't know. I'm sure there's nice ayu news to write about too.=)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Newspaper report on Namie's concert cancellation in Singapore

This was the whole report that was published yesterday. Finally something is said about this.

I think is pretty long to read and know what exactly happened. Or shall I just summarised this:
- Namie's official web stated on 12 April that the cancellation was due to 'local technical reasons'.
- Midas [sg promoter] will refund the fans as soon as they get back the refunds from Japan side.
- Midas already spent US$300,000 and $250,000 in sg to booking, advertising & other costs.
- Japanese promoter On The Line is concerned over the slow tickets sales at less than half of 7000 tickets sold here.
- Midas is not obliged to fill up the building up but to sell as many tickets as they can.
- The cancelled concert caused Midas lost $600,000 already.
- Midas is supposed to make the 2nd payment of US$150,000 on April 5 but only able to make payment on April 16 because both sides were exploring options for this concert, such as to postpone the show to a later date, or change to smaller venue.
- To On The Line, the late payment was a breach of contract by Midas and therefore is cancelled. 
- Tickets that cost between $138 and $288 have about 2500 tickets sold out of 7000.
- According to the terms in the contract, any lawsuit will have to take place in Japan, so Japanese law will apply.
- Midas is also looking to sue Namie Amuro and Vision Factory in S'pore here for defamation.
- On The Line had not officially cancelled the concert on April 12 until Midas received the legal letter on April 18 that there is 'no possibility to hold the show'.

So most probably after the fight over the case, shall the fans be able to get their refunds, which will be months later. -_-  Why can't they refund the fans first since they are the innocent party in the first place. Not only there isn't a concert to watch, and yet can't get back the money.?? Depressing.

I hate to think wats gonna be in for Ayu. I have been hoping that one day Ayu will come to sg for concert, which most probably after Namie's one here. But since Namie has lead to this problem, I don't know what is there to hope for now. I don't even want to think. I guess the best way is still to go straight to Japan for their concerts. Hopefully I can really do that one day. I pity those fans who bought their flight tickets to come here and yet they didn't get to go for Namie's concert. (T ^ T)

Alright, so the thing left to see... :

The nicely done whole section Namie at hmv. But just a few Namie releases there. Ok, at least something to be happy about. I hope her CD/DVD sales here are good then.

Monday, April 22, 2013

My new accounts

Have created several accounts for some time already. My LiveJournal I've blogged 2 entries so far and I have no idea how should I get posting there cos I'm so much used to Blogger here. And LJ probably is better for viewing communities. I thought for a long time on what to blog but I kinda dreaded on putting my lyrical writings there. I don't know, just feel uneasy to post my work up there. I don't know if anyone is gonna take my work as theirs *dreams*, or be commenting on how good/bad my work is, or maybe just no one will care. arrr...I don't know how. I just started to have all sorts of feelings within myself that it's such a struggle to do this. If I'm like super good at art, I'd probably be like what many Ayu fans are doing: redesigning Ayu CD covers etc. I would love to do that but I don't have photoshop software or any other good ones and I'm really bad at art. lol. So much of me wanna be an artist as a child but I'm really bad at this. So this couldn't work at all. =(

Sometimes I have inspirations from reading or watching shows and I do wanna write a story, an original story by me at least. But then, I lacked of creativity. It's that somehow I can think of a scene at first, then I don't know how to continue with the next step. Then so I stopped. I don't know how to carry on. And the story just hangs there. =( And I have a few of this sort. Maybe then I should be writing short stories instead, but this is not my favourite. I don't like stories to end so fast. I love something long enough that spans over many years. Look at Harry potter! I'm so amazed at how the author can write so much and so detailed. Although I didn't read her books [only a few pages back like 10 years ago cos I wasn't into fiction] but her movies are amazing enough to show the whole story. I wonder how can I ever do that. I think it's forcefully hard to even think of the individual conversations among so many characters!!!

Well well. Maybe now after all it's still up to me to think carefully what I wanted to do. Is either to write or not. And plan really carefully on what I wanted to do for myself. Why I think of writing stories as a way cos I can feel a sense of satisfaction immediately. It's a work/product I can see right in front of me that I've created it. That's why I wanted to do that. Is constantly reminding myself of this purpose gonna be enough to motivate me? haha. I hope so!!

