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Monday, October 21, 2013

HMV Somerset to close down + sweets!!

Wa.. What a sad news is this to know about this last month that one of the HMV outlets is closing down soon after news of gramophone closed down. Ar....this is like double sadness for me. =(

They are saying no reason was given but they chose to close down cos they don't wanna renew the lease. So now's gonna left with the Marina square branch in which is much smaller and worse for looking at Jpop releases. (・`ω´・) I find that I can't even shop there for Jpop stuffs since the shelf is so small and I think even though Kpop has more but it's still pathetic too. (T ^ T) I still like buying CDs off the shelf rather than online but seems like in this kind of situation maybe no sooner or later I'll be forced to purchase them online. But I don't want that to happen. I'm just one of the stubborn fan who likes to go to CD shops. lol.

They have this coupon thing to enjoy discounts but I didn't buy anything at Marina so far. haha. And there's 30% off at Somerset one initially but now is up to 50% off. Seems really quite a good deal but their goods there are getting lesser and lesser and so those that I want isn't there anymore. Otherwise is no sale. Oh yeah, I'm referring to Kagrra,'s cos their album and singles are freaking expensive. Why can't they reduce the price at this time anyway? I'm itching my hands to get on them! I wanna own a second album of Kagrra,~!!!  (x_x)

This is my boring favourite. lol. I love mashmallows since young but as I grow up I no longer eat it for freaking number of years. I suddenly miss the taste of it. I suddenly got into sweet stuffs. I don't even know why. O_O Actually I was looking for chocolate mashmallows but there isn't any sold at that time so I can only make do with strawberry ones. Whatever, is still equally good!

Somehow I wonder why mashmallows isn't sold at Daiso too otherwise I could have bought them more often I think. Oh nooo.......

And Hello Kitty peach Hi-chew! This is a Korean product though. Thought I should try it instead of the regular Hi-chew I've always been having. But ugh this doesn't taste any special. I think the regular ones are better! lol.

Oh I also bought this pocket diary planner from Daiso which is really ugly with brown as the cover. Yes so why am I getting it for the sake of looking at the map of Japan stations!!! I just find it interesting and wanna keep looking at it. Omg I might as well buy a map of Japan instead of this. But still, trying to come up with excuses that this is worth since I can write my plans etc in this little notebook for next year. But it's still kinda early to buy planner for 2014 right. I'm sure the good ones will be out in the shelves pretty soon. Maybe November. My planner is really ugly.  (≧ロ≦)

Hopefully before November 4 I could get something from HMV...

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