I hardly log in my weibo account and update over there. But I still got people following me every now and then. lol. Anyway I opened it cos of Ayu. haha. But nowadays she hardly update there too even though she got back her password. I think twitter is sufficient enough for my usual updates of Ayu and everything else. =)

I also set up my Facebook account a while ago although I was kinda reluctant at first. lol. In fact I chose to do so to get updates of cosmetic/skincare products easily through pages, and there are a few bloggers whom I read that have pages in which is easier to view at Fb page for pictures. Not that is cos of these reasons I get myself to open Fb account, is also cos of the damn google reader that is gonna shut down this coming July. Arghh it's so much easier to read at google reader for the latest post and I can star it or send it to twitter/Fb or even add tags to categorise them. So I have to have a Fb account as a back up now for those that I'm viewing currently if not by that time I would have a hard time to figure out which blogs/websites I have been viewing all these while. I dun like the layout of Fb at all and it keeps on changing. Fb irritates me a lot more than twitter. But I have to see Fb for updates in the future when I have no choice. I think no other RSS feed or whatever feed is as good as google reader. Why the heck do u wanna close it down when everyone is using it so happily!! I really dun get what those IT companies are doing now. Just like what happened recently for MSN/hotmail. It's just getting on my nerves. MSN to disappear when everyone enjoys using it. Why do u wanna be against ur users wishes?? I really dun get u. (T ^ T)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Popteen April 2013 issue

Late on this post, bought it last month and loving it!

It's Mizuki on cover but strangely, there isn't any big feature about her at all. I see more Kumicky than any other models. lol.

So here all the whole lot of Kumicky:

Seriously, I think this black Kumicky on the left don't look like Kumicky at all!! I couldn't recognise her at that look. She looks so different. I had to see all the other styles in this page and yes to confirm that it's all pages of Kumicky. Totally about her in different styles. I'm kinda surprised she doesn't look like herself sometimes. haha.

I love to see Kumicky in sweet, princess look. And also the rock one!! That hairstyle she had for the rock reminds me of Erika Sawajiri in Helter Skelter. Suddenly I dun quite like those straight fringe. The outfit is perfect but the hair is not to my liking.

And more Kumicky in teaching makeup:

Mature-cute look.
Dolly look.
I love this too with the light brown hair.

Little devil look.

I see closely at the end-of-makeup-look at the bottom left hand corner of the page, I really think this one also dun look like Kumicky. Is it the angle problem or her facial expression? I really couldn't identify it's her somehow... O_O

And sort of a shocking news: Rie has broke off with her boyfriend. -_-

I remember reading about her just got into a relationship, maybe few issues back.. I was kinda happy to see that, then the next issue I bought, I see this. ( ̄^ ̄) It seemed to happen really fast!! And the reason: cos they don't have time for each other. I'm so upset to see this as the reason ok!! In fact, I think they probably didn't love each other enough, if not, no matter how busy u are with ur life, u would always think of the person u loved and would call or meet up even when u're tired from work. Both of them can't even spare the time at all for each other?? and they can't be bothered to do something about this for their relationship? [The guy just agree to the break up when Rie suggested it.]  I somehow feel it's a waste that couples broke up in this way. I may seem to be very busybody in such thing but even for me as a reader, I can feel that sort of sad feeling for things to turn out this way, be it happens to my friends or me. It's just this sad feeling... like: why??? How can this happen!! =(

Okay, never mind about my feeling. I always think relationship should go on good. Maybe too much of dramas that potray too nicely but in reality, people can't really be bothered or put enough effort to make things work. Seems like it. T_T

Little bit strange to see that they feature 2 male models after the female models, cos it's the first time I see this. It's a female fashion mag I have no idea why they even bother to feature about male models, unless they are singers/actors as an interview page but it's not!! I don't really wanna care about this. haha.

Anyway. I see some new models for this season too. But still my love goes to Kumicky and I love this issue cos I see so many Kumicky pages. I really wanna see more Kumicky in upcoming issues and hope not 'graduating' from this mag and move forward to other mags or doing other stuffs. I don't get why the idea of Japanese models/singers 'graduating' from a group. It's basically leaving! And I don't like to see that happen at all. Why can't there be permanent models for a mag?? My first popteen was few years back in 2008 and those batch of models aren't here now. =( Why is it that for ViVi, Lena seems to be forever there? I'm pretty sure she's already a permanent model for them. And I hope this batch of popteen models will stay here for long too, so long as I read it. =)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Namie's concert cancellation in Singapore

I'm so upset to see this last week, when avex suddenly announced that Namie's concert is gonna be cancelled..like all of a sudden. Even though I didn't buy the tickets but as a Namie fan I'm also equally excited to see news of her performing in Singapore. It's really not a good news to see this.

First, it says that it's because the promoter. But the promoter denies and says it's the Japan side's problem. Argh.. Just now I went to read this FB post I do think that there's something wrong with the promoter too. So far such issues hasn't happened for other Japanese artistes or any other artistes coming here to perform. Why did it happened for such a big superstar all of a sudden? [Not to mention is her first time performing here.] Why can't it turn out good?? The concert is just next week and it hasn't yet been resolved? Since it's announced being cancelled and yet they still continue to sell the tickets? I can't believe what is happening for this whole thing. O_O I'll hate to know if something is a scam. I really dun wish it turns out to be like that.

I'm in Namie mode for the past week and of cos looking forward to see news of her concert performance in S'pore. But what is there to hope now? =( All we can do now is to wait. -_-

Spam some Namie pictures to lift the mood:

Pictures from my twitter favourites.

I hope by the end of this week there's some answer to us fans on what's going on.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Happy Ayu day~!! HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY!

Happy 15th anniversary to Ayu~!! \ (^ O ^) / ♪

Omg.. but I feel a little guilty now cos it's the first time I'm watching Ayu's debut performance for poker face. Lol. After being her fan for 10 years, it didn't occur to me that I should check out her debut video online. hahhaa.. 

Ayu seems to me that she is more like shouting than singing. And her jacket makes me feel like she's wearing a raincoat. haha. She really wears a lot of jacket or hoodie back in the past! And her short hair is really like the young ayu symbol~!!

I dun know what else I can do here today other than listening to poker face and maybe all her old albums, the first to the third perhaps. Those old ayu songs are really nostalgic~~  ^_^

Alright, maybe I'll post some of my favourite Ayu pictures too. Ayuday so must look at more Ayu~!!

Changed my twitter avatar to this!! I like this colouring too. TA fans all changed to another version and keep tweeting tat to Ayu.. how cool is that! I suddenly feel that all Ayu fans are so united. And I wanna do that too! haha. I think I have been busy retweeting last night and today. hahaha. Since such an event only happens once!!

Have just seen some tour goods and Ayu will be releasing a 15th Anniversary BOOK [photobook] in which she make a booklet like (miss)understood! 80 pages, photographed while recording in LA, off shots, etc. Omg I feel like melting. 3500yen is really expensive to me. But they all look so gorgeous and I feel like grabbing them too. aww.. =(

Ayu and her doggies~!! Love it!
She should make a photobook of her and her doggies life. lol.



Ayu is just so pretty in this long curvy wavy hair like a doll!!

And the sexy Ayu~~

I find Ayu so amazing, she can be in hundred/thousand of images. She can be cute, pretty, sexy, cool and all outfits suit her soooo much!!  I won't get sick of looking at them~!!

Today is also the release of CDL 2012 -2013~Wake up~ and the new Commerative song Tell All. It's really an amazing song~!! I'm very satisfied with this song! What a nice present for us. =D  I love the beginning of the song the most. It started off slowly and then suddenly the blast~!! It really sounds like Mirrorcle World with the strong beats, and kinda anime-ish. Initially was thinking that it might sound like MY ALL cos of the title. but this was such a surprise! It's such a great day for me today to be able to listen it at this time.

Really, I can't stop listening to Tell All now. And happy 10th anniversary to me as an Ayu fan. How awesome is this. I love April 8~!!

Friday, April 05, 2013

diary thrown! + Ayu TO BE

I did something recently.. dun know if it's good or bad.

I threw away my old diaries. lol.

After I read Cheesie's blog post about her diaries, I suddenly got the urge to look back at my old diaries too. And then, the more I read, the more I feel like destoying them!! Well, that's cos I always write unhappy stuffs in it. And that's becos I use the diary as a way for me to vent my frustration and unhappiness in it. =(

I think it's really a bad way, come to think of it now. Diary is supposed to serve as memories of ur glorious past right? Yet I think that I have nothing nice to write, and so I wrote unhappy, bad stuffs that happened to me.

I think it's quite horrible for anyone to read it. I dun want anyone to know anyway. haha. And so I began tearing up all the pages and threw them away. Now I began to love tearing paper! In fact I wanna burn them away but I think it's kinda dangerous to use the fire and I dun want anyone to know. So... ( ̄^ ̄)

I wondered why other people can write such nice happy things in their diary. How come I can't do that? I dun know why I just can't, cos when I'm happy, I just wanna enjoy the moment and dun feel like writing at all. And now it ended up that I can't recall much happy events that has happened in the past. lol. My memory is certainly getting bad too.

What are memories serve as for? I dun know if they are important. I have quite a few new nice diary books but now I dun feel like writing in them now. I scared I ended up writing unhappy stuffs again. I dun think I can control myself when when it comes to my emotions...

I guess the least I can do now blog. Although I blog so much about Ayu and my mind is filled up with her most of the time. haha. Trying to avoid my letting my unhappiness taking over me too. I hope this works. Maybe I'll let the new nice diary books rot there in my cupboard, or maybe I shall write some stories or lyrics or quotes. It's really been quite a while since I done all these!!

Anyway, my sudden addiction:  Ayu's TO BE~!

I really love the song and the pv. I remember the first time I heard it when I bought my A BEST I was like 'WOW~!! It's really nostalgic' I really heard this song somewhere before!! And I love the lyrics~! And the pv was so colourful~!! Although the short hair wig was kinda strange on Ayu. lol.

I even set up a poll on AHS for this Kaleidoscope pv favourite comparing with Melody. [oh yeah I began to love Melody so much now too~!] I dun get why some hated the song. What's so bad about TO BE?? I love it like max~!!! I think it's really a great song~!! Maybe cos it gives me tat nostalgic feeling the most among all Ayu songs. hahaha.

Ok, I had enough of those memories. Back to study~! 

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Ayu A BEST LIVE Top 50 songs result + bought my LOVE again album

And the results are out!! Sort of. I was expecting really the list of songs that Ayu's gonna perform during her concert. But instead they release the top 50 songs voted by fans. Oh well..

I looked back at my old post last month that I've voted for in which the 3 songs are: I am... , SCAR, everywhere nowhere. I kinda changed my choices since the 10 songs previously did not have any of my choice!! So I voted for I am..., kanariya, monochrome. Yes I insist on I am... cos it's really my fav!! She performed only once back in Arena Tour 2002!! I really love it and the song super a lot. Not to mention that it's a CREA song!! hahaha. 

And so my second voting does have my 2 choices appeared in the 50songs list!! Woo hoo~!! That's quite a little achievement to me I guess. haha. I initially forgotten that I've voted for monochrome! lol. Anyway, it's expected that the previous 10 songs sure appear in this list. But there are some songs I feel really under-rated and also not nice but yet they are in this list. omg. Those that I didn't thought of are: AUDIENCE, flower garden, HONEY, meaning of Love, Replace, teddy bear. Gosh, honestly I've forgot how these songs sound like. It's like I think most fans would not listen to it. Unless u listen to every single Ayu song all the time. Otherwise I dun think many people will vote for it. But well, they still end up in this list, not my favourite ones like SCAR, everywhere nowhere. Why Why??!!

The songs that I'm really glad to see them up there are: End roll, ever free, Key ~eternal tie ver.~, No way to say, Song 4 u, Wake me up. So far is this few. poker face should be there! and other staples and hits are expected as well. So I didn't feel that happy or anything to see them up there. haha.

I've bought my LOVE again album about >2weeks back!!  yeah~!

Just that it's just this plain without any photobook or poster. Since tats what HMV imports. HK press. Am digesting the songs now. I find myself loving this album more than Love songs album!! I really think this is a much better album~!! Ar~~ but I still have not yet watch finish the making-ofs! But I really really enjoy watching the pvs!! Much that I dislike seeing that Maro again. lol.

Ayu really won my heart with all her songs. =)